
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 24

Luka was getting nervous just like everyone else present there as the sounds of the boots were heard all over the place upstairs.

-Mama, I'm scared.

-Don't be. I told you that I'll keep you safe, didn't I?

-Ok mama.

She calmed him down but her thoughts were getting wild and negative. She was also very scared.

In the meanwhile, Kevin got astounded to hear him say nice.

-What do you mean nice?

-It's not like that. The killer just did our job. He made it easy for us. Killing them or capturing them would've been a great hassle. That's why I was saying nice not that I enjoyed the sight of their lifeless dead bodies.

Kevin nodded in agreement.

His men cleared all the due works on them. And prepared their bodies for transport. One of his team members, assigned to check if there's anything left to check thoroughly, reported to Timpson immediately on finding something.

-What is it? Did you find anything?

-Sir. There's a door behind Mathew's closet. And it seems like he purposely hid it. I think sir there's something hidden behind it otherwise he wouldn't have hid it so well.

-Hmm. I think so too. What do you say Mr. Timpson?

-Okay then let's find out.

He took 2 men from his team and Kevin and the rest of them stayed there packing the dead bodies.

The moment they entered Mathew's room, they got stupefied.

-Looks like the killer did a rampage here.

-Hmm. It looks like he was searching for something.

-Anyways, let's take a look at the door. Let's see what we can find behind that door.

Timpson took a look at Mathew's closet.

-How interesting! He made a joint door inside his closet. I must admit he sure was cunning.

-But why would he make a joint door inside his closet?

-First of all no one here will ever dare to open his closet and second is that even if somebody opens it they won't find it easily unless they go through his clothes because the door is well hidden behind his stacks of clothes.

-If he'd been an official like you, he'd made a great detective.

-True. Now let's open it. Everyone get prepared. Anything can be behind it. Be on guard.

Everyone stood alert. Timpson opened the door on the count of three. The scene behind the door astounded everyone. They couldn't believe their own eyes. They went further inside to see what's there left to astonish them.