
The Throne of Water

Zoe is a university student who herself thinks of her life as a mess and ugly.. . . Little did she know that her life is about to totally change when she gets transmigrated into an unknown world of water and also gets the chance to live a life which she always wanted to. She also encounters many mysteries in new journey of life which leads her to several dangerous enemies........ But.......Will she be able adapt to this new world...... this new life?? Will she be able to fight those enemies??

The_Buzz_Girl · Fantasy
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4 Chs

My New Life

After some time...I came back to my senses there was a satisfactory silence all around me....I felt like I was floating,I quickly wanted to open my eyes to see where I was but struggling to do so.

After a while, when I was able to open my eyes.....I quickly opened it and then I saw that it was the same place which I have already seen before.

"But where?"...I imagined.

I started to reconcile my memories, the images.....Oh! I realized that I was standing in front of a hole.....bu-but what happened after that...

I slowly realized what happened to me....but I still couldn't get about where I was...then I realized that it is an ocean! I was actually transmigrated....wow!

"Wait....what? I'm in an ocean?"

I started panicking because I didn't know how to swim....

But later I realized that I was actually floating not drowning....I was relieved.

When I started to roam around....I felt that something was different in my body.....so I looked down...to my surprise, I actually had a tail of my own.

"Oh my! What the hell is going on with me!"

I quickly searched for some reflecting object to look at myself and got one...

There I saw....My hair was even more longer than before, my specs were not there but I still could see clearly and..." Holy crab! I'm even more beautiful than that Clara!"

And the last....but not the least, "I have now become a mermaid!"

I actually pinched myself to confirm if it's a dream but,"Ouch!" It hurts, it actually hurts"

I was confirmed that it was not a dream....

I was so happy with the fact that I actually can swim now and also I'm beautiful now!

I spinned around happily flapping my tail here and there and dancing carelessly.

But wait!...Is an ocean or something else...

I quickly swam up in the water to look for the sky outside the water.....I was tired but I didn't get the top....

Then I concluded that maybe I'm not in an ocean but somewhere else....I was now coming back to the place where I was.

And during this, I saw many beautiful and weird water creatures swimming around.

I enjoyed every moment of that....after a while I reached the same place where I was and started looking around for someone similar to me but no one was there.....

So I sat there on a stone for a while.....I was so bored that I got up again and started playing with the plants there.....my head also started feeling dizzy again and I think I was going to faint when suddenly someone pulled me back with a voice saying, "Watch out!"

It was a voice of a male.....but it was probably not the voice of Eric,

["so who can it be?"]

I wondered....as he hugged me tight around himself I felt that warmth in him but unfortunately....My eyes were closed so I couldn't see him.

He also ordered someone to go after somebody as if someone was attacking and he was protecting me from them.

" Are you ok?",

"Hey, are you alright?"

Were the only sentences I could hear from him.

I could barely hear his voice as I was not in my senses and everything around me was hazy and later on everything was blacked out..!