
The Tale of Emily and wolf

urban legend which everyone had forgotten, a tale of blood ,fate and revenge . As our protagonist Emily uncovers the hidden truth and find her other half

NaCn33 · Fantasy
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7 Chs



Emily was roaming around the balcony of the mansion enjoying the beach under the moon, suddenly she heard a moaning sound curiously she looked towards the source of the sound she found a wolf

Upon seeing emily the wolf jumped towards her

Suddenly like a wind Mary stood front of her

" ha now I should protect you from wolves"

She sighed and loaded her stun gun and aimed at the wolf

While she was about to pull the trigger

"It's been a while, I hope you remember me my daughter "wolf communicate to her telepathically

Mary's aim was missed and wolf ran away

" it's just like few years ago did she really Want me for a competition again "

Mary sighed and wondered about her encounter with the wolf.

Few years ago

Day after Mary was bitten by a wolf

Mary woke up as usual after discovering truth about her new Supernatural power and decided to trek the forest before going home

She greeted the ranger and went for a quick walk near the prohibited area

She was enjoying the calm river suddenly she heard a movement near the shrubs

Slowly she approached like a predators towards a prey

She saw a wolf looking at her

" so you are the person my son chooses to continue the legacy tsk he had better choose the ranger"

Mary was dumbstruck and looked around she even thought she was high

"o my child I am the mighty wolf the guardian of this forest"

She looked at the wolf puzzled

Without giving a time to think for Mary

The wolf continued "it has been thousand years since we have existed, it was said that your ancestors had asked for blessing to protect them against invader, we came to existence we were merely able to use our body to protect you but we did with complete loyalty.

As you know human greed has no limit those treacherous people your ancestors start to experiment on us in the name of alchemy. The gods where displeased to stop this atrocities they made us the werewolf we have been acting as a mediator since then to uphold peace between human and other species "

After hearing the fable Mary was shocked

" wow mahn nice cg you guys can stop the prank"

The wolf sighed and transformed her self into a beautiful woman of late 30s and said now

"now now let's go it's time for my daughter to be introduced to the tribe"

Wolf grabbed Mary and swiftly moved to their location

The wolf took a seal and placed on a desolated castle.

Castle started to magically transform and they entered the castle through the large door