
The Throne of Water

Zoe is a university student who herself thinks of her life as a mess and ugly.. . . Little did she know that her life is about to totally change when she gets transmigrated into an unknown world of water and also gets the chance to live a life which she always wanted to. She also encounters many mysteries in new journey of life which leads her to several dangerous enemies........ But.......Will she be able adapt to this new world...... this new life?? Will she be able to fight those enemies??

The_Buzz_Girl · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"Oh no~oooooooo! I'm late again"

I cried to myself as my clock striked 7:30, I quickly jumped off my bed.....ran towards my bathroom and started brushing my teeth.

"Zoe ! You are late again....hurry up and have your breakfast!"

My mother, Susie said, who was freakingly concerned of her daughter who was late for the 754th day to her classes.

"I- I'm coming mo~om!" I replied as I hurriedly freshened-up myself and came out of my room.

I had no time to merrily sit down and eat and gossip on the other hand.....so I quickly took a sip of my milk; stuffed a slice of bread and rushed out of my house.

My mother worriedly said," At least you should have drank up your milk...~_~!"

I was walking on the footpath when it suddenly started raining....I quickly ran towards the nearby bus stop to prevent myself from being wet.

"~Shhhh~! I should have brought my umbrella.....such a bad day"

I said with a sigh as I sat down in the seating area of the bus stop....but it was pretty common for me as this always happens to me...

I'm Zoe, I'm 19 and I study in a very well known university because of my mom who always works hard to pay my fees, she is a single mother as my father died when I was only six....since then, she has been raising me alone.

But...in these years of my schooling,my grades haven't improved so far and now that I'm late.....I will also get a scolding from my professor!

"Oh...God! Why this only happens to me?"

I said...and just after this, the raining stopped and I quickly rushed to my uni.

As soon as I reached my school entrance, I heard a voice from my backside saying,

"Hi Zoe!"

"Oh! it's you" I said with a fake smile.

Well it was Clara's voice, the beautiful and rich girl whom I hate the moo~oost!

Her presence makes my life a whole more aww-full! I don't know why but she always keeps on picking on me and makes me feel that I'm ugly.

I mean.....I know I'm ugly but why do you only keep picking on me??

"You are late again, aren't you? and I think this will be your last day of school..... hahahaha!" Clara laughed out loud.....

["~huh~ a witch's laugh"] I said in my mind as I ignored her and walked towards the entrance when suddenly a guy's voice came from behind who was calling me.....he was Eric, the most handsome boy in the school; the prince charming of many girls and also the crush of Clara.

But.....for me.....he is the most troublesome guy in the world.....he adds to my troubles...and he might also be the reason why Clara keeps on picking on me... because, he has a crush on me!

[~Awww~] So cringy!

"You are late again....Zoe, but don't worry I will probably protect you from that demonic professor" Eric said super sweetly.

[~Huh...such a childish person~]

I thought...but did not say anything instead I gave him a smile in return. Many people hate me because of him liking me and I hated him because of that.

But now, as we were walking through the entrance...I saw a notice in the bulletin board.

It stated about the swimming competition...as I was reading through it, Clara interrupted me and said:

"You will never be able to take part in this competition" and then continued walking...

I love swimming but that's another thing that I don't know how to swim....so I knew I won't be able to take part in this competition.

"Oh!" I holded my head tight as I remembered that I have a class right now!

I quickly ran towards my class.....

after 1 hour, I came out of the classroom with a severe headache because as the result of reaching the class late for the 754th time I had to redo my homework....in the classroom itself with half an hour of lecture .....Thank God! I wasn't expelled, as the professor warned me of getting me expelled if I came late once more but I was saved because of Eric, but....

A lot more assignments were given to me now!

"I'm literally dieing!" I cried with a sigh.

"Well this is me! and this is my boringggg.....as well as hectic life!"