
The Struggling Feets

Ever wondered how hard it is to make decisions at a small age and facing misjudgment and prejudice of others? Love is like fire of the candle which tends to burn you, melts you and ask for sacrifice but helps you find a different side of yours - sometimes the devil and sometimes the angel.. It's a story about a teenager - Ella who have been judged for what she is and because she doesn't like going with the herd of sheeps .. can she face everything or will loose at the end ? Let's be a part of her ups and downs.

ThE_trutH_UntOLd_ · Teen
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6 Chs

The Boxing Match~

Ella was peacefully enjoying music with headphones when she felt someone's presence near her.

Ella's POV-

'Ouh come'on don't these bitches again-' I murmured while holding my wrist..'Huh? a new chic in class..maybe here to meet her girl. Anyways atleast not a rival again-' I again started my music. "Can I have this seat next to you? You don't look good with it so i asked?" He intrupted with a weird pout. Wait so he is our new classmate- NO why thiS seat!!! This was the only peaceful space of the class.

" Argh gosh..this seat doesn't belong to me .. rest.. as you wish~" I answered with a forced smile.

Sina's POV-

This girl is being bitch again-- she will manipulate the new boy against us. Why do he have to sit beside her? He is kinda cute too with those glasses...

"Are you kidding me LoL i guess this new transfer student wants to mess with the bully of our school- you can sit here we have a free seat and ...your name?" Sina shouted from the frontier.

WAIT bully ..me? cool a new thing let it be i should act like i didn't heard this bitch will really ruin my match focus today.

" B-bully ..she doesn't seems like tho-- anyways thanks for your concern i m not a kid who will be scared of her I don't really like seating there i hope you don't mind ..ouh yeah myself Noah" new boy answered her.

*Sigh* what a mess *TT*.

Noah POV-

"Dammn why do i get trapped in problems again and again lol idc let's get to the seat for now." She doesn't seems so bad either- tho kind of scary ..are these girls intentionally did it or she really is--" WhY shouLd i cARe " I shouted in my mind. All i have to do in breaks is to sleep and to eat so it doesn't matter at all.

The Mr.Hemson entered the classroom and everyone took their seats."Sorry for keeping you all waiting but i hope you all get well together and weren't missing your old friends by now" he smiled and continued "as today i am only going for your all introduction because you all are new to me.. So myself James Hemson and I am your homeroom teacher and going to teach you physics and i request you to submit these club forms and do join it sincerely after the school in overtime because it will give you knowledge and good grades as an extra curricular activity ^-^. Remember ONLY one club to select like each year." Mr. Hemson distributed the sheets and after the introduction the class ended.

*In the lunch break*

Ella POV-

It's lunch already... should I go to cafeteria? Daze must have a bunch of friends by now for the company and Ken and Soohyun are there already.. Ted must be busy around his friends and girls would curse me if i join them I don't want Daze and others to be suffer anything .. atleast i want a focused mind today.

Woah everyone seems so good goin' and here a new bully thing starting - *Sigh* let's get some snacks for now.

In the cafeteria-

"Daze where is Ella!?", Ken and Soohyun interrogated. " Maybe coming with Ted ..i don't know-" " She isn't with me ..nor even in class i already checked for her while coming ..i guess she might be practicing or busy in any other stuff .. I'll take some snacks for her afterwards" Ted continued after Daze.

Ted POV-

I hope she must have eaten something and not anyone bothering her this time too.. I'll go for her match after my club submission and will take some snacks for that foodie.

Ella's POV-

Why the heck this boy can't go to cafeteria during lunch and will he going to keep staring to my headphones? I shouldn't have agreed when he asked for sitting here- *Death glare*

*BELL rings*

~Students leaving the class for the club activities and chattering alongside.~

*Huff* Sike finaallly let's go ..today was a heavy day.

*Boxing club*

"This time again we have about 19 students only in our club and teacher were asking a maximum of 20 students to continue our club or it will be rejected" Ella exclaimed to others.

" How can they do that!! .."

" it's unfair .."

" only one maybe we can have a new entry?.."

everyone started panicking.

" I'll talk to them..this club is really really important for us and I had to convince our principal so hard to form this club when we were in high school junior years so it can't go to a waste ...we have so many tournaments to prepare for this year." Ella,Frank and Josh comforted others.

" I want to join this club" someone intrupted from the door.

" New student!?" .. Ella wisphered.

" Woah- you are the formation member of this club?" Noah asked Ella with a confused face.

"Yeah I am ..any problem?" Ella quick replied.

" Cut it off ..we finally have 20 members now you are extremely welcome and give me your form of application I have to add it and submit. " Josh happily welcomed Noah.

Ella's POV-

Hmm a new thing to him also.. a girl and boxer .. anyways i am not new to the criticism.

Noah POV-

OMG ..what was her name again ..Elsa.. Ella? a BOXER ... It's so cool!! does everyone afraid of her cuz of it? Damn .. did she joined it for fun i mean can she practice boxing with boys..no match lol..she doesn't have a body structure of a boxer..who knows ?

" I am glad that you three junior girls joined our club this year as it reminds me of my junior years *TT* Don't let anyone badmouth about you for it and always be proud of it" Ella cheered the girls.

"Let's draw the slips and start the matches for tournaments selection from today so we can practice. Alright pick one slips each and start practicing we will have matches at the end and today final winners will be official members of our school team." Frank made the announcement.

Ella's POV-

Whom do i get? *Eyes opened* ouH shit Max .. isn't he the current boyfriend of Sina ..I have to win against her I don't care..*kunckle crack*.

Max POV-

Lol a girl to fight with?? why me and Ella?

But she is good with it ..she have been practicing from so long and won against inter state competitions..so i shouldn't underestimate her anyways it's a practice match .. let's get it.

After 30mins-

"Cool let's start--" Ella gathered everyone.

*Running feets sound* "Are we late???" Daze, Ken, Soohyun and Ted with five of his friends shouted from the door.

"lol- Not at aLL you kids should go home rather than coming here-" Ella laughed.

"Naah that's not possible we are here to cheer you fat head.. look i got snacks too we'll eat after match. Okay all the very best to all we won't disturb y'all anymore just ignore us and continue." Ted exclaimed in dramatic way.

" Yeah yeah we should start now guys" Josh continued with a smack to Ted.

Noah POV-

Woah i thought she didn't had friends..wait all boys? Is she a flirt or what? ..."what the hell is wrong with me i shouldn't judge someone like that" *SMACKED himself*

"In the blue we have -..."

"this match is won by- Josh"

" look at the move .. here we have two junior girls this time" ...

"okay on the blue we have Max and on the red Ella.. let's begin the match.!"

*Comeon you can do it!!! whooohoohooohooo* Daze and Ken cheering.

Round 1-

Ella POV-

"okay Focus let's do it*

"And with this fine punch Ella won the first match!!" everyone stunned by the techniques used.

Round 2-

Max POV-

"i can't lose like this .. it's humiliating.. let's do some changes."

"Bell ring"

" Daamn that was a sharp move by Max .." "that's not allowed to punch on the shoulder!!!" wait you got a penalty for it!!"

"Ella you FiNe???"Ted shouted.

" YeAh don't worry *ouch*" Ella replied.

*Tun Tun*

"This round is won by Max with 1 penalty".