
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 20

Luka was getting nervous at her sudden question.

-What did you say?

She couldn't believe her own ears.

-Say it one more time.


-You're really saying mama, right? Or am I hearing things?

-Mama, mama, mama.

He continued to say that to make her believe that he was addressing her as his mama. But she was also shocked to hear it from him so she just kept asking the same question again and again until one of the victims confirmed it for her.

-Yes, miss; he's addressing you as his mother. He sees you as his mom.

-I just can't believe my own ears. I didn't expect him to say that.

-You're lucky.

She turned to him with a big motherly smile.

-Luka, do you really mean it? Are you really saying mama?

He nodded. Others said in astonishment, "What a smart kid!" She was very delighted to hear him say that. She hugged him in overloaded happiness. He hugged her back.

Ever since that day, their lives in that basement totally changed. She gave blood daily to them in order to keep him safe. After that she slept for a while and Luka sat beside her until she woke up. She played with him there and when they were given food, she gave him half of her portion from her food along with his portion. She made friends with everyone there staying as the victim and also with the doctor. She got to know how did such a good and professional doctor ended up with Mathew's gang and had to do their nasty jobs. Luka also became much mature psychically and learnt to take care of himself and her. Their days were going smoothly and happily except for Luna's daily giving which was getting the real deal out of her. Within just an amount of two days' time, she knew she had gotten really weak and if things went on like this she'll die soon. But she didn't notify anything about it to him because it might worry him.

Next day

-Let's go Luka.

-Mama, don't you need rest today?

-No, baby. I'm feeling just fine today, that's all.

-Okay. Then let's go. Let's play something interesting today.

-Let's go.

As they were playing, suddenly she noticed that someone was in Mathew's room. They played and got closer to that room. She heard some people's conversations.

-Calm down, Mr. Roy.

-How can I calm down now of all time? The mafia king has made me his target. And I think he's currently on the move.

-But why's he targeting you? What did you do to provoke him?

-I did nothing. I don't even know his face. And I'm not that mad to provoke him.

-Then why? What's the matter?

She heard all of it and thought who's he?