
The Tale of Emily and wolf

urban legend which everyone had forgotten, a tale of blood ,fate and revenge . As our protagonist Emily uncovers the hidden truth and find her other half

NaCn33 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Training commence

Emily was scared and was covered with her blanket around herself.

Knock was heard from the door

"ma'am it's Mary may I come in"

Emily opened the door and Mary barged in without any regard.

Mary stayed with her till she falled sleep and

Looked at the girl.

" she look like him " she thought and left without disturbing the sleep

Emily who was looking at the fading image of Mary thought " how much years has it been my room become lively again, she remembered her past memories when her mother used to tell her stories and poems and slept comfortably .

Mary left Emily room and went to beach for a walk and thought about her adventures past

Few years ago

Some forest near Mt. Hua

Mary was resting near a big tree and catching her breath

"old man really, are you trying to make me a trekker, it's been two month but you have made me cover six mountain trail".

"when are we going to start the art of wolf"

She asked holding her smile.

"don't be hasty my dear princess, you will meet the person who will teach you the basic"

old man replied

It has been two months since the hall incident, Mary had accepted her fate. She contacted her parents and said about the six months free training program that queen had made for her.

When she looked at the brochure she was shocked it was from wire steel industry a well known private army and security company known for their strong personals

She looked at the queen wondering

"did you think we stayed like aristocrat" queen laughed.

"this is one of my cover, it all belongs to who succeeded me so win okay" queen replied and left.

Such a carefree queen she thought and continued her climb through the mountain.

By evening they had reached the top while Mary was resting to recharge herself

She heard a calm voice calling for her,

When she looked at the direction she saw a young girl and man walking towards them and greeted the old man and started to talk

"sir Louis it's a pleasure to meet you we thought we would not see you again after the whole territory issue".

"you must be the princess, the Jing clan greets the Princess" the man and the young girl bowed.

"I am huang Xiao the gaurdian jiuwehiu of the huli jing(nine tail fox)" the man

"I am yiyi the newly chosen jiuwehiu" the young girl said in melodious way.

Mary who was about start her rapid fire of questions stopped by the old man who had start to explain the history

"I guess the queen had mentioned to you about our origin"

Mary nodded while listening diligently

Old man continued

"like our case in different country There are different tribes which are famous or well hidden.

There are ten pure blood and other minor and major branches through out the world we being one of the pure blood choose to follow the aristocrat way.

Different tribe follow different way and their origin also differ here they where said to be origin by the Chinese tale of nine tail fox. In their tribe during the full moon a ceremony is conducted in which young children drink a potion created by the current nine tail and the child who would release the nine tail aura is chosen as the next successor.

Gaurdian is chosen by fight tournament and the winner is given the blood of new and old nine tail which said to activate the transform character.

They are then under the training of previous guardian "

" woah the tales continue " Mary smiled brightly and said like a kid listening to a bed time story.

They grouped and left for their village

" our village is best place to learn "

Yiyi started to boast about her tribe

The night sky was bright and they had reached the village

Mary was astonished when she saw the village, it was not some Chinese movie style old torn village but a apartment complex

" hey yiyi is this really your village" Mary asked with curiosity.

"Yes yes this our village the heaven rose village complex" she replied enthusiastically.

Mary was dumbstruck by the reply and continued to walk with towards the complex

They where assigned a room in the best apartment and yiyi accommodated her

Yiyi was sticking towards Mary like a moth towards the flame.

Finally yiyi closed her eyes and slept.

"she is really a pitiful child, poor girl had to go through without anyone to look after her"

Mary overheard the conversation between oldman and the Gaurdian.

The night passed

Mary woke up as usual

"yiyi wake up its time" she called the girl who was sleeping next to her.

She helped yiyi with the morning activities she fed her breakfast and was dressing her for the day.

Mary has turn to a complete mother.

They where called to the underground facility for the basic training

When both of them reached they saw ten people dress in some martial art costume

"yeah its the return to the 35th chamber" Mary replied while bowing.

"sheesh Mary sis they are the elder master of our clan please respect them" yiyi replied with some sadness.

"let's beat the shit out of them" Mary said and stood in her fighting stance.

"One of a kind"

A young man watching this from the surveillance monitor laughed and said.