
The Three Faces of Null

"This is a story of how an entire race will be continuously played with like pieces on a chessboard by a being so powerful that stars weren't even considered a torch to him, and black holes were simply trash bins to him. How and why would anyone inquire the wrath of such a being upon themselves? Witness the struggle, the pain, and suffering they would go through to finally set themselves free from his wrath. This is my first book ever, so I would like to hear your opinions and thoughts on the novel."

Tempest12e · Fantasy
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79 Chs


As they spoke and walked through a passage leading to another part of the house, I noticed how the passage split into other passages at different junctions. However, we continued on the straight path and I sensed that two Juda, pseudo giant peak ranks, were ahead. But that didn't really interest me. What intrigued me was the fact that there was someone in this small village who had Authority, and based on the conversation between Aleazm and Hisho, it seemed to be the chief.

I wondered where the meeting was taking place because I couldn't sense any of the expected participants or the location. However, I continued to follow and remain patient. Along the way, we encountered the two guards whom we passed, entering a new passage. This area didn't appear to be a hidden place, but rather a respected area exclusively reserved for members of the Assembly.

As we confronted a wall made of minerals blocking our path, I finally understood what had been obstructing my perception. The secretary used a unique crystal to open the wall. I questioned whether this was the result of natural occurrence or their artistic skill. If it was their creation, they were unaware of how impressive it was to block my perception, enhanced by my AI. What an achievement!

To my surprise, the wall moved, revealing a hidden passage on the left side. I sensed a different level of power emanating from within. I couldn't believe my eyes – two individuals with the rank of San: myth, and not only that, an even more astonishing sight awaited me.

In this small village, I had just discovered a San: Titan rank, something I had previously considered impossible.

My surprises didn't stop there, as this place is similar to the surface but has even more disruptive energy. However, it was still tranquil and simple. A plain grassland, but also a rarity in Worlds, it was a Sacred land.


"It's not a might, you can't even beat us, the Generals," said Aleazm.

"What?" Waka stated angrily and coldly. He took using the Chief's power as an insult, knowing that the Chief's power was beyond his understanding, but not the Generals'. Even though he was the youngest member in the Assembly, he was also incredibly strong.

Becoming a member of the Assembly wasn't just about being voted in by the people; it also required the strength to defend that vote. Every single member of the Assembly was a monster in their own right. If they were going to act like this, he was ready to fight them right here to prove his strength. Well, not here in the sanctuary, but he was ready to go anytime.

"Calm yourself, Waka. You would only win if you all combined into one being and faced us, or if you had perfect or near-perfect synchronization in battle, both of which you youths lack. If all of you were to fight as one, some of you would make mistakes and undoubtedly hold back the more powerful among you. For example, if Jude, Nake, and Dani were to fight alongside you, with their limited combat experience and strength, even if Dan was there, he may have strength but lacks the same level of experience, even with his skill. Wouldn't he hold you back from going all out? And do you believe we wouldn't take advantage of that? We would pick you guys off in twos or threes until there is no one left." Aleazm said without a hint of mercy in his voice.