
The Tale of Emily and wolf

urban legend which everyone had forgotten, a tale of blood ,fate and revenge . As our protagonist Emily uncovers the hidden truth and find her other half

NaCn33 · Fantasy
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As Mary and the wolf turned women reached the majestic hall of the castle

Hall was filled with people seated on both side of hall with two aide and at the center an empty throne made up of wolf pelt was present

"Wow mahn! Feels like a fantasy movie scene" she thought.

Mary's thoughts where interpreted by a loud proclamation

" Queen of blood wolves, nightmare of terria

Her Majesty, Anastasia the fourth"

The woman near her walked and sat on the throne in a dignified way and announced

" I have called all of you today to report a sad event to our society, my son the next in line to my throne have passed away while protecting the forest against the filthy bloodsuckers"

Hall was filled with uproar of different people

" let the contract be dismissed let's start war I have been preparing for it" an elder with long white beard shouted.

"what will happen to the succession" a young man who have served the army asked

Questions and cries where filled.

A fear striking howl came

Hall become quiet

The queen continued her talk

" this girl, Mary was chosen by my son and I have decided to accept her and allow her to participate in the upcoming succession race which will be held six months from now"

Announcement causes commotion in the hall

Clueless Mary tried to escape from the crowd but her movement where shunt from the previous howl of the queen

Watching her clumsy action

A young man with grey hair having a peculiar tattoo on his arm smiled and started to talk " Her Majesty, can she really participate in the race, she look to weak and pale I don't think she can even unlock the first stage within six months"

Mary without thinking started to run towards the young man and gave a smooth flying kick which struck the young man who had raised his hand reflexively.

The man was thrown few step backwards

" you are death"

He replied and was ready to attack Mary by posing a primitive fight stance

" you bark too much, I thought you were a wolf nevermind" Mary taunted him

The comment made the young man to lose his mind and started to attack mary

Mary dodge the incoming punches and kicks and gave some feint kicks on the critical point of the man's body

Man throw his powerful punch

Mary dodge with ease and gave a reverse kick which made the man to fall down

"referee it's a K. O" she laughed and replied and was ready to leave the hall

Suddenly she felt a ominous energy from her behind

She tried to look at the cause, she got shocked

A man who she was fighting was covered with some kind of tattooed fur and claws like a snow wolf

The man jumped towards Mary like predator who was ready to saviour his cute prey

Mary took a defense stance instinctively and waited for her ill fate

Suddenly a old man in three piece suit stood between them and stopped the angry snow wolf

" show some respect to our guest, she just came to know our existence do you really want to kill her Tom" old man said

"okay okay let continue it on the tournament"

He replied and went to his seat.

"ha she look like a raccoon more than a wolf" old man laughed and said looking at Mary who had transformed due to pressure she had red ears and a tail

Her look made the entire hall to laugh

Queen smiled and said

" sir Louis, I hope you could teach some sense to the girl"

"as you wish my lady" old man replied.

Present night

Emily stood behind Mary hugging her to not let her go

Mary sighed and reported to chief about the wolf situation.

The team lead by chief came and took Emily away, Emily was looking at Mary with sad eyes before leaving her.

" I will survey the area and come in five minutes if not sent a team" she reported to a colleague and jumped from the balcony and landed smoothly on the surface and head to towards the forest

The group of wolf came near her and bowed

" you still didn't master the transformation what a pity I guess this is your limit" the queen made a joke.

" your majesty came here to check upon this small issue, I guess your surveillance has lost its touch" she countered the queen

"I need your help don't you want to avenge your masters death"

Mary's eye changed to dark red and asked "did you catch that bastard or you are still planning for the extermination in the

pretense of revenge"

Queen flinched " well well student become the master, didn't I tell you not to use the royal authority carelessly it could kill a weak person like your employee".

Mary's eye turned back

" let me check my schedule and contact you later"

She smiled and left the wolf pack

Queen looking at the view sighed and commanded to keep a watch on her and left.