
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

" Ahh. ( whistle)" IT panicked.

It quickly dropped the rover before disappearing and heading towards its initial destination.


Location: N.A.S.A

Beep, beep, beep.

A sound from the control room sounded alerting the staff member who was in charge of any mishaps with curiosity.

" Huh, lost signal. Plus the cameras aren't working, whats going on." The employee was confused for a good few minutes trying to figure out why they lost connection. Then another beeping sound came. It was a picture image from the rover Curiosity.

" Pwwwwwwt"

Just as he was sipping his coffee. He spat it back out again. The picture he saw wasn't a picture of Mars or maybe a storm, but a ***** pick of a rather large,( cough) that didn't matter he immediately forwarded it to his superiors who then sent it to the secretary of defence as they had thought an enemy had somehow hacked curiosity or the Nasa database.

On this day not only was the supernatural world confused so was America, scientists and astronomers alike.


Location: Los Angeles food Market

" You know, there's only one way to pick the perfect strawberry." A charming voice sounded out behind the stall lady. Turning around she saw a well dressed handsome young man

" Are you talking to me?" She asked confused.

" Yes, of course. Why not?" Closing the distance between him and her.

" You know most people think it's just about the outside. You know, the, uh, shape and the colour.

But they're just like us. Sneaky little devils, hiding tasty secrets inside."

"It's never the ones you expect." She said smiling coyly.

"But there's no way of finding out, what deliciousness is underneath. Without giving it a little taste." He picked up one of the strawberries and gave it to her, his eyes giving her encouragement to have a taste.

And she takes the bait just as eve did.

" Mmm." She gave out a little moan as did lucifer when she took the bite.

" You like that?" He asked her getting even closer in the woman's space. Not that she minded.

" Oh... God!" Just as things looked like they were heating up. Like a cold bucket of water, it pored all over her with that simple word.

" Really? You have to bring him up now? I mean, we were having a moment." He said, miffed that she mentioned his annoying father. He took the strawberry and threw it in the bin. While the stall owner just stood there confused.

"Uh... - Lucifer. The hell are you doing?" Chloe Decker, Born in 1981, age 30, mother of one, a police detective and also lucifers partner in crime.

And right now she was looking at Lucifer as if he was an idiot. They were at a crime scene for goodness sake, couldn't he do his flirting another time.

"Pardon me. Right, so what have we got?" He excused himself finally following his partner to the scene of the crime only 15 steps away.

" Well, this is an interesting one. Our victim's a 60-year-old male. Collapsed in broad daylight.

No obvious injuries, no sign of struggle." She explained as she knelt near the corpse.

" And the interesting part is?" Not taking any of it seriously.

" This. Based on the bloodshot eyes and the closed throat, looks like this guy was poisoned." She said already used to his dismissive remarks on cases about the diseased.

As lucifer stepped away with the detective and the woman stood there with googly eyes, both of them never noticed the 5 foot 3 naked teen that walked straight past them.

He looked at the strawberries in interest before picking one up. He remembered how the lady ate it and copied her. And just like the weird-smelling dude said it was delicious. He picked up five boxes of strawberries before walking away.

Earth, he's only been here for a few hours yet everything he sees and tries is so fascinating. From the street performers to the sky-high buildings.

Not wanting to cause any more trouble than he already did on Mars he camouflaged himself so he would be invisible to any being unless he wanted to be seen. And if anyone accidentally got too close they would just pass right through him.

As he walked around some more he happened to come across a clothing store, he saw humans the same height as him shopping and buying stuff and putting stuff on. He was fascinated with what the humans wore, so to blend in better it was better to wear what they wore as well.

So after looking around he got the gist of what clothing was for. So he just picked out a baggy white t-shirt, a long black trenchant with golden embroidery, some Baggy black joggers and some grey Timberland boots.

He looked at himself in the mirror and frowned. He looked around real quick before picking up a hair tie and doing his long blonde hair in a back ponytail. He gave himself another lookover before nodding happily and leaving.

Now he was off to explore. This time not having to turn invisible.

What he didn't notice were the wired flushed looks he was getting from other teen girls and women alike. Or the effect he was having on them.


Location: Doctor Linda's office

"Well, I'm glad you decided to come here,

but I'm not sure this is appropriate." Doctor Linda, also known as lucifers therapist said looking at the annoyed Mazikeen who had her arms around the sofa. The signs that she didn't really want to be there but couldn't think of anything better to do.

"Why?" She said with a bit more sas than usual. Probably because of the whole eardrum thing in the morning.

"No, I like you." She wasn't taking no for an answer." Sigh, Look, you helped Lucifer, and I need you to help me."

" What seems to be the problem?" She asked confused but Focused.

" I'm stuck in a place I don't belong,

and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I need to figure out how to be more...normal( Since I'm a demon.)" But she didn't say that. Not that Linda would believe her anyway.