
The Sun King

The war of the Gods and Demons have been going on since the dawn of time. The two side always seek to overthrow the other. The mortals races plead with the Gods, who they so praise and the Demon, who they so fear to put an end to their eternal war. All mortal races cries were invain saved be two of them. The two that were not was the humans and dragons. Human praise Azathoth and dragon praise Io and this was their response they were given "I will come to put an end to this so called eternal war." Thus the The Sun King descended to the mortal plane.

4of7jkids · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Rising Sun and turn all fear into hope.

Narrator:Day went by, as the emperor's army advanced Northward. Justin was aloud to start adventuring he left the village. His first encounter out there was a slime, a low level monster even when he is heavy suppressing his power to the point that no one could find his location. Justin know senced a monster with a staggering aura, to the point Justin stopped suppression to his normal power. (It should be noted that there is no cap onto lv growth, so long it is possible to learn and grow)

Justin data

When not suppresed he becomes immune to enemy abilities and stats increases by 10 fold.


ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana use 1/10.stat suppression and Choas surge


Emotion:hope and love







magical defense:7500

Monster data

Species:Black Knight

ability:Choas ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)

Weakness:Fire and light(This only applies for Justin went not suppresed)








magical defense:10000

Battle:Justin starts by using a sword skill, lv.1 divine breaker, which drops defense and magic defense by half the stat. Black Knight Hp 30000 Black Knight uses, lv.1 Choas shot dropping his speed by half. Justin Hp 123500

Justin casts, lv.1 dragon light, Stops him for using magic for this turn. Black Knight Hp 25000. Black Knight, Uses sword skill, Shadow slash, which does full damage throught all defence. Justin Hp 118500. Justin know casts holy flame lv5, an attack that burn all to ash cutting throught magic defense. Black Knight 0 Hp. Justin Won the battle.

xp gain 100000

lv gain 30

ability gain ability:Choas ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)

Justin data


ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10. stat suppression, Choas surge,choas ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)


Emotion:hope and love







magical defense:50000

Moster drop gain:broken mithril armor and sword needs to be reforged. Magic core A grade(1)

Narrator: Justin Begain to repair the armor it became apparent that it need a large amount of mana to be forged so he once again broke his suppression and infused it with mana the process bound the metal to uses mana force allowing him to call it to him at will. Stat boost 5 times increase to all stats apart for mana and this stat boost will grow with the using mana. This tremendous aura will forging the armor brought the attention of the full army towards him. The emperor fears that the king of gods or the king of demon may find his location first or worse they may already be there. The emperor fears that the first one there may be able give their daughter's or daughters' hand first. This depends on the situation at hand and emperor was planning to actually give all 7 seven of his daughters' hands in marriage to him if that was required.(Which the Emperor wishes to happen but Justin does not and Emma is in the middle, so long as she can be with Justin she happy.)

As the army arrived, it became apparent that they were be followed by a beast beyond their imagination, this is one the of 12 gernals of Shadow King's forces and one of the four not seal away along with the Shadow King, code name Shadow Dragon.

Justin data


ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10. stat suppression, Choas surge, choas ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)


Emotion:hope and love







magical defense:250000(5)

Monster data

Monster species:Shadow Dragon

Ability: Nightmare(Turns what you most fear into reality) all hope is lost (Those who fear it can not harm it) All is fear (More it is feared the stronger it gets) Choas birth(Can summon a army of monster to fight for it) Crawling chaos(Can transform into a begin born of fear to become it true form)

weakness:Unknown(But is known is it weakens when it not feared.)



Hp: Unknown(Always changing)

Mana: Unknown(Always changing)

agility:Unknown(Always changing)

defense:Unknown(Always changing)

magical defense:Unknown(Always changing)

Justin: Every one you need to move know your being followed by a terror beyond all imagining, it only know death and it seek to bring you to destruction but do not fear it without fear it powerless, please hearken to my words.

Narrator:But the army did not and begain to fear it.

Gernal Fire:Who are you and why should we listen to you?

Justin:I am Justin, The Sun King, king of the day and lord of light. Please listen to me if not you will all die.

Shadow dragon: So a human knows of my orgin, ha ha ha, then die humans this is your sin thanking your greater than anyone else even greater than The Shadow King.

battle:Shadow dragon ability choas birth happens, which summons an army of monsters. Justin casts lv 5 supernova, which rips throught the monsters and strikes Shadow dragon but it seems not to faze him. General Fire ability,dragon's force,summoning a sheild of light to protectioning everyone. Shadow Dragon uses lv7 dawn to dusk, which fires a dark force that rip through everything but can not break throught the shield of light which protects the army. Justin Casts, lv 7 last dawn, which fires a blast of compressed light which wounds the dragon, which seems to kill it. Shadow dragon ability, Crawling chaos know happens, changing it to it true form, which is fear incarnate sometime called Barbas. Barbas uses crawling fear, feeds of the fear of it enemies restore it health and nightmare activates, turns it enemies fear into begin but what Barbas does not now is that does not work on Justin. Barbas is now brought to the realization what Justin truly is and he know to fear him. Justin cast, lv.10 No more, turning all that stood in the attacks way to ash by using it own power against it, striking Barbas, killing him. Battle won

Barbas:What are you. How can I, the lord of fear, be beaten by, a mortal, yea even a human.

Justin:The sun shines it light unto all without malice or hate. It grants all beings it light without fear to whatever they may be.

Barbas:What does that have to do with anything.

Justin:I am Justin, The Sun King , king of day and lord of light. I do not fear for I rule over the sun

Barbas: (Turing slow to ash) So even an immortal can die, ha ha ha, yea even a lord of an emotion can die.(Disapers)

Justin:It over

Xp gain 2000000

20 lv. gain

armor powers increases

all ability for Barbas turned into ability capsules. Gain ability dragon's forces.

Justin data


ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10. stat suppression, Choas surge, choas ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him) dragon force(Cast shield over entire party)


Emotion:hope and love







magical defense:700000(5)

Items gains Book of fear called the final prophecy, ring of light(item can store any number of items into it) crystal shield(a strong unbreakable sheild), Orb of emotions(allows ability to uses all emotions with out be corrupted.) Magic core Mythical Grade(1) Massive amount of Fear scales,hid claws, teeth, bones,Organs,meat

Justin: Active suppresed

General Fire: You must be Justin then.

Justin:Yes, why do you ask.

General Fire: The emperor wishes to speak with you at the capital.

Justin: O.k, I was just on my way anyways.

General Fire:Great then we can tell the emperor that you were found, The Sun King was found.