
The Sword God Is Bored

He is the ruler of all creations, invincible, and his power is unrivaled. All the gods and demons fear him. With a single slash, he can eliminate all his enemies, earning him the title of "Sword God." Despite his extraordinary might, he grows weary as no one dares to challenge him anymore, and his overwhelming power isolates him from finding companionship. Determined to overcome his boredom, he makes the decision to seal his powers and reincarnate into the mortal world, embarking on a journey to find excitement once again. "I have grown bored. So what?"

sicko · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 44-Catastrophe

Chapter 44-Catastrophe

Arthur found himself in servitude to Dwight for a month, fulfilling the terms of their bet. However, Arthur saw this as an opportunity to prolong his time under the guidance of a Saint, hoping to reap more benefits from their association.

Unconcerned with Arthur's presence, Dwight suggested that he set up a hut outside the dorm. Unlike the typical dormitory, Dwight's living quarters resembled a miniature mansion with its own spacious backyard. Dwight revealed his plan to cultivate a farm and instructed Arthur on the tasks at hand.

Arthur was taken aback by the sudden shift in his status, feeling demeaned as he was reduced to the role of a mere farmer. Nonetheless, he dared not disobey Dwight's command and begrudgingly agreed to carry out his instructions.

Plowing and tilling the soil came naturally to Arthur, but before he set off, Dwight issued a stern warning that further darkened his expression.

"Refrain from using your powers and work as an ordinary person," Dwight commanded.

Arthur realized that this would be a daunting challenge, but he dared not show his anger and instead swallowed his bitterness.


It was 7 pm, and Tessa emerged from her room, greeted by the delightful aroma of food wafting through the air. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she spotted Dwight seated in a chair, his gaze fixed upon her, accompanied by a warm smile.

Dwight had prepared a lavish spread of delicious and nourishing dishes, fully aware of Tessa's exhaustion from her rigorous practice sessions.

"Let's eat. I know you must be hungry," he said, his voice infused with genuine concern.

Tessa's cheeks flushed as she caught sight of his captivating smile, feeling as if her very soul was being drawn towards him.

She couldn't comprehend why, even though she spent so much time in his presence, she remained entranced by his irresistible charm.

Despite her growing strength and the unwavering determination that filled her being, Tessa found herself powerless against Dwight's captivating allure.

It was an enigma she struggled to unravel. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't realized that she had been staring at Dwight until a magnificent phoenix alighted on her shoulder, its melodious chirping bringing her back to reality.

Embarrassed by her unintentional actions, Tessa blushed, quickly averting her gaze. She directed her attention to the beautiful phoenix named Nirvana, gently patting its head as a way to compose herself. With a slight smile, she took her place in the chair, ready to indulge in the delectable meal before them.

The atmosphere was imbued with a sense of comfort and warmth as Tessa and Dwight sat together, sharing not only a meal but also a connection that transcended words.

The food proved to be a perfect blend of flavors, each bite offering a burst of culinary delight that mirrored the harmony between their souls.

In the gentle glow of the dining area, Tessa couldn't help but appreciate the tender moments they shared. Dwight's presence seemed to envelop her, filling her with a sense of security and contentment.

As the last morsel was savored and the plates cleared away, Tessa sat back, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. The nourishment provided not only by the food but also by the company of Dwight had replenished her body and revitalized her spirit.

She remained oblivious to the fact that her strength was steadily increasing, all thanks to the nourishing food Dwight had been preparing for her. Yet, Dwight deliberately chose not to disclose this information to her. He feared that if Tessa discovered his godly status, it might alter her perception of him.

Tessa held a special place in Dwight's new life, making him reluctant to deny her the opportunity to transcend and join him, should he ever decide to break free from his eternal boredom and embark on his mad creations across the universe.

Unexpectedly, Tessa posed a question to Dwight, her curiosity piqued. "Young Master, why is Arthur toiling away in the soil outside?"

Perceiving the commotion from the window, Tessa observed Arthur perspiring while diligently plowing the land, devoid of any magical assistance. Despite finding it peculiar, she could see the determination etched on Arthur's face as he sought to gain Dwight's trust.

Dwight smiled and replied, "Consider it a trial for him. Pay him no mind."

