
The Struggling Feets

Ever wondered how hard it is to make decisions at a small age and facing misjudgment and prejudice of others? Love is like fire of the candle which tends to burn you, melts you and ask for sacrifice but helps you find a different side of yours - sometimes the devil and sometimes the angel.. It's a story about a teenager - Ella who have been judged for what she is and because she doesn't like going with the herd of sheeps .. can she face everything or will loose at the end ? Let's be a part of her ups and downs.

ThE_trutH_UntOLd_ · Teen
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6 Chs

_The knockout session_

_Rest time_

Ella's POV-

So he is trying to win with the ruthless means.

It's showtime Ella I have put my everything into it.

It's not just a dream of my life it's my life.

Okaay so let's begin the final round *tan tan*

"Come on bruh let's get into it" Ella exclaimed with the utmost confidence on her face.

"Y-yeah.. w-what now!" Max replied with confusion.

Complete silence in the hall was broken with the first punch of Ella.*SMASH*

"T-that was POWERFUL", Frank doing the complimentary.

"And here comes my sister!! Whohoooo yeaah win it,"Daze cheering Ella with others.

" And with that one more shot here ends the final round with a clear victory of Ella "the final announcement made by Frank.

Everyone was stunned as the new members didn't expected the final result.

Noah's POV-

"I hope I could have motivated you," Ella laughed in a cute way while explaining to the junior girls.

Woah t-that was a beautiful match..damn I never expected that this little chic can be so good in boxing I am ..a fan of her!!!!!

Dude why is she so cool?! Her skills ..HAH

I too want to learn boxing from her-

*sparkling eyes*

While Ella was chatting with junior girls Ted, Daze, Ken and Soohyun rushed towards her. "You slayed the last round !! ouh our champ" Soohyun dramatically shouted." shutup keep your ass quite noodle" Ella face palmed " You feeling all well right?" Ken inquired Ella. "Don't you think we should ask this to Max?" Ella replied...." He would think we are making fun of him-","BRUH why would he?," Ella cutoff Ted words and went to Max.

"Hyy.. that was nice to have that match with you. How you doing?" Ella greeted Max."what a bitch, huh .." Max murmured. "Wait what -!?", "Yeah shouldn't I ask that? first you won against me and litreally knocked out me to death in just a common match and now trying to be humble all again'?? No.. probably acting pure kind to check out my bruises? or regrets? YeAh failure ! and by a "Girl" ..*sarcastic smirk* go have party you are selected and spread it all around the school!! I don't need your sympathy," Max shouted with a complete arrogant and frustrated manner. "I- .." Ella was speechless when Ted stepped in and gave a death glare to Max" I told you didn't I? How can he digest that you just came for a normal after conversation after a match.. ofcourse how would dorks know about humanity? YOu-", Ella moved towards Max and stopped Ted and commented "Hmm no doubt you are unsatisfied but no point throwing punches after a fight ... don't behave dumb because of a lose and better learn from it.. AiSH why I am still casting pearls before swine.. anyways have a great day.

Boys let's go home and grab something good."

" Yeah treat is on me!!" Ted turned towards others after giving a disgusted look to Max.

" OOOooowowooO rich chic huh?? we will pay half-half" Ella teased him and everyone started laughing.

Noah was observing them and their loud atmosphere while tying his shoe laces.

Noah's POV-

Why on earth she called her a bully? she let that moron go without a punch even after being a good boxer. HAH I want to talk to her but how? They all are even going now!!

"Okay meet you tomorrow guys take care Frank , Josh wanna join us?" Ella asked them.

" Naah we got something up, later" Josh justified.

Should I ask to join them? naah that's lame.. ouh yeah I am selected in the school team so, " Hy hyy give me a party I saved your club from destruction " wait I .. that's more dumb- OO MYY GOSSH..i am cute anyways.. dumbness suits me.

Ella took a look of Noah when he shouted and stated "umm..yeah thanks for joining and I truly hope you want to be a part of this club because passion is important... but a PARTY? Boy -..focus on the practice you are selected in our official team right?..still.. if u want to join us l-," "Ella he is asking so why not!?" Daze dragged Noah with a wide smile.

Noah's POV-

OMG she noticed my match. All I love the most is boxing though I totally have to work on my techniques. Wait who is dragging me? huh- WAIT they agreed for me to join them!?? *dumbfounded wide eyes*