
The Sun King

The war of the Gods and Demons have been going on since the dawn of time. The two side always seek to overthrow the other. The mortals races plead with the Gods, who they so praise and the Demon, who they so fear to put an end to their eternal war. All mortal races cries were invain saved be two of them. The two that were not was the humans and dragons. Human praise Azathoth and dragon praise Io and this was their response they were given "I will come to put an end to this so called eternal war." Thus the The Sun King descended to the mortal plane.

4of7jkids · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Adventure east, story of hope, birth of Unified emprie, and love.

Jame began his adventure eastward travel towards the allied nations to warn them of the incoming army of the empire. The more he walked, the more he realized the destruction that the Crimson Empire can inflict. He saw land scorch and burn to cinders. Entire villages massacre for not submitting to the empire. The reason the villages would not submit to the empire is because they remember a story, even a legend and it goes like this "as fire burns, nature grows and death is all that is left do not give up hope for so long as some calls upon his name he will answer, for the king of all, the Sun King will be born for he will be called in fear, dragon god, Io or azathoth, the dreamer for by his will the physical universe was dreamed into began." "For darkness may rule the night now but wait until the dawn breaks, light will reign again for it is stated let there be light." "Light and darkness give their gifts to all but light is life and darkness is rest." As Jame continued his walk he begain to find more and more land Controlled by Crimson Empire. Jame now knew that the empire now rules over all the human territories. James said "all is lost, all is lost, blood covers the land, is this what nothing but war gets us." James saw a young woman with a group of imperial soldiers, the soldiers began to mock the young woman by saying "how far have fallen, great ruler of the sun." Then as began to drew their sword to end her life. James drew his own,cutting throught they blades and armor, a simple slash is all it took. As James looked around after the slash he saw the young woman began held by the last standing soldier. The soldier as "who or what are you."

James responded by saying "I am a simple traveler." "I will not let a innocent life be taken for this world by Imperial hand, if I can help it." He simply drew his sword once more ending the soldier's life. The women herself was past out. He sat there waiting for young lady to wake up, cleaning her wounds along the way. As the lady open her eyes, she saw the young man that saved her cleaning her wounds, She smiled. James realised she is awake, James said "My names is James what is yours." She responded "My name is Rose."

James brought her to her feet and asking "if she is ok."

Rose said "yes I am o.k."

Rose asked "why would you risk your own life to save a stranger?"

James asked "if you have he heard the story of the Sun King."

Rose said "yes but what does that have to do with my question."

James said "Sun King gives life and death to all and he does not judge based on how you are and what you have done, for it is better to risk your life to protect what you believe is right than live and question everthing ; I believe that it better to rise against injustice that let it stand, injustice bring about a nation own destruction." "Chaos bring about chaos and it can not bring about order." "For light and darkness are the natural order of things."

James asked Rose consering the state of human kingdoms. Rose said that Empire now rules all human kingdoms and states the old king and queens are still aloud to rule their nations but are taxed. She states that two nations rebelled against this rule. She states she is the last surviving royal family member of one of the two nations that rebelled and was told that the other is completely whipped out. James smiled and said "so my nation plan worked, they think I died."

Rose asked "what do you mean." James again smiled and explained all that has happened. Rose suddenly hugged James and said "I so glad that you are alive." James realizing who she is hugged her back. James and Rose were planning to get married before all this has happened. James said "so that means we can get married." Rose hugging him again saying of course.