
The Sword God Is Bored

He is the ruler of all creations, invincible, and his power is unrivaled. All the gods and demons fear him. With a single slash, he can eliminate all his enemies, earning him the title of "Sword God." Despite his extraordinary might, he grows weary as no one dares to challenge him anymore, and his overwhelming power isolates him from finding companionship. Determined to overcome his boredom, he makes the decision to seal his powers and reincarnate into the mortal world, embarking on a journey to find excitement once again. "I have grown bored. So what?"

sicko · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 42-Odorous Encounter

Chapter 42-Odorous Encounter

In the aftermath of the duel, the academy was abuzz with speculation and rumors. Some students couldn't fathom how Dwight, the notorious lazy young master, could effortlessly defeat his opponent with a simple yawn. Skepticism lingered in the air, with whispers suggesting that Arthur was merely a paid actor, staged to enhance Dwight's reputation.

However, there were those who refused to dismiss Dwight's victory so easily. A peculiar rumor began to circulate, originating from an unknown source. It claimed that Dwight's technique was called the "Unparalleled Yawning Technique." The rumor spread like wildfire, capturing the imaginations of students across the academy. Some speculated that by mastering the art of yawning, one could potentially harness extraordinary power.

Amidst the gossip, opinions varied. Some regarded the notion as pure madness, dismissing it as an absurdity too outrageous to consider. After all, how could something as mundane as yawning hold any significance? Yet, others were intrigued by the possibility, entertaining the idea that there might be more to Dwight's power than met the eye.

Regardless of the truth behind the rumors, one thing was certain—no one dared to belittle Dwight openly. The fate of Arthur, who had underestimated him, served as a cautionary tale. Students feared facing the same humiliation if they were to underestimate Dwight's abilities. His victory had instilled a sense of respect, tinged with a touch of awe, among his peers.


Tessa stood outside Dwight's room, her eyes fixed on the closed door. Inside, Dwight was focused on his training, preparing himself for the impending battle with Arthur. Concern creased Tessa's brow as she worried about the danger Dwight would face. She wanted to offer her support, but Dwight firmly told her to remain in the dorm and pursue her own desires.

Just as Tessa was pondering her next move, a radiant figure appeared before her. It was Athena, a being of immense power and wisdom. Athena informed Tessa that she would be her mentor, guiding her in the art of wilderness combat. Tessa's heart skipped a beat with excitement as she agreed to embark on this new journey.

Without further delay, Athena utilized her teleportation ability, and in the blink of an eye, they vanished from the dormitory. Tessa marveled at the incredible display of power. The feeling of being transported through space and time left her both exhilarated and slightly disoriented. Athena quickly reassured her, explaining that without her protection, the strain of space warping would have crushed Tessa's fragile body.

As the pair reappeared, they found themselves in a vast snowy landscape. The biting cold seemed to penetrate their very bones, emphasizing the harshness of their surroundings. Tessa, shivering slightly, gazed around in awe and curiosity.

"Where are we?" she asked, her voice barely audible against the howling wind.

Athena surveyed their surroundings, her eyes scanning the area. "Based on human knowledge in this world, this place is known as the Glaziar Forest," she explained. "It is considered one of the most treacherous locations, harboring numerous dangers."

Tessa's eyes widened, the gravity of their situation sinking in. She knew that Athena possessed extraordinary power, and now she understood why they had ventured to such a perilous place. Athena continued, revealing her scans of the area.

"I have detected the presence of ten 9-star beasts in this forest," Athena divulged. "And the strongest one is on the verge of a breakthrough."

Tessa's initial surprise at the revelation quickly subsided. She had witnessed Athena's formidable strength and understood that the danger they faced was no ordinary threat. Her perception of Athena shifted, realizing that this enigmatic being surpassed her own comprehension of power.

Throughout their training, Tessa had often heard Athena refer to herself as a god. But until now, she had dismissed it as mere grandiosity. However, Athena took this opportunity to enlighten Tessa about the hierarchy of beings.

"There are mortal life forms, ranging from 1 star to 9 stars, in the higher plane," Athena explained. "Beyond them lies the realm of master life forms, with nine stages mirroring the mortal hierarchy."

The revelation left Tessa in awe. She began to grasp the complexity of the power structures that governed their world. Yet, Athena did not delve further into the intricacies, for Tessa's level is low right now. Dwight had entrusted Athena with Tessa's training, instructing her to build a solid foundation and battle experience.

As Tessa delved deeper into her training under Athena's guidance, her powers exploded exponentially. The mysterious nature of her physique, coupled with Athena's teachings, allowed Tessa to tap into a wellspring of strength she never knew existed within her. Her every movement became more fluid, her strikes more precise, and her instincts honed to a razor's edge.


Within the icy depths of the Glaziar Forest, Tessa confronted one fearsome beast after another. With each encounter, she pushed herself beyond her limits, testing the boundaries of her newfound abilities. Her confidence grew, and she found herself eager to face the challenges that awaited her.

As Tessa faced a towering 5-star beast, its immense power radiating from every sinew, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins. She unleashed a barrage of strikes, her fists and feet moving with unparalleled speed and precision. The beast roared in fury, unable to anticipate or counter Tessa's onslaught.

Athena watched the battle unfold, her gaze focused and unwavering. She observed Tessa's every move, her keen eyes discerning the flaws in her technique. With an air of effortless grace, Athena stepped forward, her voice gentle yet commanding.

