
Chapter 30: The Confront

Rhys Faughn and Afallon unleashed their attacks simultaneously, the circles of cloaked figures standing witness, including the staff-wielding figure bridging the gap between the two combatants. As they summoned flames to their palms, they hurled fiery projectiles at each other, resulting in a dazzling collision that sent sparks flying. Rhys and Afallon, relentless, continued to conjure fire, each striving to overpower the other. The impact of their clashing magic slowly pushed Rhys back, his stance wavering as he struggled to maintain control over his arcane flow.

“You are using your magic all wrong,” Rhys called out, his voice strained under the pressure as he resisted the force pushing against him, while Afallon seemed to wield his fire with a more composed mastery.

“Alewen taught us to channel our magic with our minds and will, not with anger and pain,” Rhys exclaimed, reinforcing his stance against Afallon`s advancing magic.