
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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Spoiler Warning/ Mc

I may or may not have gone overboard when creating my charachter. And I may or may not have made one of the most bugged out characters in fiction. Besides that I'll say this now, the mc most of the time will use Avatars and not his real body.(so he won't have most of these powers.)

The reason, well you'll just have to read the bottom to find out. Again if you don't want any spoilers about the mc Ignore this page.


































Your still here, OK suit yourself.

Sol/mc - Pranking dark beings, Playing 11d chess with Cosmic Chicken, Music, Art, Icecream, Baseball, Visiting his family members, Chewing on staws or picks, lemonade lollies.

Mc looks like Mikey from Tokyo revengers.

Title: Kepper of truth, The strength of krypton, Guardian of the golden Isles, The primodial light, The one born before time and Eternity, The ultimate Good, Light of Excelsior, Sol, The soundless One, The ultimate prankster, Yang Fish, La, Sol son of God, Light of the Omniverse, Lord of the Isles, Inheritor of the magma realm, Inheritor of the Quod Infinita true box, The All seeing light, Above Existence-0, Anomoly, Golden bastard, Little golden Turd, Arthur pendragon II, King of salt.

Alignment: Good

Age: Inapplicable( Came before the Primordial darkness and void)

Base Universe: Earth 16( Young justice)

Universes he visits: Earth 12(Justice league), Earth 11, Earth ???(Lucifer Tv Show), Marvel( Earth-199999)

Parents: The Greater omniverse???/The Presence/God

Siblings: The great Darkness( Brother/Avatar of The Infinite Madness)

Lucifer morningstar(Brother)


Elaine Belloc( Niece)Angel

John Constantine( God Father)

trixie Decker( Friend)

mazikeen( Friend)

Weapons: Golden Drops form the Isles.

Sword of Vera: Manifestation of all his powers combined into something new. Layer upon layer of an infinite construct, surpassing and awakening into something more then the realeast reality. It can manifest as a sword and can only be weilded by the creator as it is apart of him or the one it choses or finds worthy. Its tempretures can reach up to big bang levels of hot and higher.( With Avatars the user is only able to exert the power of 100 billion trillion exploding stars. Dont underestimate how many stars there are in the universe.)

Caliburn, Excaliber, Staf of moses, lance of Michael, Anti fate sword, The Unfading Light of the Lake(Arondight), Rhongomyniad, The stone of David.

Weaknesses: The great Darkness, The Dark multiverse(The darker the universe the weaker his avatar is when it manifests: Only applies to avatars and not his true self.)

Can never show up in his true form as he needs to always protect the golden Isles, Cannot speak as his words will always manifest and could destroy reality.

He doesn't like using his omniscience and likes discovering new things without the power.

Race: Light/?????

Energy: ????/Entropy/Space-time/Uv/ Radiation/Magic/Void/Light/Magma Ecte...

