
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6

" Sol could you be a dear and set up the table with Dan, thanks." Nodding Sol followed the confused Dan who didn't know who Sol was.

In the meantime that was happening Lucifer and the detective were having a private chat about our two new guests.


"So you brought a guy who's suspected of murder by poisoning to cook for my family?" She asked in anger and disbelief.

" Well, if you arrest him, he's just going to lawyer up, isn't he? So why not have a nice meal

whilst you get all the answers you need, hmm. I'm certain he'll open up."

"Why is that?" She asked giving him the stink eye.

"Because I convinced him you'd hear him out.

After all, he's innocent."

"Oh, you think he's innocent now?" She asked as before he was certain it was junior who poisoned his father to Inherit the restaurant.

"Come on, Detective. If you're not satisfied with his answers, you can always arrest him afterwards, mhh!" Chloe glared at him for a good 10 seconds before relenting.

" And you, how could you leave your little brother by himself in the middle of the city. What were you thinking." She said now talking about Sol which did nothing but confuse lucifer.

" What are you talking about." What little brother, could an angel have contacted Chloe. But that shouldn't be possible the only angel that knows about her is Amenadiel. But he's too arrogant to ask for another person's help especially one of his brothers or sisters.

" You've lost me detective, who might you be speaking about." He needed more information.

" I'm talking about Sol."

"Sol?? Are you sure your alright detective." He asked never hearing of a brother named sol.

" Of course I'm fine. And Sol your little brother. That Sol." she said pointing at Sol who was putting and spreading the cloth on the table.

Lucifer stared at Sol in confusion and wariness. That certainly wasn't his brother. In fact, he would have sensed if that was his brother. And all he sensed from that boy was that he was human.

" Yes your brother, are you trying to mess with me lucifer. He even has the same scar as you do on your back."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed at Sol even further as he heard that. That definitely wasn't his brother. No angel beside himself has cut off his or her wings voluntarily.

Just when he was thinking of calling Amenadiel Sol who was putting utensils on the table paused before looking at lucifer.

And when he did time paused, everything around lucifer froze surprising him as he hadn't called Amenadiel...unless.

Tap tap tap

That confirmed it. Sol was still moving, only angels and devils would be able to continue normally in slowed time.

" Who are you, your definitely not my brother. Were you sent by father?" Sol didn't answer and continued to walk slowly to lucifer before finally he was 1 metre away.

And before lucifer could react Sol brought his glowing finger to lucifers temple and touched it causing lucifer to pause as well. His eyes turned duller and duller by the second.

After a few seconds had passed Sol removed his finger causing lucifer to regain conciseness.

They stayed there for another few seconds before lucifer finally spoke.

"I see...so you are my brother...And your also the bastard who popped my ears."

To that comment, Sol just tilted his head in confusion.


Location: Dinner table

There was one Word to describe dinner that night..disastrous. The reason, one-word "lucifer". He was being well just as much as you would expect. He was acting like Lucifer, so a dick.

It first started off nicely, the table was set, the food was ready and everyone was excited to dig in, but before they could Chloe stopped her mother from having the first bite thinking it was possibly poisoned, there was some back and forth with childhood trauma, Dan was called detective douche a couple of times, there was a mention of a possible second engagement, Sol was stealing lucifers food while he wasn't looking and now where here.

Where Dan left to take the suspect for questioning at the station, Mrs decker left in frustration and lost her appetite, Sol left to eat on the sofa, but again not forgetting to take the food with him.

And all that was left was a fed up Chloe and self-centred lucifer who didn't see what he did wrong. Sol even just being born today could tell what Lucifer did was stupid.

As for Dan, Right before he left Sol saw a wisp of Red smoke coming off of him, which signified a bad omen but since it wasn't black it wouldn't be life-threatening so he didn't think about it any further and finished his vegetarian casadias.

"I hope you're happy." Chloe said in an upset tone.

"No, actually, I'm extremely disappointed."

"Because you ruined dinner?"

"No. Because Junior's answer was spectacularly unhelpful. He didn't escape his father because he turned into him. I mean, that doesn't apply to me at all!"

Chloe' Unbelievable' That's what she thought as she left the dinner table. Not wanting to even bother with him.

(1 hour later)

After lucifer finished cleaning up he talked a bit with the detective and as they did Chloe told him about how she figured out Javier the cook wasn't the killer and that the actual killer was at the restaurant right now.

" We need to get there as soon as possible." Chloe said already putting on her jacket.

" Then what are we waiting for, lets catch our little poisoner."

" Wait what about your little brother." She suddenly remembered Sol who was still here. Both she and Lucifer looked to the sofa where a sleeping Sol could be seen.

" You know what forget it, he can sleep here for the night, that is if you don't mind."

" No, not at all." He said glad as he didn't really know what to do with Sol, so it was better if he dealt with it tomorrow.