
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

"And who are you two supposed to be." She asked the little girl and her male companion who didn't even give her a look and was more fascinated with his surroundings.

"Lucifers friend." She responded with a matter of fact.

"His friends get worse and worse. Hate to break it to you, but he's not here." She said giving the boy one last look before turning back to her book.

"That's okay. I'll wait. You should sit as well sol." Trixie sat at the bar a asked her friend to join which he did.

Maziken turned around again and looked at the duo. With a smirk, she got 3 glasses of drinking cups and slowly poured a bit into each cup. Not even caring that their miners, she picks up her cup and slides the other two to Trixie and Sol.

"So, what do you want with Lucifer?"

"He cheers me up. I hate it when people fight over me."

'What is this, it smells funny' While the two were talking Sol was just messing with his drink.

"What people?"

"My mom and dad used to a lot. But this time it was Mom fighting with Nana about how I look." She said with another sigh.

"Which one wants you to look like an old drag queen?" Mazikeen asked taking a small sip of her drink.

"My grandma, I guess. They're fighting over what they want me to be when I grow up."

"What do you want to be?" She asked in slight interest.

"I want to be the first president of Mars.

Or a zookeeper."

"Pfffffft" The moment Sol heard Mars he almost spat out the drink he was tasting. Now the attention was on him.

"You okay sol." She patted his back like how her mom did whenever she choked on her drinks. Sol just noded before drinking the rest.

'Looks like he can at least hold his liquor. Not Bad' Maze thought seeing as he downed the rest with no problem or reaction.


"I used to be a zookeeper. In a way." She told Trixie who brought her attention right back to Maze.

"Really? That's so cool." That got maze to smile which she rarely did if it wasn't during sex.

"Is this a Shirley Temple?" She asked not really knowing what it was. Maze thought for a second before grabbing a cherry and putting it on Trixie's drink.


They both smiled and they both went to take a sip but before she could, someone called out to her.

"Trixie!" It was her mom.

"Trixie! Thank God you're okay. What were you thinking, running away like that?" She first exhaled a sigh of relief knowing Trixie was safe but reprimanding her for worrying her.

" I wanted to see Lucifer. But he wasn't here.

So I made a new friend." She turns around to sol and Decker looks behind Trixie to see a teen boy next to her daughter eating strawberries he Brought from the market but Trixie and maze didn't know that and wondered where he got it from.

"His name is Sol I met him on my way. He doesn't talk but he's nice. And this is...What's your name?" Trixie asked forgetting to ask for Mazikeens name.

" Mazikeen. But you can call me Maze." She said with a little smile, a rarity in itself. Trixie smiled hearing that. She made two new friends today.

"Thank you, Maze." Chloe thanks mazikeen.

"I didn't say you could." Her mazikeen attitude returned when the detective called her that.

"Right. Again thanks for taking care of her but we need to be heading home now."

"Wait mom Nana said we're having a family meal can Sol come too, please." She asked her mum with a puppy dog face.

"Sol might have to go home sweetie, his parents might not let him." She said looking at Sol who was now looking at her as well. And she had just noticed his Peculiar eye colour. She thought there were probably contacts.

Sol just gave the two a thumbs up indicating that he could come. Trixie was looking at her with a "See it's ok, so can he come." Chloe couldn't take it and finally Yielded.

"Yay." Trixie cheered, and Sol just smiled while Chloe sighed.

"Alright let's go home." She took Trixie's hand and was about to leave. Trixie waved goodbye to maze while maze waved back. Sol also stood up planning to follow the two but paused halfway, looking back at mazikeen.

"What, forget something?" She asked with a quirked brow.

Sol walked back to the counter before lifting his hands. He was holding a fresh box of strawberries, that he slid to mazikeens side. She just looked at him asking what this was for.

Sol thought about it for a moment before getting his two hands and shaking them. A sigh of friendship. He remembered Trixie saying that she used to give first meeting gifts as a sign of friendship, so he was giving mazikeen a box of Strawberries.

" Yore giving this to me, so I can be your friend," Mazikeen asked, with an obviously sarcastic tone. But Sol gave her a serious nod. And thinking back to her therapy session with doctor Linda she grabbed a strawberry out of the box and made full eye contact with Sol as she slowly ate it in a well...sensual manner, but he wasn't fazed and just smiled.

And maze did as well.

" Alright I accept." Smiling even brighter Sol gave her a thumbs up before running after Trixie and her mum who was probably already downstairs.

And mazikeen just stared at his back before it disappeared.


Downstairs, Chloe, Trixie and Sol were waiting for an uber when Chloe turned to Sol and asked.

" Sol have You got a phone or your parents number so I can just explain to them where you are. And I can make sure they're fine with this. I'll make sure to bring you back home after.

Sol hearing this paused. That's Right he has a family, sort of, in this universe.