
The Tale of Emily and wolf

urban legend which everyone had forgotten, a tale of blood ,fate and revenge . As our protagonist Emily uncovers the hidden truth and find her other half

NaCn33 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

First date

It have been 3 weeks since they have arrived at the village, Mary was under constant physical and mental stress due to the tough training regime.

" tsh pls avoid those underhand techniques this time around" Mary shouted at the instructor

Like usual after the practice Mary was having her lunch with yiyi in the restaurant near the apartment.

A young man in his early 20 walked towards their direction

"yiyi how have you been" he asked yiyi

"long time big brother" yiyi hugged him and said

Mary introduced herself and got to know that yiyi is brother was a detective in police department and he usually volunteers to do security and surveillance in the apartment.

Her brother was type Mary liked as such she didn't not leave a chance to fate to connect them

She boldly asked for a date with the young man

" ha Okey cool let's meet on Sunday" he replied while smiling

Mary was in cloud nine, as she never got a chance to date due to her hectic training routine which she started from young age

She started to plan her future while checking her cupboard to find a good pair dress for the date

Sunday morning

Mary waited for him the entrance of the apartment, the young man came riding his bike and stopped near her

" do you want to try riding" he asked while throwing the spare helmet to her

Mary jumped and accepted his offer and ride the bike

They spent the day visiting different cafes, arcade

Mary was enjoying her first date

Evening reached and they where ready to leave for the apartment.

Young man was riding the bike while

Mary who was hugging the young man. From the pillion seat of the bike.

Suddenly a black figure stood in front of the bike to avoid hitting the unknown the young man shift the handle which made the bike to skid and fall

When they where getting up from the skid

And to check for the black figure

A ominous energy was felt from the place where the black figure was standing

Started to murmur something in the language Mary couldn't understand

"ho you haven't started the ruhic language to bad" black figure said while removing the black mask and coat

Mary saw a foreigner with blue eyes looking at her with curiosity

"Mary run I while buy some time"young man said and took his gun and started to shoot to the mysterious person

" Ha primitives" the foreigner said and avoided the firing bullet and jumped towards th young man and gently pierced his hand into the chest of the young man

This sight made Mary lose her control and started to go berserk

She launched continues act on the figure without thinking it was a futile attempt

"that's all for today, lets meet again princess" the foreigner disappeared from Mary's sight

This was Mary's first encounter with a vampire halfling.


Emily was checking her phone like she always do on her search she saw her cousin post one of their old pictures they took on a vacation in China.

"Why does all my cousins have the blue even my older brother have it."

She thought while looking at the photo and wondered.