
Chapter 29: Rhys Vs Afallon

Four robed figures converged at the centre of a circle of kneeling supplicants, murmuring forgotten incantations as they prepared to unleash the Sun Ray Spell. Among them, three lowered their hoods, revealing their identities.

The first was a young woman with piercing hazel eyes and hair as dark as a raven`s wing. Her athletic frame was sun-kissed and toned, embodying strength with its modest curves. Saeth, her name known from prior encounter in the dungeon, possessed a lithe and agile build, her small chest accentuating this fact. The second, a man named Vaughan, was distinctive with his fiery orange hair and absence of eyebrows. Standing with them was Llewsern-no mere human, but a feline humanoid of mythical origin. The fourth figure remained masked by the hood, commanding an ominous presence.

“Saeth, Vaughan, and Llewsern,” the cloaked leader intoned, “begin with the dwellers of the cave, then reduce this island to ashes. Leave no trace.”