
The Throne of Water

Zoe is a university student who herself thinks of her life as a mess and ugly.. . . Little did she know that her life is about to totally change when she gets transmigrated into an unknown world of water and also gets the chance to live a life which she always wanted to. She also encounters many mysteries in new journey of life which leads her to several dangerous enemies........ But.......Will she be able adapt to this new world...... this new life?? Will she be able to fight those enemies??

The_Buzz_Girl · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Mysterious Golden Hole

My head was already aching a lot because of the assignments given by my sir and with a heavy head, I started walking towards my another class.

After a very hectic schedule.....I started walking out of the school campus.

As I reached that same bus stop.....I saw a strange bright golden hole near the stop.

I was about to go towards that hole when I heard Eric's voice

"Zoe.....Wait for me!"

I was like, "Ugghhh! Not again"

And quickly ran the opposite direction for my home.

The next day when I was late again, I was hurrying up with my household chores but then something caught my eye...from the window, I saw that a black dressed man was waiting outside with his car.

But I did not pay attention, I was totally into my work that I forgot about the car.

As I went downstairs.....I realized that the car was waiting for me because it was Eric's car and that black dressed man was his body guard....he was sitting inside the car.

I was full of anger from inside

["~Why do you always keep bugging me~"]

I left a sigh....but I had no choice.

The only choice for me was to sit in the car with him or else he would have followed me throughout my way to school.

As soon as I entered his car....he lifted up his happy face and wished me,

"Good morning Zoe!"

I also wished him back because it was my good manner.

The driver then started the car and there was an awkward silence since the beginning because I was embarrassed and he was shy.

But something strucked my head.....it was about...yes! th-that mysterious hole so I asked him....

"Eric...l-last time, did you see a bright golden hole near the bus stop when you were coming to my home?"

He thought for a while and then replied me,

"No...last time, I did not see it and today also I came from the same route....but still, I didn't see it"


"But why did you ask?" he started becoming curious.....

but I ended up the conversation by saying that maybe I was dreaming or something!

["~Noooo! I'm so stupid....he must be thinking that I'm seeking for chances to talk to him~"]

And he was also smiling like a stupid....well this thing of his makes me cringe all day -_- !

But thanks to God that the driver was driving the car very fast that we reached the school early and I was saved from his cringy shy smiles.

Now I was walking in the school campus when I heard someone saying about the basketball match... then I remembered that I had promised Eric to watch his basketball match today as he helped me that day and saved me from my professor's expulsion.

So I quickly rushed towards the basketball court where the game was already started.

As soon as I entered the court...my head became dizzy and some images in my mind were formed of that hole but I shook my head hard and then went to search for a seat.

Oh! I got one.....I sat there and started watching the match.

I was now feeling more dizzy than before....now, I also started seeing the images of a blue surrounding with some ocean plants and fishes.

I-it was an ocean...but why am I getting those pictures?

My body was also out of my control.....I - I don't know how did I stand up but the only thing I knew was that my head was paining like anything.

I closed my eyes out of pain but when I opened my eyes...I don't know how but I was standing on the middle of the road near the bus stop and the same golden hole flashed in front of me.

"What the hell was happening to me?"

I said as I lost my control over my body and started approaching that hole.....

But my mind was in my control I also wanted to see what the heck was that hole which made me approach it.

I came so.....so close to that hole that now I myself put my hand inside it as I was in my control now.

As soon as I did it, I felt like someone holded my hand tight and pulled me in.

I closed my eyes and shouted aloud,
