
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 10

Kevin called the chief of police department.

-Hello, is this the commissioner Mr. Robert D. Timpson?

-Yes. May I ask who you might be?

-Oh, Mr. Timpson. It's me. The only son of White Queen Group's owner. Kevin Lee.

-Yes, Mr. Lee. How come you remember me at this hour?

-Sorry for disturbing you this late at night but it's an emergency. Can we meet now? I need to ask you for a favor.

-Sure. We can meet up at the downtown police station, I believe where you'll also be, am I right?

-Yeah, sure. We'll be there waiting for you and also thank you so much for taking your time and coming here for us.

-No problem. It's our duty to serve people. Anyways what your family did for our country can't be repaid with these small things.

They cut the call and Kevin started to go towards the downtown police station. They reached in just a few minutes. The downtown police station is near from Luna's house. They waited in front of the main entrance for like an hour for the commissioner to arrive. At last he arrives. He comes towards them half running.

-I'm sorry, Mr. Lee. I'm late.

-No problem. It's a pleasure that you came. Oh, let me introduce to you. This is Aunt Olivia, Olivia Eston. She's my childhood friend, Luna Martin's mother.

-Nice to meet, ma'am.

Olivia didn't respond that much to him. She was still shaking terribly. Mr. Timpson noticed that.

-So the main problem is that my friend has gotten kidnap by a bunch unknown guys. They kidnapped right in front of us. They eloped in a black van.

-Around at what time did it occur?

-Around 11 o'clock.

-Where were you when all of this happened?

He asked the question to both of them but the attention was on Olivia, but still got no response. Kevin noticed it too and answered it of behalf of her.

-I was parking my car in the parking lot and auntie was standing in front their main staircase with Luna. Then I heard auntie's scream, I ran hurriedly. I saw that Luna was getting drugged and dragged towards the van whereas auntie was getting stopped and hit. I tried to stop them but got hit with a rod. I fell down even though still tried to get her back but couldn't. They got away.

Hearing Kevin repeating the scene, Olivia imagined the scene and got hyper and started to shake terribly and shouting, "LUNA! LUNA, MY BABY." Kevin tried to get her back on her sense but failed. Luckily he had a sleeping pill in his car's dashboard. He quickly took it out and gave it to her. In some moments she fell asleep. Mr. Timpson just stood there quietly and observing what is happening.

-Sorry, Mr. Timpson. You had to see all these.

-No, it's alright but what happened to her? Why was she acting like that?

-It's just her past trauma and this incident has a huge effect on her.

-Oh, ok.

They went inside of the station and Kevin carried the sleeping Olivia. He put her on a sofa and put a warm blanket on her so that she can get a cozy sleep. Mr. Timpson went out to bring coffee for both of them.