
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

" You know what forget it, he can sleep here for the night, that is if you don't mind."

" No, not at all." He said glad as he didn't really know what to do with Sol, so it was better if he dealt with it tomorrow.

" Alright let's go then."


As the door closed Sol opened one eye staring at the trail of light red smoke trailing Lucifer and Chloe, but since again it wasn't life-threatening, he went right back to sleep.' I wonder where I should go tomorrow.'


Location: Doctor Linda's office 10:42 pm

(Knock, knock, knock)

"Uh, hang on, just a second." Linda said as she was cleaning up her office before heading home. But the person ignored it and came in anyway.

"Maze? I'm surprised you came back." She said genuinely shocked she came back to the office.

" I made two friends today." She said with clear pride in her tone.

"That's fantastic news. Who?"

"An eight-year-old girl and a thirteen-year-old boy who wandered into the bar."

"Well...That's a start. Perhaps the next one can be of legal drinking age." She thought it might be a bit weird but hey, it was progressing at least.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing...So are you... busy tonight?"

Linda thought about it for a second before smiling. She looked at Maze's hopeful look and said." Yes, I think I have some time."


Location: Chloes Home 00:32

The front door opened and in came chloe more dusty and dirty than when she left. Well nearly being burned alive will do that to you I guess.

"What happened to you?" Mrs decker asked still up and drinking the wine from dinner.

"Oh, it's, uh...it's been kind of a rough night. So I could use a drink." Chloe said as she sat next to her mum, finally being able to relax."

"Here." She handed her glass to her daughter and Chloe drank it without hesitation.

"What are you... what are you doing up?"

"I have an early flight. And I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye."

"But you just got home." She said abit disappointed she was already leaving.

"Look, I know I haven't always been the easiest mom. I could be pushy. Overbearing. I am sorry that you felt that you always had to be the adult. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy."

"I know." The two hug it out and as they do.


The sound of snoring could be heard right next to them. They both looked to their left and saw Sol passed out on the couch one arm on the floor and his mouth wide open.

Chloe/Penelope" Haha." Both ladies laugh at this, finding it cute.

Mrs decker" He's been snoring like that for ages. He has a cute face but I feel sorry for whoever marries him in the future." She said in a kiddish tone.

" Naa he's fine, Dan snored Louder than him."

" Mhhh, don't you think Sol and Trixie would make just the cutest kids if we...."


"Kidding, just a little joke. Goodnight pumpkin." She kissed her daghter on the forehead before leaving.

"Goodnight," she said as she stayed downstairs. She looked at Sol for a second and stood up. c

Chloe went to one of the draws that had a spare blanket and covered Sol in it.

" Sweet dreams Sol." He answered her with a snore and made her chuckle again before she went to her office. Not Noticing the little smile on Sol's face or that her little burn marks were healing at an abnormal rate.


Location: Detective's home 5:32 Am

Sol who had been asleep for a few hours woke up pretty early. The sun still hadn't risen and it looked like everyone was still asleep. He noticed Chloe wasn't here when he sensed the house so she must have gone out again.' I wonder why.'

As he looked around he wondered what he should do now, as he rose he accidentally touched the TV remote turning on the TV.

"On today's episode of Hells kitchen, we greet 12 new chefs...:

"Mhh, hell's kitchen, does this have something to do with lucifer." This got Sol interested.

(30 minutes later)


' Sigh, you tell 'em, Gordon. The blue team need to get their act together.' Sol was now invested in the show it was really interesting, especially this Chef Ramsey.

As sol was watching the show he noticed Mrs Penelope was already up and looked like she was leaving.

" Morning sweetie, I'm heading out now, it was nice meeting you and tell your big brother ill visit his club next time I'm around."


"Looks like my uber is here, when Trixie wakes up tell her nana will miss her."

"Mhh" Was all he responded with giving her a thumbs up before she left. Never once turning back as he didn't want to miss anything that was going on. Not knowing he could just use the remote to rewind a few seconds.

40 minutes later and the sun was already rising. And the episode had just ended.

" Come back next week when.."

Huh, what do you mean next week, I have to wait a whole week for a new episode, Sol felt like breaking the TV but remembering it wasn't his he refrained from doing so. He was still mad though.

But then he had a bright idea' Why don't I try making what they did for breakfast.' He immediately stood up and went to the kitchen, he siffed through the cupboard and found all the ingredients he needed.

"Alright first step.."


As Trixie was sleeping in her room she heard a bunch of clanks and sizzling. And after 40 minutes she suddenly smelled something really nice, she groggily opened her eyes and started sniffing the air.

" What is that."

She got up from bed and lazily started to walk out of her room and into the kitchen. And when she did she paused...gaped then blinked

" Wow." On the table was a full breakfast fit for kings. There were at least Twenty big fluffy pancakes, 3 bowls of all kinds of fruits, freshly squeezed orange juice from who knows where, waffles, eggs, sausage, hell there was even muffins.

She looked to the kitchen and saw Sol waving at her. His whole body was covered in flower and cake mix, the kitchen was a mess but sol didn't seem to Notice just waving to Trixie as if to say good morning.

" Did you make all this food Sol?" She said but she felt like she was asking the obvious. Sol just noded.

"That's awesome, but I don't think ill be able to eat all of that, maybe if mum and dad were here we could. And when did you learn how to cook."

He pointed at his finger indicating a 1. Trixie thought it was one year but what Sol meant was 1 hour. He learnt to make all this in 1 hour.

He felt proud of his work not knowing what he did would take some people days or even weeks to learn. But he did it by just watching a couple of episodes of Hell's kitchen.

There might be a few spelling that aren't right just comment them and I'll fix the chapter later.

Its abit of a longer chapter but not by much.

TotherWindow1creators' thoughts