
The Sun King

The war of the Gods and Demons have been going on since the dawn of time. The two side always seek to overthrow the other. The mortals races plead with the Gods, who they so praise and the Demon, who they so fear to put an end to their eternal war. All mortal races cries were invain saved be two of them. The two that were not was the humans and dragons. Human praise Azathoth and dragon praise Io and this was their response they were given "I will come to put an end to this so called eternal war." Thus the The Sun King descended to the mortal plane.

4of7jkids · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Start of adventure

Narrator:1989ACU or 7YSK

Rose:Justin were did you go.

Justin:hi mom (as he warps in.)

Rose:how many times have I told you not do that you could get stuck in between realms (disputed being the first time tell him that)

Justin: mom this is different it warp travel not teleportation. (warp travel is that you have to have been to the place to go, while teleportation it moves them randomly you could end up anywhere)

Rose:Still you could alert people toward our location by the large amount of mana given of you should never try this near this village.

Justin: were dad?

Rose: He should be home from work in a minute.

Justin:yea he teaching me how to use a sword fight today.

Rose: wait a minute he what.

Justin: Mom you know he was fight with a sword before he could talk. (fun fact this is true)

Rose: I know but come on it better for you to practice your magic. (Justin is trying to become a Spellblade, a swordsman that uses magic but Rose want him to be a mage like her and James want him to be swordsman like him.)

James:I home

Justin:Hi dad I ready to sword fight.


Narrator:(Justin and James went to the forest to train.)

James:(Drewing his blade he strikes a tree cutting it in two.) Try to do that. (James with a smug look on his face, laughing, believing he could not for it took him years to cut a tree with a signal strike.)

Justin:(He drew his blade cuting not only a tree into two but also a large boulder behind as well.) Like that.

James:(looking amazed) Um, yeah like that.

Narrator:(This would continue a few weeks until Justin knew his father could not teach him anymore. Justin himself would dive deeper into magic than anyone has ever done before. Justin would begin to experiment with magic that took most mages years to even learn but decades to master yet he did it on same day he learned it.)

Justin data


ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana use 1/10, stat suppression


Emotion:Hope and love




strength :1000

agility : 1000

defense: 250

magical defense: 250

Went lower level suppression these are his stats. Higher drops it 10 fold.

Narrator:14 YSK or 1996 ACU Justin wonders around the village

Justin: (Hearing something is amiss) Someone is being attacked by a monster.(Justin warp back to his house and graps his sword) (Justin would run towards the person in danger) (Justin sees the monster and scans it)

Monster species: Void walker

Monster ability: Corruption( Anything in it presence is consumed by darkness, tho who fall to it becomes void walkers them selves.) and Choas surge(put a small shield of darkness around stopping most attacks)

Monster emotion:Pride

Monster weakness:light and water

Monster lv.3






magical defense:25

battle:He readys his blade and he striking the monster and the monster roar in pain but it not out yet. It strikes at Justin but he parries the monster attack and strike it again. He let suppression go, relaing a portion of his full power. Then, Justin summons a light blast by using the spell, Lux Inspiratione (light blast), buring through the monster, killing it.

1 lv gain


Magic core F rank (1)

Magic cores are magic catalysts drop by all born for emotions. Used in alchemy for magic tools and thought alchemy can make man made ones.

Void stones (1)

Contains the element of void. Using in making void elemental tools. Alchemy can make man made ones.

Justin does not take the ability, Corruption but turn it into an ability capsules.

Justin data


ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana use 1/10.stat suppression and Choas surge


Emotion:hope and love







magical defense:750

When gaining lv. Max stats. Suppression increase it by a percentage.

Young girl:(She Huggs Justin) Thank you, you saved me (She says this as she blushes)

Justin: Your welcome, by the way what your name.

Young girl:It Emma

Justin:I should probably get your wounds checked.

Emma:(Smiling) It Ok she said, their just cuts and scrapes for trying to run for the monster, no use using healing herbs.

Justin:I was planning to using healing magic so can I do that instead.

Emma:If you can using healing magic maybe but do not go overboard(She blushes thanking about it)

Justin: (Reaches out his hand and he places his hand on her shoulder) Sancta Lux(means holy light) you should be good now.

Emma:(Hugges him and run off)

Narrator:Justin sences something from her as if it was a large amount of magic.

Emma:(Arives home) I home

Emperor Augustus:You are home, my sweet daughter. How was the trip finding the child with large magic source that was felt 13 year and 150 day ago with the large, almost endless light.

Emma:I found who it was. His name is Justin and I think I want to marry him.(Blushing just thing about him)

Emperor Augustus: I happy for you seems like I found you a suitor then. A person that can both make you happy and has power that incredible just at birth. Speaking of which how much has his power grown.

Emma: I could not tell, It seems he has the ability Suppression.

Emperor Augustus: that would make sense. Guards


Emperor Augusus: Go and tell the army we found him, we found The Sun King, go and tell the army to go northward towards a village he is there, The Sun King there. Go and find this him for the fate of this nation and the world depends on it. Guards also go and tell the people that my daughter will be get married, once he is found to him.