
The Struggling Feets

Ever wondered how hard it is to make decisions at a small age and facing misjudgment and prejudice of others? Love is like fire of the candle which tends to burn you, melts you and ask for sacrifice but helps you find a different side of yours - sometimes the devil and sometimes the angel.. It's a story about a teenager - Ella who have been judged for what she is and because she doesn't like going with the herd of sheeps .. can she face everything or will loose at the end ? Let's be a part of her ups and downs.

ThE_trutH_UntOLd_ · Teen
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The first day of senior year~

Ella's POV-

Hmm I should rush to the locker to grab my punching gloves and then rush to class *sigh* let's find out who all we have this year.

I literally totally lost in the music walked to the class when someone shouted my name louder than the music and when I blank- faced checked out was none other than the TED one of my concerned friend who was surrounded with his friends and girls because of being the campus crush of the school-

" Oii baka ..how have you been?.."

Baka*( japanese word used to mention someone foolish or stupid. Here used as a friend slang )

At The Corridor-

" Stop calling me that " Ted screamed in embarrassment. "lmao- brave of u who thinks i care" Ella replied still standing near her locker and after checking the time added "okay see you later i have selection match today."

" You again goin' for boxing team dude come'on let's join music class this time! guitar is better than gloves" Ted exclaimed with a convincing expression.

" No need of it , i need to be president of our team again this year and guitar lol i already learning it from 7th grade so i don't need school lessons. Do i need to repeat--" " okay I'll come to cheer for u then, i know u will win it anyway" Ted cutoff Ella and spoked with a sigh.

" Make sure not to bring this crowd with you then- anyways I'll take my leave" Ella went to the classroom.

Ted's POV-

This girl will never act normal .. anyways let's head to the class.

Ella's POV -

So breathe deep Ella and no need to socialise with anyone this year the headphones are enough with melodious music. Yeah mission to igno- *WHAT THE HELL* god why you have to send me to this section *inner sob*. Here we have the bitch -Sina with her troop who picked fight with me last year- and mostly all rivals. Anyways doesn't matter, let's grab the last window sided bench.

"ouh woo LOOk we have the hoe in our classroom.. look at those gloves~ thinking she is cool because she acts like a tomboy", Sina shouted to draw my attention.

" Here have a tissue you have some bullshit over your words and mentality" I quick replied with a sarcastic smirk over her annoyed face.

"Wh- That was..." one of her underling wisphered " SMOOTH..now make some way" i headed to my seat.

I still had 15-20 minutes to my first lecture. Why the hell Daze bring me so soon i thought we were late already-!? Hmm that brat wants to make new friends not his fault either. I should stream some MVs (music videos)*till then.

???'s POV-

DamN it's still time for the class.. i thought i almost goin' to get some scolding on the first day. Anyways let's find a perfect seat to sleep my precious last bench-- Wait who is she? I mean how would I know as a transfer student but my seat -- *TT* ( TT used to show sad expression cutely ) I'll sit on the adjacent one then.