
The Throne of Water

Zoe is a university student who herself thinks of her life as a mess and ugly.. . . Little did she know that her life is about to totally change when she gets transmigrated into an unknown world of water and also gets the chance to live a life which she always wanted to. She also encounters many mysteries in new journey of life which leads her to several dangerous enemies........ But.......Will she be able adapt to this new world...... this new life?? Will she be able to fight those enemies??

The_Buzz_Girl · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Where Am I?

When I woke up I found myself in a very big, beautiful and royal room with a girl beside me....but I was scared to see her as I was not in the state of accepting any other surprises.

But she is beautiful and cute and was smiling at me....

In a voice of panic, I asked her,

"Who are you an-and where am I?"

She was still smiling and replied me,

"You are in our kingdom, the Caspian Dynasty and I will be taking care of you from now on..... don't you remember what happened a while ago?"

"Haaa....W-what happened....when did I come here and what about this caretaker thing?"

I asked her as I was too much surprised...

Then she added,

"You don't know?.....You passed out in our prince's arms when someone was trying to attack you"

"Your prince?"

"Yes! Our prince, he saved you that time or you would not have survived now....!"

"Can you please tell me in detail?"

I asked her as I became curious to know about their prince.

She said,

"Sure...well,we were out for a stroll when you were playing with the plants.....then our prince saw that some people were trying to attack you so he quickly rushed towards you and pulled you back and hugged you but you passed out and he brought you here in the palace."

"Oh....so that was the case, that's why I couldn't remember anything....but you still didn't tell me your name."

"Oh...I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you...my name is Maria.....oh! I forgot one more thing.....our prince told me to inform him as soon as you get up but I became busy talking to you" she said in panic


Before I could finish she already got up and said,

"I shall go and tell him that you woke up....ok bye!"

"H-hey! Wait!" I tried to stop her but she was in a hurry so she couldn't hear me.

I was feeling a little dizzy again so I couldn't get up and stop her...

All I could do was to lie on the bed and have a rest.

After sometime a tall, cute and handsome merman came in...

["~maybe he is the prince~"]

I wondered....

He sat down near me and asked if I was ok and I smiled and said that I was all ok.

I also thanked him for saving me that time.....after that we had a little conversation... which was first started by him....

"So what's your name?"

"M-my name's Zoe"

"Well that's a beautiful name.....Oh! I forgot to introduce myself...I'm Adrian, the prince of this kingdom."

["~Ohh so his name is Adrian~"]

"Hi Adrian!" I said

He also asked me about my place,

"By the way.....where do you come from, I mean where is your home.....if you tell me I return back to your home!"

He was such a gentleman that I could only smile and stare at him...

"Hello?" He says as he finds me daydreaming

"Yes?" I said as I came back to reality

"What happened?" he asks

"No-nothing...I was just thinking about your question right now... actually I can't remember where do I come from."


What did I just say? I was about to tell him that I was transmigrated from Earth to this unknown planet and as soon as I entered this world, my legs vanished and I became a mermaid.....but, what I said just now was totally different from what I thought.

As if someone was controlling me, my words...

The same thing I felt when I was in front of that golden hole...but why was that happening...is it some kind of hypnosis?

"So you can't remember anything?"

Adrian interrupted me....

I actually couldn't speak according to my will so I just went on with the flow.

"Yes I really can't remember where do I come from...the only thing I could remember, is that my name's Zoe!"

"Maybe the doctor was right!"


"Yes! I called him to have a check on you.....he said that because of the shock you may not remember somethings... but you will be alright soon!" he added.

"Ahhh! I see!" I said

"Ok then.....you have a good rest and if you remember anything please let me know"

Saying this, he patted my head and went out of the room.

I was happy enough because of the fact that a kind and generous prince was taking care of me.....unlike Eric who always kept bothering me..but I was too tired to think about this further and fell asleep as soon as I made myself comfortable on the bed.