"Tessa, your strikes lack finesse," Athena said, her words cutting through the chaotic sounds of battle. "Your power is formidable, but without proper control, it becomes a double-edged sword."

Tessa paused, momentarily stunned by Athena's observation. She had believed her attacks were flawless, fueled by her newfound strength. But now, she realized that raw power alone was not enough. She needed finesse, control, and the ability to adapt to her opponents.

Athena continued, her voice resonating with wisdom. "Focus on channeling your energy. Feel the rhythm of your opponent's movements and flow with it. In combat, it's not just about overpowering your adversary, but about understanding their weaknesses and exploiting them."

Tessa absorbed Athena's words, her mind working to integrate the new insights into her fighting style. She resumed her battle with renewed determination, her strikes becoming more measured, her footwork more precise. She sought to dance with her opponents, predicting their actions and countering with calculated precision.

Time and again, Tessa faced off against powerful beasts, pushing herself to the limit under Athena's watchful gaze. Athena's divine vision enabled her to see Tessa's flaws and guide her toward improvement. Through countless battles, Tessa learned to temper her power, harnessing it with finesse and control.

As their training progressed, Tessa discovered that her powers were not solely physical. Athena enlightened her on the importance of mental fortitude and inner harmony. Tessa learned to align her mind, body, and spirit, allowing her to tap into the full extent of her capabilities.

With each passing hour, Tessa's bond with Athena deepened. The god-like figure became not only her mentor but also a source of inspiration and guidance. Athena's teachings transcended the realm of combat, delving into matters of philosophy, strategy, and self-discovery.

In the quiet moments between battles, Athena would engage Tessa in thought-provoking conversations. They discussed the nature of power, the balance between strength and compassion, and the importance of humility in the face of great abilities. Athena's wisdom illuminated Tessa's path, instilling within her a sense of purpose and an unwavering resolve to protect those she held dear.

Tessa knew she still had much to learn, but with each passing day, she grew more confident in her abilities. Her powers surged within her, like a roaring tempest waiting to be unleashed. And she knew that with Athena's guidance, she would continue to evolve, surpassing even her own expectations.

Athena advised Tessa against following the path of this world, where individuals were forced to choose a single path, be it that of a swordsman or a mage. In the higher realm, those skilled in hand-to-hand combat and proficient in fighting were known as magus, the very path that the Sword God had imparted to Athena when she was weaker.

As Tessa's powers began to develop, Athena couldn't help but admire her intelligence and talent. Tessa proved to be a fast learner, even developing her own unique fighting style. Impressed by her progress, Athena allowed Tessa to face beasts with a power level of 6 stars. Witnessing Tessa's ability to defeat them, Athena decided to venture further into the depths of the Glaziar Forest in search of stronger adversaries.


Huff! Huff!

Five hundred meters away from Athena and Tessa, a young man ran for his life, his face barely recognizable, and his body riddled with injuries. He was being pursued by five wolves, each measuring two meters in size.

"Hah! Please don't eat me!" he cried out, realizing he couldn't endure any longer due to his previously sustained injuries. This young man's name was Harley. After being kicked and blasted by a woman, he had lost consciousness. When he awoke, he found himself in a cold forest and decided to rest for a brief moment.

Harley stumbled upon a peculiar plant, recognizing it as one that could heal minor injuries. Ingesting five of them at once, he experienced some relief, but his sense of touch remained absent. Anger welled up within him as he contemplated cursing the woman responsible for his demise, but his focus was abruptly interrupted by a sudden bout of diarrhea, triggered by consuming the herb in one go.

Desperate to find a suitable place to relieve himself, Harley unknowingly ran into a pack of ravenous wolves. Despite the pain in his stomach, he had no choice but to flee.

Roar! The wolves continued their relentless pursuit, salivating at the sight of their prey. As Harley's stamina waned, the pack's leader lunged, aiming to seize his head in its jaws. However, an ice spear pierced through the leader's skull, causing its lifeless body to collapse onto the ground.

"What?" Harley stood in stunned silence as the remaining wolves were impaled by ice spikes, meeting their demise in an instant.

"Are you okay?" a voice inquired. Harley turned his gaze toward the person who had subdued the beasts, and his breath caught in his throat. He beheld a woman with a flawlessly beautiful face, her shining brown hair captivating him in an instant. In that moment, he felt as if he had finally found someone even more enchanting than Odette.

Clearing his mind, Harley realized that he had encountered someone capable of saving him. "Yes, I am okay," he managed to respond, eager to engage in conversation. But before he could utter another word, an urgent need overcame him.

Proook! Harley released powerful flatulence, its heavenly sound resonating through the forest. To his horror, a tumor materialized in his pants, causing the woman's expression to darken with anger.

"Imbecile!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. Instantly, Harley was encased in ice, abandoned by the woman in her infuriation. Shocked and immobilized within his icy prison, he cursed his ill fortune, unsure how he would face others if they discovered his embarrassing display in front of such a beautiful woman.


"What a mess," Athena cursed, utterly surprised by the unexpected release of such a foul smell.

Tessa, equally angered, restrained Athena, reminding her that despite the young man's actions, he was still human and shouldn't be killed. Tessa had rushed to his aid upon hearing his cry, only to be repulsed by his subsequent behavior. In her anger, she had transformed him into an ice block as punishment, though she hadn't intended to end his life. The ice would melt in three hours, serving as a temporary consequence. Athena, however, had initially desired to kill the young man, if not for Tessa's intervention.