
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

" What seems to be the problem?" She asked confused but Focused.

" I'm stuck in a place I don't belong,

and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I need to figure out how to be more...normal( Since I'm a demon.)" But she didn't say that. Not that Linda would believe her anyway.

" So..."

"So" what?

"Tell me what to do."

"Well, that's not how this works."

" Do I need to sleep with you too?" Maziken said leaning closer before both arms were on the table. She licked her lips in excitement. Men, women it didn't matter to her.

"What?" Linda asked confused and shocked.

" Is that it?" She got a bit closer this time her voice sounded a bit more feral.

"Uh, no. No, I'm good. I'm good. Really, I'm good.

What I can give you...is my advice." Linda was spaced out for a good second before refusing. She wasn't going to lie and say maze wasn't attractive even as a woman, but she wanted to keep things professional.

Seeing as she didn't want sex mazikeen just went back to her brooding self leaning back on the sofa with an attitude.

"So... if we want to feel more connected to our environment, sometimes it's helpful if we actively embrace it and those around you."

"That still sounds like sex." She said straight up.

"Okay. I meant, uh, engage in caring and meaningful relationships." Seeing as she still wasn't getting it she just said it.

"Making friends."

"Forget it. This was a mistake." That struck a nerve in mazikeen as she just decided to leave. This wasn't going to get her anywhere.

(BANG, Door closed)

"Mazikeen! Wait. If you could..." But before she could call out for her to come back she was already long gone.

What just happened?



'Mhh' While thinking where to explore next the being heard a sigh right next to him. Turning to his right he saw a small human sitting beside him. She looked peculiar with all that face painting her face and that sparkly dress up. But it looked fascinating to him.

The girl who looked a bit down noticed someone staring at her. Looking to her left she saw a kid maybe a few years older than her. Looking at her get up. Without really thinking she said.

" It was my Nanas idea. She thought I'd look more pretty like this. Plus it was for an audition or something like that."

"..." The being just tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy. Trixie found that cute and funny, making her giggle.

" I'm Trixie by the way, what's your name." She asked but didn't get a response from him more of a contemplative look.

" You don't speak much do you. It's ok when I was smaller I didn't speak much either but once you start making friends it's easier." She said thinking he was just a bit shy. But then he pointed at his neck and did a cross mark with his arms.

" Oh, you can't speak." Maybe he just has a sour throat, is what she thought. As Trixie talked and the boy listened they grew to get each other pretty quickly.

Trixie understood it wasn't that he had a sour throat but that he couldn't speak at all. And the boy learnt all about human things like friends, school about her detective mom which he found interesting and cool.

He may not know all things as he had sealed his omniscience but he did keep important terminology and had his Omnilinguistic skill on so he understood everything Trixie was telling him.

He also managed to tell her his name through her phone. He had many names, so many in fact they range in the trillions but he picked the name he liked the most which was Sol.

" Sol that's a pretty cool name. Hey, I was thinking of meeting someone since I don't like being around when my family argue, wanna come with me." She asked taking a liking to her new friend.

Sol thought for a second before nodding. It seemed like fun plus he thought it would be better to follow the girl or she might get hurt by someone. Believe it or not, he's stopped 3 muggings in the last 5 hours.

Standing up he got ready to go walk to wherever they were going but Trixie stopped him.

" Were not walking there silly. We're just gonna get a uber."

'Uber ???' What the hell was that.

Seeing his puppy face again she laughed.


"She's gone." The detective said to her ex-husband on the phone. " I've called her friends, I've called our neighbours. No one has heard from her. No. All right, I'll call you if I hear anything." After ending the call she looked to her mother worried.

"Dan hasn't heard from her."

"Take a breath, Chloe. She's a smart girl-- where would she go?" She tries calming her daughter with soothing words though they didn't seem to be working.

"I don't know. She left and--" just when she was thinking hard she got a message from her phone, looking at it she couldn't believe it.

"What? What is it?"

"She ordered a ride from my Uber account."

"Where'd she go?"


'Wow this place looks high end' Is what sol thought walking around the place with his new companion/Friend Trixie.

They had no problem getting in the moment Trixie mentioned lucifers name to the bouncer in front though we did get some strange looks. As he and Trixie walked to the bar I was just looking around in fascination.

"Is Lucifer here?" Trixie asked the lady in black tight-fitting clothes who looked to be looking through the clubs black book.

Mazikeen frowned and turned around seeing a little girl in a princess outfit and a very sexy young man. With a peculiar set of amethysts like eyes. Those weren't normal eyes. That's the first thing she thought.

"And who are you two supposed to be." She asked the little girl and her male companion who didn't even give her a look and was more fascinated with his surroundings.