
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 25

He got out of his car looking furious. He went straight to his room not looking what was happening in his surround. Looking at his furious face, she knew right away something happened against his will. She tried to talk with him.

-What happened? Did you get him?

He didn't answer her. He completely ignored her existence and went straight to his room and shut the door on her.

-What happened exactly?

She asked his most loyal and head of men, Bill Raymond.

-Ma'am, boss couldn't find the late chairman's murderer.

-Why? Didn't you tell him that guy was somehow involved with his murder? Then what happened?

-He told him nothing. He said that he didn't know what he was talking about. He also mocked boss so he got angry and killed all of them. He also then searched their private rooms thoroughly but couldn't find a single clue. Ma'am, please help him calm down otherwise he might do something real bad out of anger.

-I'll see about that.

She went to his room and stood in front of the door. She knocked.

-Ash? Son? Can you hear me?

No reply.


Still she got no reply. She called for him several times more despite his no reply twice. But still got no replies. She sighed and then left.

Inside the dark room

Ash was sitting in a dark corner of his pitch black dark room, thinking.

In his thoughts

"What had gone wrong?"

"Why can't I catch him?"

"Uh. . . I'm so mad. I can't even take revenge for dad properly. I'm such a useless son."

"How can he escape all the time?"

"How is he ruining my plans every time I make a move? Is he getting the information from someone I know?"

"Is someone from my men betraying me by giving the information to him?"

"I must hurry. I must catch him."

"Dad, I'll surely avenge your death."

"I miss you, dad."

End of his thoughts

He was thinking all these and crying silently. Tears were flowing heavily down his cheeks. He was crouched down. He got distracted by hearing his mom's calling. But he decided not to answer it and went on with what he was doing. He again got into his world of thoughts and after a while he fell asleep for crying for so long.

In the meanwhile, she managed the keys to his room. She opened it and saw him sleeping on the floor crouched down. She also noticed the dried tear drops in his cheeks. He looked worn out. She ordered Bill to lift him up on his bed. After putting him on the bed, she went away to her room with a sad face.

Hello, viewers. Thank you for continuing my book.

I'm extremely sorry for not being able to publish my book regularly due to me being a student. :) Hope you understand.

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