Satisfied with his response, Tessa expressed her intention to forgo bathing and retire to her room. Dwight nodded in acknowledgment. After she departed, a diminutive figure materialized before Dwight, enthusiastically embracing his cheeks.

"Hehe, Sword God!" exclaimed Athena, standing a mere 12 inches tall, her aura undetectable to anyone but Dwight.

Gently pushing her away, Dwight resisted the urge to playfully flick her forehead, finding her adorable. "What is it?" he inquired, reminding Athena to abstain from bothering him unless she had something worthwhile to share.

Athena met his gaze, her expression tinged with annoyance due to his earlier dismissal. Nevertheless, Dwight remained impassive as she spoke, "I wish to allow Tessa to participate in the universal tournament a year from now. I seek your permission."

Though Athena's push had irked him, Dwight remained unmoved as he responded, "You may proceed as you wish. I believe that within a year, she can attain the rank of Saint, making her eligible for the tournament."

Dwight sanctioned her request, knowing that Tessa was destined to ascend to godhood. He had bestowed upon her a divine physique, and with diligent effort and Athena's guidance, reaching the level of a Saint would prove to be an attainable feat.

Recalling his own journey to becoming a Saint, which he achieved at the age of thirty, Dwight considered himself a prodigious talent. He had never sought out a master, instead forging his own path and refusing to yield to anyone, even the vastness of the universe.

Athena pressed further, "Furthermore, I propose taking her to my Spirit Domain for six months of intensive training, along with providing her ample resources."

Aware of Tessa's significance to Dwight, Athena sought his permission. Dwight contemplated the proposal briefly before nodding and affirming, "Very well. Train her to the best of your abilities. Should you require anything, contact me directly. You possess the coordinates of this world due to my summoning."

The predicament lay in how to persuade Tessa to temporarily part ways with him. Having known each other since childhood, she had grown attached to Dwight, making it a daunting task to convince her otherwise.

After much contemplation, a plan began to take shape in Dwight's mind. He shared his ideas with Athena, who readily agreed, recognizing its suitability.


Within the confines of her room, Tessa lay upon her bed, grappling with a sense of surrealism. Once an ordinary maid, she had been granted an extraordinary opportunity—a summoning of Athena. And not only that, she possessed a unique physique, a marvel explained to her by Athena. Tessa felt fortunate for the chances that had come her way, though the identity of the enigmatic figure known as Hope still eluded her.

While pondering her circumstances, Tessa heard a familiar voice, one she had been yearning to encounter.

"Are you happy?"

Startled, she rose from her bed and directed her gaze toward the window, where a man adorned in a white mask stood—a man known as "Hope."

"Hope!" she exclaimed, taken aback by his sudden appearance.

Meeting her eyes, Hope spoke, "I was merely a wanderer in the river of Fate when I stumbled upon you. I altered your destiny. I do not expect anything in return, but I hope you grow stronger to avert the impending catastrophe that may befall this world."

Tessa stood in awe; her curiosity piqued. "What catastrophe?" she inquired, realizing that Hope's assistance carried significant weight and purpose.

"A demon currently threatens this world, a force that surpasses even those at the pinnacle of the Nine Star level. You are the beacon of hope for this realm, and your strength is needed to save it from impending doom," explained Hope, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Overwhelmed by the weight of her newfound responsibility, Tessa sought further clarity. "Why did you choose me instead of defeating the demon yourself, considering your unparalleled power?" she queried, sensing that Hope possessed the ability to vanquish the demon effortlessly, if he so desired.

Hope shook his head, his voice filled with resignation. "I am but a transient presence in this world, unable to meddle in the fate of its inhabitants. I cannot interfere."

"Do you wish to allow this world to be consumed by destruction?" he posed another question, pressing upon Tessa the dire consequences at hand. Moreover, he probed, "Do you desire your Young Master's demise?"

His words struck her like a sharp spike, awakening Tessa to the gravity of the situation. She held an unwavering affection for Dwight, caring for him deeply. The thought of anything untoward befalling him sent a chill down her spine.

"What if I were to seek Athena's assistance? Surely, she possesses the power to halt the demon," Tessa proposed, her hope flickering.

Hope dismissed her notion, cautioning that Athena herself was more fearsome than the demon, capable of obliterating the world with a mere breath.

"This task falls upon you alone," he declared, emphasizing the necessity of her own efforts.