
The Tale of Emily and wolf

urban legend which everyone had forgotten, a tale of blood ,fate and revenge . As our protagonist Emily uncovers the hidden truth and find her other half

NaCn33 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Second chance


As Emily's father had completed his task in the island they where ready to fly to their family's estate

"finally going to meet my cousins" Emily was on cloud nine

" sorry kid they are busy due to some work" her mother's words made her lose interest to visit the estate.

At noon they packed all their belongings and was ready to leave for the flight

Mary was to accomodate Emily as she had won her heart.

Mary's light sleep on the plan was disturbed when she heard gunshots

"seriously people should use earphone in plan" while saying it Mary looked

Their plan has been hijacked

Mary started analysing the situation and was ready to launch her attack

But she stopped think about the harm she could to do to her employer and family resting in the first class

Mary checked around and saw her colleagues signalling her to take down the masked assailant on the back while they would takedown one on the front.

They formed a team of two and went to opposite direction calmly

They took down the assailant simultaneously and started to bind them with ducts tape they borrowed from nearby passenger

They found out they were some radical members of yellow foundation, a dark organization which gained popularity due to their movement against the body modification bill that UN passed two years ago, at the beginning they where group of militants with no land, but they grow larger under the leadership of K whose identity is still unknown.

They where targeting Emily's father who was a key supporter of the bill.

There plan was to inject the untested body modification drug on his family and broadcast it.

Mary and her colleagues started to load the weapons used by the assailant

They prepared handmade smoke Grenada and other basic equipment with the help of passengers.

They followed a tactical formation and started to approach the first class.

They took down all the masked assailants and finally approached the first class

Where the masked assailant was pointing his gun on Emily's father.

To the masked assailant's suprise Mary jumped and kicked down the assailant. This made her team to focus on the other members and successfully saved her employer and family.

Emily father took the case containing the untested drug with him.

The hectic day ended as they land on their destination

While moving through exit of the airport Mary instinctively moved in front of Emily. "hey did you spill some sauce" Emily laughed while pointing her hand on Mary.

"oh shit seriously forgot to wear the jacket again"

Mary said while looking at the shirt and at the next movement she fall down unconsciously.

Call 911 please!!! Cries where heard while Mary moved her head subconsciously

Mary started to have the dream she wished to forget

Few years ago

Hospital in China

"he was attacked, I tried to give some first aid doc save his life" Mary in blooded clothes cried and begged the doctors.

Doctors took him to the ICU in jet speed and started performing operations

The light on top of the ICU faded and the door of dead opened

"he is safe for the movement still in the coma don't know when he will wake up" doctor replied

Hearing the news Mary and the elders from village sighed

"Mary come to the roof with me" old man called her.

As Mary was enjoying the star steadied night.

Old man started to speak

"I never hoped you will meet them this fast we had you under a closed surveillance, I think they got your pheromone smell when you went on the date, tsk they dared to humiliate the blood wolf"

"Who we're they old man and what was that wierd language he spoke " Mary asked

Old man continued

"they where halfling that's all you need to know and about the language we will discuss about it tomorrow.

You are being Summoned in the regional office so wake up early tomorrow"

Old man stopped and left Mary on the rooftop.

"I have to get strong

I have to get strong

I have to...."

she started to repeat while looking at the stars