
The Stunning Girl From The Slums

# wifespoiling The story began with Cheng Xin hugging her knees despairingly as she watched lunatics pass her by one by one in the slums. Cheng Xin had been the Cheng family’s foster daughter for fifteen years, only to be thrown in the slums for three years after that. All this happened because a fortune teller said that the Cheng family’s real daughter, Cheng Wei, needed a scapegoat. Cheng Xin’s main mission in the slums was to substitute Cheng Wei and die in a foreign place as it was the latter’s fate. However, Cheng Xin’s fate seemed to be much stronger than that. Not only did she survive those three years, but she even became an uncrowned king of the slums. She saved the people on the island one by one and learned skills during her free time, so they could help her survive when she left the slums someday. Yet, fate wouldn’t have it, and before Cheng Xin thought of a way to escape, Li Qun took her away from the slums. Only… wasn’t she just a scapegoat for her older sister? And who was this man who not only had his head buried in her neck, but was also latched onto her like an octopus? After leaving the slums with nothing to call her own, Cheng Xin met the possessive Li Qun who had everything except love. Since then, Cinderella Cheng Xin became a princess living in a castle and was doted on by her prince. Someone said, “Are you talking about Cheng Xin? She’s just an abandoned child who smells like a beggar.” Having said that, this person ran into Cheng Xin dozing off as she signed dozens of property agreements. Someone said, “Cheng Xin? That girl doesn’t have any backers, so I don’t know how she can afford to be so arrogant.” Having said that, H Country’s richest financial magnate, Li Qun, announced that he would be marrying Cheng Xin soon. Someone said, “Cheng Xin? I already knew that she can’t have children. She’s like a hen that doesn’t lay eggs.” Having said that, this person was beaten up by the Li family’s young master. “If Mommy can’t have children, where did I come from? A rock?” PS: An insecure financial group CEO VS bigshot of the slums.

JQK · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

The sun shone through the green leaves, the sky was blue and clear, the buzzing of cicadas never ceased, and the flowers in the manor were in full bloom, decorating the already fresh and beautiful summer day.

Soon, the sound of cicadas became muffled.

In the manor, screams rose and fell.

A girl in a white dress stood in the courtyard. Her bright eyes were stained with blood, and the pistol in her hand emitted a wisp of green smoke. The servant who had been shot fell to the ground.

The blood dyed the green lawn and her clothes red. Like the roses in the garden, they bloomed seductively.

The sun shone on the girl. It was bright, but it was like a god's favor on someone on the verge of death.

"Sister!" a young and mournful male voice cut through the silence.

The girl came back to her senses. The killing intent in her eyes receded, leaving only confusion behind.

There were corpses everywhere, and the smell of blood filled the air.

After a while, she realized what she had just done. The girl covered her head with her hands and screamed hysterically.

"I killed someone... I killed someone!

"I'm guilty... I'm guilty..."

The girl seemed to have lost her soul. Her face pale, she suddenly looked at her younger brother. Her eyes were sad, but the corners of her mouth revealed a strange smile.

"It's good... It's good... Qun'er. This way, they won't bully you anymore."

The girl stood up and looked at the Little Li Qun in a daze. Tears fell, but she smiled brightly.

"These flowers are blooming really well." The girl walked to the side of the blooming rose and reached out to gently stroke the soft petals. "Qun'er, you have to take good care of them."

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her pistol and aimed it at her heart.


Li Qun suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

Everything was calm. The only thing that was the same as that day was the clear sky outside.

So it was just a dream.

Li Qun panted and covered his face with his ten fingers.

The rose dyed deep red by fresh blood still lingered in his mind.

He had been troubled by this nightmare for many years.

Li Qun lowered his eyes and looked at Cheng Xin, who was sleeping soundly at the side.

She was very similar to the sister in the dream, but her face was as pale as a sheet, and her thoughts as pure as a piece of white paper.

Li Qun lay down and pulled Cheng Xin into his arms as if he wanted to pin her onto his body. His head leaned against her neck, greedily sniffing the fragrance on her body.

"Sister, I missed you."

"Today, father came to see me. He actually wanted me to give him money to mess with women. In the future, if he does this again, I will chase him away and make him a beggar. How about that?

"When you left, I was only 10 years old. I couldn't protect you, and I couldn't give you anything.

"I'm 28 now, but I can't see you anymore."


Li Qun muttered to himself, but he didn't know that Cheng Xin had woken up because she couldn't breathe.

She pretended to be asleep but heard those words clearly.

Although they sounded pitiful, all Cheng Xin wanted was for Li Qun to let her go.

Was this man trying to flatten her?!

Li Qun didn't know that Cheng Xin had woken up. After some explanation, he had woken up.

However, when he looked down, he saw that Cheng Xin's collar was wrinkled from being hugged by him. She was also in the prime of her life. Her snow-white and tender skin made people daydream.

Oh no.

He reacted.

He actually reacted to a lunatic?!


Li Qun pushed Cheng Xin away and sat up from the bed. He looked at her for a moment before finally deciding to leave the room.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Cheng Xin could finally open her eyes and sit up in shock.

Did he react to her?!

Cheng Xin patted her chest, feeling them hugging tightly just now.

Perhaps it was because she was treated as a substitute for his sister that Li Qun did not continue. Instead, he ran away.

But on second thought, he had an improper desire for his sister.

This was perverse!!!

Cheng Xin cried out incessantly. She only wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

She tiptoed out and stood at the corner of the stairs, secretly looking down.

Li Qun had already put on a white shirt. Assistant Chen carried the suit and helped Li Qun put it on.

"Today, your competitor spouted nonsense in front of the media and framed you. He said that you tried to control the economy of H and wanted to deprive the people of their money," Assistant Chen said in a low voice, sizing up Li Qun's expression.

"Don't bother. Just get rid of him."

To him, killing a few people was nothing more than squeezing a few ants to death.