
The Sword God Is Bored

He is the ruler of all creations, invincible, and his power is unrivaled. All the gods and demons fear him. With a single slash, he can eliminate all his enemies, earning him the title of "Sword God." Despite his extraordinary might, he grows weary as no one dares to challenge him anymore, and his overwhelming power isolates him from finding companionship. Determined to overcome his boredom, he makes the decision to seal his powers and reincarnate into the mortal world, embarking on a journey to find excitement once again. "I have grown bored. So what?"

sicko · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

It was a rare occurrence for Athena to feel such an intense desire to kill someone after countless billions of years. However, they decided to let go of that matter for the time being. Tessa expressed her desire to return to the dormitory, not wanting to cause Dwight any unnecessary worry.

Athena understood that Dwight wouldn't be concerned even if they stayed in that place for years. With Athena's presence, Tessa's safety was assured. Nevertheless, Athena chose not to push Tessa too hard and allowed her to rest. Tessa's progress had been astonishing, and Athena couldn't help but feel that within a year, they could elevate Tessa to the higher planes and have her compete with other geniuses of the universe.


Inside the dormitory, Dwight glanced at the amiable middle-aged man standing before him. The man wore a warm smile, yet in his right hand, he held a severed head.

"Young Master, I have finally completed the mission you entrusted to me," the middle-aged man said.

"This is the leader of the Assassin House, and I have eliminated everyone associated with that organization," he continued, presenting the head to Dwight.

Dwight's expression remained impassive as he examined the severed head. It was as if its significance didn't faze him in the slightest.

"Good job, Uncle Levi, you can now rest" Dwight replied, smiling at the man. Levi couldn't help but entertain the notion that his young master was concealing his true strength. Dwight showed no hint of unease, even when faced with such brutality. It was highly unusual for a seemingly lazy young master who had never witnessed the harsh realities of the world.

Uncle Levi, a loyal servant who had served the Starlight family for decades, observed Dwight's composed demeanor and couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride and concern. He had watched Dwight grow from a mischievous child to the mysterious figure he was now. Dwight's true potential and abilities remained shrouded in mystery, but Levi had always sensed a hidden strength within him.

"Very well, Young Master," Levi responded, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "If you ever require my services again, do not hesitate to call upon me. I shall be at your disposal."

Dwight nodded, acknowledging Levi's words. The trust and loyalty between them were unshakeable.

Levi swiftly departed from the dormitory, fully aware that he should keep his distance from Dwight. He understood that Dwight detested being monitored, and it was best not to incur his displeasure.

Meanwhile, Dwight was making his way to the kitchen to prepare food. Knowing that Tessa was engrossed in her training, he anticipated the need to replenish their nourishment. Just as he was about to step into the kitchen, a knock echoed through the door, prompting him to answer it.

To his surprise, he found Arthur standing before him. Gone was the previous arrogance that once emanated from the young man. Instead, nervousness and unease were etched across his face.

"Saint," Arthur uttered, bowing respectfully to Dwight. He understood the need to show deference to a being of such immense power. In his previous life, he knew well that a saint had the ability to effortlessly slay an emperor like himself. The authority a saint possessed was not to be taken lightly.

Dwight was taken aback by Arthur's reverence but soon realized the source of the misunderstanding. Arthur must have mistaken his Rule for a Law, thus assuming he was a Saint in his past life. A smirk played across Dwight's lips, but he chose not to correct the misconception. How could a mere emperor fathom the true power of a God?

"Please, come in," Dwight invited, allowing Arthur to enter the dormitory. Trembling slightly, Arthur complied, not daring to defy Dwight's request.


Ten minutes prior to Arthur's visit to Dwight's dormitory, he had been on the receiving end of numerous curses and ridicule from his fellow students following his defeat. However, he had little time to dwell on those matters, for he now faced a grave predicament. He had managed to offend a Saint, and he grappled with how to face Dwight. After an hour of contemplation, he finally managed to calm his racing mind.

"This could also be an opportunity," Arthur thought to himself. He realized that by serving Dwight, he could potentially gain certain benefits. He could seek guidance from Dwight on occasion and have the chance to observe a Saint up close.

His pride and arrogance had been shattered, and in the presence of a Saint, he felt utterly insignificant. While he believed Dwight was not a reincarnation, as he still possessed his powers, he was convinced that Dwight was merely hiding in this world, masquerading as a teenager.

He had heard tales of saints who descended to the mortal realm, seeking enlightenment, and living ordinary lives for years on end. Arthur's mind entertained numerous possibilities, but one thing remained certain—he needed to remain in Dwight's good graces.

With determination in his heart, Arthur resolved to do whatever it took to win Dwight's favor. He understood that this opportunity could potentially shape his future and elevate his own standing.

As he entered the dormitory, Arthur couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and apprehension. The space was imbued with an aura of power, a constant reminder of Dwight's extraordinary abilities. It was evident that this was no ordinary teenager, and Arthur reminded himself to tread carefully.

Dwight gestured for Arthur to take a seat, and as they settled into a conversation, the atmosphere remained somewhat tense. Arthur chose his words carefully, making sure to address Dwight with utmost respect and humility.

"Sir, I deeply regret my previous actions and any offense I may have caused. I recognize the immense power you possess, and I am humbled to be in your presence," Arthur said, his voice laced with sincerity.

Dwight observed Arthur closely, his gaze piercing through the young man's facade. He could sense a shift in Arthur's demeanor, a newfound humility, and a willingness to learn. Dwight understood the value of redemption and growth, and he decided to offer Arthur a chance to prove himself.

"Hmmm, Arthur, or should I say Emperor Arthur?" Dwight pondered aloud, his gaze penetrating deep into Arthur's being. With just a mere glance, Dwight could discern Arthur's true origin. Arthur, overwhelmed by Dwight's perceptive abilities, could no longer deny the fact that Dwight was indeed a Saint, confirming his earlier speculations.

"No, no, I am not worthy of being called an Emperor in front of a Saint," Arthur confessed, his heart filled with bitterness. The vast disparity between their powers and statuses made him acutely aware of his own insignificance.

Curiosity piqued, Dwight probed further, questioning Arthur about the process of his reincarnation. He acknowledged that being an emperor alone would not grant such powers. Dwight, fully aware that Arthur would not believe him based solely on his Rule, didn't hide his true nature as more than just an ordinary youth. Dwight was genuinely intrigued about Arthur's reincarnation but refrained from using his eye powers, knowing the potential danger it posed to Arthur's life and the very fabric of their world.

Nervously, Arthur began to explain the circumstances of his reincarnation, addressing Dwight as the Honorable Saint. He recounted his life as an emperor and the treacherous ambush that nearly claimed his existence. Just as death seemed imminent, Arthur heard a mysterious voice. Upon awakening, he found himself transported back in time to his childhood in a mortal world.

While Arthur's curiosity persisted, he recognized his current state of weakness. The thought of the enigmatic figure who facilitated his reincarnation left him unsettled. Yet, despite his unease, Arthur knew that he had to make sense of this extraordinary turn of events.

Observing Arthur's sincerity and detecting no signs of deception, Dwight resisted the temptation to employ his powers to unveil the identity of the figure behind Arthur's reincarnation. It seemed unnecessary at that moment, as their paths had intersected for a reason that extended beyond mere curiosity.

Reincarnation, a well-known phenomenon in the Celestial Domain, was a privilege reserved for Sages and those of higher rank. Dwight recalled his own encounter with the Time God, whom he ultimately defeated. The Time God had attempted to manipulate the fabric of time to assassinate Dwight in his childhood. However, Dwight's mastery of Supreme Time powers rendered the Time God's efforts futile.