Powers: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Flight, Heat Vision, Teleportation, Radiation Manipulation, Regeneration(High Godly),Damage Transferal, Resistance to Absorption, Healing, Energy Projection, Mind Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, sungularity, hive mind( Is connected to every single sun/star in the multiverse),Corona Manipulation, Dark Solar Manipulation, Esoteric Sun Manipulation, Fundamental Forces Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Heliokinetic Combat, Light Manipulation, Duality Embodiment, Magnetism Manipulation, Nuclear Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Psychic Solar Manipulation, Omnipresence, Omnipotence Meta Power Immunity, All Omni Powers, Pure Solar Manipulation, Solar Immunity, Solar Magic, Solar Empowerment, Solar Manipulation, Solar Vision, Complete Arsenal, Life-Force Manipulation, Spark Manipulation, Tachyon Manipulation, Truth Manipulation -( light is associated with truth), Twilight Manipulation when combined with Darkness Manipulation, Vision Manipulation, Corona Manipulation, EM Spectrum Manipulation, Electromagnetism Manipulation, Immunity to effects of stellar energy, Fire Immunity(Not affected by bright light), UV radiation immunity, Miniature Stellar Winds/Flares, Nova Manipulation, Personal Stellar Energy, Plasma Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Solar Flare, Star Creation, Star Destruction, Star Fall, Stellar Attacks, Stellar Constructs, Stellar Energy Absorption, Stellar Energy Manipulation, Stellar Flight, Stellar Generation, Stellar Immunity, Stellar Solidification, Supernova Inducement, Astronomical Object Manipulation, Black Hole Creation as a result of a large star's collapse/death, Black Hole Manipulation, Constellation Physiology, Cosmic Manipulation, Cosmic Fire Manipulation, Gravitational Singularity Generation, Magnetism Manipulation, Periodic Table Powers, Stardust Manipulation, Vacuum Adaptation, Astrology, White Hole Creation sometimes becoming an alternate singularity type, White Hole Manipulation, Wormhole Creation, Zodiac Physiology, Divination, Destiny Manipulation, Wish Granting, Wish Empowerment, cosmic Manipulation, Immortality( Type 1,2,3,4,9), Imagination Manifestation, Word Manifestation, Healing saliva( Nel), Paradox Manipulation, Reactive Power level, El sol( Can come back from existence erasure and concept destruction), Magic Afinity, Elemental Affinity, large size( Type 11),  Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Matter Manipulation,Intangibility,  Manipulation,Teleportation,Telekinesis,Telepathy,Mind Manipulation, Manipulation, Creation(Can create Ways to other places and higher dimensions),LifeManipulation,Healing, 

Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Morality Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Time Manipulation, Time Travel, Spatial Manipulation,Body Control, Law Manipulation, Resistance to Mind Manipulation and Soul Manipulation, curse manipulation, Durability negation, Self-Sustenance(Type 1,2,3), Plot Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Causality Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction, Empathic Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, probability Manipulation, Luck Manipulation, Acausality, Power nullification, 4th Wall Awareness, Resurrection, Summoning, Shapeshifting, Life & Death Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Willpower Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction, Imagination, Weapon Mastery, Abstract Existence, Automatic transcendence, cloth Manipulation, power bestowal, Evolution, Avatar Creation, Text Manipulation, Time-Stop, Incorporeality, Clairvoyance, BFR, Forcefield Creation, Adaptation, Reactive Evolution, petrification, Extrasensory Perception, Transmutation, Attack reflection, Animal Manipulation, blood Manipulation, disease Manipulation, psychometry, Fusionism, Biological Manipulation, Fragrance Manipulation, Deconstruction, sense Manipulation, Rage Power, Friendship power, perception Manipulation, Holy Manipulation, social influencing, Resistance negation, illusion Creation, Infinita Physiology( An being beyond the classification of existence-0 and Existance 1), Absolute Omnipotence( Only when fused with the Isles does he have no fictional Limits), Language decipherment, Toon force nullification, devouring, Holopsicon, Mind possession, Magnetism Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Information Analysis, Age Manipulation, Invulnerability, Omnilinguistic.

( Absolute omnipotent entities have literally no fictional limits, which creates many paradoxes. Can an omnipotent beat himself in an arm wrestle? Yes. Can it lift a weight heavier than he can lift? Yes. Anything is well within the realm of possibility if one wields true omnipotence, no matter the form of logic, or reasoning, including ignoring, surpassing, or completely annihilating the laws of the box. )

Keeper of the golden Isles: A otherworldly golden lake that holds a light predating the dc universe, some say its the first light to come into existence.

Those who gaze upon it are enlightened and are put to peace, any inhumane and insane person will be healed just by gazing upon it. Those who drink even a drop of the water from the golden Isles are given powers beyond the ones they may are may not have. Those that bathe in the Isles are given godhood. And those that are acknowledged by the Isles trials gain almost infinite wisdom of the universe they are from. That is if they survive.( Thes are only the smaller benefits of the Isles.It can also work as an omniversal portal to other dimensions.

The Isles is the source for all that is light. Every light in reality, universe, multiverse, source of fiction and non fiction, every cartoon, anime, TV show, Dream, light novel Exetra comes from the Isles. In fact the golden Isles isent even contained in the omnivese but outside it.

(Fun fact: If Sol was to ever appear in front of the Spectrum entity's they would bowto him, as he's there creator of sorts.)