
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5

"Sol have You got a phone or your parent's number so I can just explain to them where you are. And I can make sure they're fine with this. I'll make sure to bring you back home after."

Sol hearing this paused. That's Right he has a family, sort of in this universe. Closing his eyes he activated his omniscience but only to gain the information he needs.

Chloe was confused about why Sol had closed his eyes. Just when she was going to tap him on the shoulder he opened his eyes again and looked to Trixie and tapped his palm.

It looked like Trixie already knew what he meant as she took out her iPhone and gave it to Sol. He went to messages typed in a few things before showing Chloe. And when she saw what was written on it she couldn't believe it.

"You're kidding me, right!? Lucifer is your Big brother." She just couldn't believe it. I mean if that was true why did he act as he had never seen maze before.

"Really lucifer is your big brother, that's awesome." While Chloe was in disbelief Trixie was over the moon.

"Are you really his little brother." She just couldn't believe it and found it to be too much of a coincidence.

Sol looked at her for a moment before taking off his long jacket and giving it to Trixie to hold for a second, which she did happily and even put it on, making her even cuter than before.

Then he started rolling up his shirt making Chloe Panic. But then froze when he turned around right there on his back was a scar and not just any scar but the exact same scar lucifer had when she saw his back.

She subconsciously went to touch it but remembered how lucifer acted when she tried to touch it and lowered her hand but Trixie didn't know any better and put her hand on it.

" Wow, how did you get such a big scar." She said but Chloe thought it was a bit rude to ask as it seemed like a touchy subject.

" Trixie you shouldn't ask that of someone."

"Sorry" Trixie apologized not realising. Sol shook his head saying it was ok and not a big deal he put his shirt back on but let Trixie keep his coat as it was getting a bit cooler as night was near.

And Chloe now believing that Sol was lucifers little brother brought him along.


Location: The detective's house

40 minutes later and all three of them had finally made it to Chloe's home. Sol looked at the house and sensed 3 people were inside, two humans and a certain devil.

'I thought this human seemed familiar, I saw her where I got the strawberries and with her his supposed older brother.' That's what was going through his mind as they entered.


As they entered they immediately see the mother of Chloe taking out two bottles of wine from the cabinet.

Mrs decker hearing the front door looks to it and sees her daughter and granddaughter are back.

"Hi, Trixie! I'm so glad you're back. Listen, Nana needs to explain something--" She greeted them and wanted to apologise for the fight in the afternoon but got interrupted by Chloe

"Mom, let's just have dinner, okay?" She asked not wanting to start another fight in front of Trixie.

" We will but...and who is this little cutie." She asked now looking at Sol. She thought he was one of the cutest boys she had ever seen, and that's saying something considering she works with child actors all the time.

"He's my new friend. His name is sol. He's quiet but cool." Trix said excitedly to her Nana before Chloe could introduce him.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you sol. That's a very beautiful name. Have you ever considered.."

"Mum," Chloe said before she could finish her sentence.

" Alright, alright. In any case, you're all but welcome to eat with us." She said while pinching his cheek but finding it so smooth and pudgy.

Sol just took it in stride not minding the older woman's theatrics. While this was happening the front door once again opened and in came chloes "ex" husband with Trixie's favourite chocolate cake.

"Hey, hey, hey." He greeted while closing the door behind him.

"Dan! What a pleasant surprise. And you brought dessert."

"Of course." He said while giving Miss decker a hug and a kiss on the cheek." So thoughtful as always."

"So good to see you, Penny. Something smells amazing."

" Mmm. Yeah, Mom. Where'd you buy this nice home-cooked meal?" Chloe asked knowing her mum didn't do cooking.

" Oh, there's no take-out tonight." She said with a bit of excitement in her voice" Lucifer has provided the meal.

" Wait. Lucifer's here?" She asked in disbelief.

"He and his friend have been here a while."

"His friend? - Ah!" And right on cue or as they say, speak of the devil he appeared walking out of the kitchen with another younger looking gentleman.

"Detective! Just in time. Uh, you remember Junior Of course. Just wait until you taste his molé. It is to die for." Lucifer said as he Re-introduced one of the suspects to a murder committed in the morning. It's where sol also got his Strawberries.

"Lucifer!" Trixie exclaimed wanting to go hug him while lucifer himself recoiled back in fear. Sol smirked seeing this.

"Oh, get back!"

"Okay, monkey, surprise. You get to eat chocolate cake in bed tonight."

"Why?" She asked suspiciously.

"Does it matter?"

"Nope." She said quickly taking the cake and running to her room.

"Junior, if you wouldn't mind." Lucifer asked as junior nodded and went back into the kitchen to

finish the food.

" Sol could you be a dear and set up the table with dan, thanks." Nodding Sol followed the confused dan who didn't know who Sol was.

In the meantime that was happening Lucifer and the detective were having a private chat about the two new guests.

I wonder how Lucifer react finding out he has a new little brother???

Sorry for not updating I was just going through my story notes taking things out and adding new ideas. I want to make sure that while I'm writing this I have a picture of were im actually going with this fanfiction.

If you have any idea for the story dont forget to comment it.

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