
The Sun King

The war of the Gods and Demons have been going on since the dawn of time. The two side always seek to overthrow the other. The mortals races plead with the Gods, who they so praise and the Demon, who they so fear to put an end to their eternal war. All mortal races cries were invain saved be two of them. The two that were not was the humans and dragons. Human praise Azathoth and dragon praise Io and this was their response they were given "I will come to put an end to this so called eternal war." Thus the The Sun King descended to the mortal plane.

4of7jkids · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Finding home, Broken seal, ancient war begain again, and bringer of hope.

Narrator:Jame and Rose found a small mountainous village in the middle of the empire because of it location no one would suspect them to come here for it was closest to the empire's largest city and everyone believes them both to be dead by ever monsters or killed by the soldiers. James joined the guild to earn money. James and Rose got married. On that night of their wedding, James would get Rose pregnant and a brilliant light would be both seen and felt form the unborn child over the next ten months.

Shadow King: Broken laws and promises is what Null gave to the mortals. It time strike. Fallen gods and fallen nations born form the light. Rise darkness start your war against the light and bring the these nations to their knees.

Narrator:Thus the seal placed by Null that was keeping the Gods, Demons and the mortal realms apart broken. A war broke out between Gods who attacked, the demons who fought back, and mortals who seek to stop this endless war. Nature begain to cried for it fear it own destruction. Gods and Demons clash. Gods with overwhelming strength and power but what the demons lack made up with their numbers. Both side are immortals nether can die. This is why it called the endless war. As their battle happens, day became weeks and week became months. As each mortal raced prayed, they pled with the Gods, they so praise and the Demons, they so fear to stop their war all they go in reture was "ha ha ha so what a few ant die" but it was not same for human and dragons and this was their response "I will come to put an end to this war"and as this line was said to them a light greater than the sun is seen at night. All sides look up in amazement as light envelopes the night sky and a large and staggering life force was felled It was as if Null himself was born to the mortal realm. This child was born to Rose and James.

James: Rose look you gave birth to a happy boy.

Rose: I know I can tell.

James: I will name him Justin

Narrator: Form this world the names Justin mean great light or just law giver. For both of them saw a great light at birth and do not know what future holds for him. The light would continue until dawn breaks to the next day. The light was the sight to all races that Null has keeped his promise, The Sun King was born, all praise and honor to his blessed name.

1982 ACU or 0 YSK or year of the Sun King