
The Tale of Emily and wolf

urban legend which everyone had forgotten, a tale of blood ,fate and revenge . As our protagonist Emily uncovers the hidden truth and find her other half

NaCn33 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

First encounter

Mary had a secret which she can't spill until she die she was a werewolf. It happened few years back when she was trekking after a competition. She was returning from her track she saw a injured wolf she was eager to know what happened to it she walked near the wolf and was about to check its plus but suddenly the wolf bit her leg

"Ha shit there goes my summer tournament "she responded looking at the injury

She checked her bag took the bandage and water and provided some first aid to the wolf

She then piggybacked the wolf and walked with the help of a broken stick

Ha finally reached the ranger's office she sighed and knocked the door

An old man walked towards her and asked "hey kid you a hunter or something grabbing a dead wolf "

She dropped the wolf and looked at it and pondered "ha it had really left the world I guess it was unlucky"

With the help of the ranger she prepared the grave for the wolf.

Silent night filled with the light of full moon

After reaching the hotel she took a bath and did some warm up and practiced her kicks.

She jumped to the bed and was ready to recharge herself but she couldn't sleep she was feeling uncomfortable near her leg she was constantly scratching her leg and when it become uncomfortable she rushed to the bathroom and took some pill for allergy. While she was leaving the bathroom she saw something strange on her face she checked while switching on her flashes

Oh gooooooooood no no no it's dream

She screamed

In the shock she become unconscious

She walk up and checked her face again to her surprise it had turned back

She took her laptop and started to explore the world of internet to understand what had happened to her

The answer she got was she had turned a werewolf

"finally got the smell"

A wolf smiled while circling around the hotel