
The Tale of an Unfortunate Girl

Life and time awaits for none as good and bad times comes to our life repeatedly. The story of an ordinary happy girl whose life got stirred up every time something bad happened to her and to her beloved ones. But eventually she learnt to adjust to her messed-up life which ends with her true love. Will she suffer more after that?

Zarin_Hasan_5378 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 21

Back to the present

-Boss, we're here.

He looked outside from the side window of his posh car. He sent some of his men to check the situation of there. Soon his right hand man came and gave his report.

-Boss, there's not much of bodyguards outside or in front the main entrance. It looks like there also isn't that much of bodyguards inside either.

He smirked.

-It looks like he's waiting for his death. Then what are waiting for? Let's go and end his terrain.

-Yes boss.

They got lined up outside their cars and he made an epic entrance. They all moved and took care of all the bodyguards outside at the main entrance at once.

-Boss we'll take care of outside. You go and do it. Some of us will assist you.

The right hand man shouted at him while fighting. He nodded and smiled at them.

-Make sure, all of you gets back home alive. If you can do that much I'll treat you guys.

They all responded to him with much increased fighting spirit. He may seem cold on the outer surface but in inside he's a gentle beast.

He loaded himself with what he need for taking care of those bastards. It's only a gun. A group of only four armed men went with him to assist him.

He stood in front the main entrance for a while and took a deep breath. He smirked and broke the door and got inside the warehouse.

All of the bodyguards inside got alert but they were too late. By the time they were bracing themselves for the attack, he had already began his merciless attacks. Within a short time, he and his team killed all the bodyguards.

Mathew got aware of his attacks from his private room downstairs. He and Roy hurriedly got out from his room and went towards the basement but got trapped by his men. Both of them surrendered quickly and got shocked to see the man behind all of this.

-Please let us go. We did nothing wrong to you.

The man in the back said in a deep stern cold tone.

-Let you go? After what you did?

Mathew got afraid.

-I did nothing wrong. It was all Mr. Roy who did wrong to you.

-Shut up and just die already. Oh wait.

He came closer to Mathew and held his jaw.

-Who killed my dad?

-I-I don't know.

He got furious and shot both of them in the head. The gunshot was heard very clearly from the basement. Everyone got scared and screamed. He heard and came down to them.