
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 9

Head of the henchmen said to the others.

-Bind her up tightly and put a cloth on her eyes so that she can't even if she wakes up.


Mathew came forward and started to check everything from a corner.

-Let's go now. Hurry, get everyone on the car.

The van moved fast not wasting a single moment.

Kevin hurriedly brought his car from the parking lot and took Olivia in. He started to drive as fast as he could. In the meanwhile Olivia was a crying mess. She was getting anxious and terrified. Kevin saw that and remembered what Luna said about Olivia.


-No I can't now. It's already late. Mama will be scared. And I don't want it to happen.

-Why? What will happen if Aunt Olivia gets scared?

-If she gets terrified she'll start to shake so much and murmur on her own. At that time it's hard to get her back on her sense. If can't, I'll need to give her sleeping pills so that she can sleep to reduce her anxiety.

-Why does it happen? I mean she wasn't like this before.

-It probably happens 'cause of the nightmare papa gave to her. She gets easily scared now. I guess she is more afraid of losing me all the time.

Back to the present

Remembering all this, he pulled his car in a side and started to call her. Fortunately she came back to her senses. She asked to Kevin.

-Where are we? Where's my baby?

-Don't worry auntie. We'll find her in no time.

-Why did they kidnap her? She is so innocent. She's suffering through all these entirely because of me. I'm such a bad mother.

Saying this she burst in cry.

-No auntie. Don't lose hope now. We need to stay strong for the sake of her safety.

She stayed quiet and sobbed in silent.

-Auntie we'll make a police report right now. And also police knows my family background and our relation with the government. So they'll definitely find her.