
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1

Warm, that's all it's ever really felt. There was no sound...no light, only warmth. But then all of a sudden as if a switch had just flipped, everything from the beginning of time to the present day all the information, every beings birth, death, Resurrection, creation, destruction, procreation, laugh, cry, disappointment, happiness, confusion, curiosity, Nothingness, heartache, betrayal...Creation.

He saw it all... Felt it all.

He knew what he was, why he was born, why he felt warm and where that warmth came from, but he didn't want to know or at least he didn't want to know everything but experience it himself so he sealed his Omnipresence and only kept some valuable information.

And finally, after Eons of hibernating, that being has awoken. And it all started with a twitch of its eyes before they fully opened creating an invisible wave of energy only the most powerful, intelligent or divine could feel...

And that wave of power spread across the universe in seconds before disappearing. Making all those who did feel it shudder in reverence, shock...and fear.


Universe: ????

Location: Los Angeles 7:23 Am

Maziken was Wiping the bar after another night of heavy drinking, sex then dancing. This wasn't her job to do but the employees had called in sick so here she is.

And just as she finished the elevator bell Rang indicating that someone was there. And who else could it be but Lucifer morningstar himself?

"Hello maze, surprised to see you here, pour me a drink would you," Lucifer said as he checked himself in the mirror making sure he looked prim, proper and handsome as always.

He wore an ironed white collar shirt with a black Armani jacket and pants, a black Gucci belt and some designer Italian leather shoes. He looked as handsome as the devil. Because he was.


A sudden Ringing sound blasted in Lucifers and Mazikeens ears making both devil and fallen angel hunch to the ground in agony.

Thankfully it only lasted a few seconds before it stopped but even then it took them a good 5 minutes for them to get up off the ground.

Maze had gotten a bit of her bearings as she grit her teeth and stood up. The ringing in her ears still not gone.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT LUCIFER!?!?!" She said loudly as she didn't notice the pitch of her voice.


As Lucifer still had some of his powers they started to get rid of the Ringing. While Maziken was still a bit better, it didn't look like the ringing was going away any time soon.

But it wasn't just Lucifer, it was also Amenadiel and every supernatural creature out there. They may have had it easier as they weren't as powerful. But still, a lot had fainted from the pressure and some could only lie there for hour's before the wringing stopped.

The screams in hell were 3 times louder than normal and the heavens were in panic on what was going on. They thought it was perhaps their father Being angry with Lucifer but that didn't seem to be the case.

But one question that was on the mind of every being right now was.



Location: U.S. National Solar Observatory

Scientists and astronomers alike were confused, fascinated and worried at the same time.

The reason.

When one of the scientists were doing telescopic imaging on the sun they got something weird.

The coronal loops on the suns surface were all over the place. That's not the weird part as that's natural. The weird part is that it was happening at an extreme rate. But not only that, but the sun was also producing new sound lengths never heard in the history of humanity. Or so they think.

But one thing was for sure, it wasn't normal.

And it could lead to a breakthrough in understanding the stars and our universe.


Meanwhile, the source of all this trouble and mayhem was sitting on the surface of the sun, it looked like a human, with bright glowing blonde hair and dark amethysts eyes.

And right now he was...he was, petting the sun???

No matter how crazy it may have sounded he was physically petting the sun. And it seemed to be responding to his pets if the low vibrations that sounded like the purs of a cat were any indications.

The beings lips curled hearing the vibrations. It did this for a good 10 minutes before standing up and looking at the Vacuums of infinite space. He noticed a few planets. None with life except one planet, it was full of life and divinity. With a decision made it bent its knees a little before disappearing at the speed of light.

But before it made its way to earth it made a Pitstop at a certain rocky planet.


Location: Mars

Curiosity was just doing what it did every other day. Rovers help scientists in their quest to understand what different parts of the planet are made of. Mars is made up of lots of different types of rocks, and each rock is made up of a mixture of chemicals. A rover can drive around to different areas, studying the different chemicals in each rock.

But today was going to be a bit different. As curiosity drove through the sandy and rocky terrain, it sensed something on its radar. Something had moved and it was right behind it. Before it could do what it was programmed to do a pair of dainty hands picked it up, and starred at it in well, curiosity.

" Mhhh, ahhh." It twisted and played with the rover not noticing the camera flashing, the being not being careful accidentally put too much strength in his hands and snapped curiosity in two. ( Rip my boy Curiosity)

" Ahh. ( whistle)" IT panicked.

It quickly dropped the rover before disappearing and heading towards its initial destination.

This is Season 1 episode 10. Were going from there.

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