
The Struggling Feets

Ever wondered how hard it is to make decisions at a small age and facing misjudgment and prejudice of others? Love is like fire of the candle which tends to burn you, melts you and ask for sacrifice but helps you find a different side of yours - sometimes the devil and sometimes the angel.. It's a story about a teenager - Ella who have been judged for what she is and because she doesn't like going with the herd of sheeps .. can she face everything or will loose at the end ? Let's be a part of her ups and downs.

ThE_trutH_UntOLd_ · Teen
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6 Chs

'Hang in' party

Noah POV-

It feels like I have myself stepped into this mess...I am walking down the streets with new kids but she is considered as a "BULLY" gwaad *OmG*- but I don't mind it ..she was soo cool daamn..

"So.. what's your name?" Ted asked me.

"Myself..Noah..Noah Wilson" I replied with a smile while checking out everyone. "Well let's give you a quick introduction!! Myself Daze..

I am Soohyun

Here I m Kenvy, call me ken.

Yo bruh I am Ted..

Ella!! Ella ur turn!!

Stop shouting brat--Hmm myself Ella.

Nice to meet you all !! Cool names..

"Yaa I am hungry walk fast!!"Ella shouted with a cute annoyed face.

( Lol she looks kinda cute sometimes ) Noah murmured in head while continuously staring at Ella.

*Eyes matched*

"OUH SHIT DAMNIT SHE..C-CAUGHT ME STARING AT HER!!" Noah panicked by himself.

Ella POV-

This dude ..gosh he must be uncomfortable around me..that bitches called me bullies *sigh* anyways I don't care .. let's keep calm for sometime I am not here to clear others misconceptions. Aishh no one really even care about the reality ..fuck- I want food.

*At home*

"Daze go rush and open the door"Ella ordered.

"You won't mind us throwing a party at home only? Would you? .. actually we all are hang in buddies when it comes to food", Soohyun chattered with Noah.

"I-" Noah was cut off by Ken as he continued "Ouh hell na why would he be *proud smirk* you should consider yourself l ucky we all have good menu and cooking skills your tummy wouldn't have tasted "that" good dishes ..all credits to special chef Ted and Daze lol well do you know you are hanging out with the campus crush aka Ted and our elite squad *flip hairs* also-" "Enough dorks stop blabbering or I am gonna roast this chic-ken Today"Ella gave a annoyed look to Ken."Y-yeah why not I was ..lol" Ken nervously laughs and soohyun giggles and Noah addressed a one eye raised confused smile to her statement.

"Okay freshen up y'all we are ready with food let's play or watch something while enjoying it",Daze exclaimed." Yuup" a chorus replied. " And you bitch where were you lost in the lunch break huh? I even checked for you in your class but you weren't there and you didn't came in cafeteria either-" Ted questioned Ella. " I..was watching videos for the match and music and later I went to have snacks from snack bar" Ella quick replied. " But what about us?? we were supposed to have lunch together! since WHEN did you started eating alone? did something happened ?? You didn't told about the new class how's that?" Ken shouted. " Nope ..what could even happened HAH I just wanted peace today and class don't ASK *disgusted look* I got all the worst rivals together-" Ella replied and noticed Noah (ouH why is he even here- he shouldn't speak about the bully thing) she speaks in her head.

"Ahem..we have a guest ..serve him and let him go" Ella spoke in a low voice.

Noah POV-

*TT* she surely didn't like my company .. but why she didnt told about those girls? anyways.

"Which grade you are in Noah?" Daze inquired. "I am in grade 11-A ..same as Ella's class" I replied. " You- didn't told us " Daze gave a pout look to Ella and continued" So how was your class and classmates?" ."I am a lazy soul lol nothing soo good happened I just slept in the class and couldn't get my favourite seat *TT* yeah well ..some girls were calling Ella a bully-" (OUH SHIT DAMNIT why should I tell that) he panicked in his head while Ella gave her a disgusting look. " Wait What- I misheard didn't I?? Ella a BULLY- hell naa you kidding right!?" Soohyun shouted. "Aish it's nothing.. food shouldn't kept waiting ryt!!" Ella calmed everyone. "Yupp everyone eat and Ella you better help me in the kitchen let Daze eat with his buddies"Ted dragged Ella with her hoodie into the kitchen. "My food!!! You punk!!" Ella shouted.

"So you all look so closed to each other you might be friends from a long while lol" Noah tried to change the topic. " Ouh of course it's been like we both are friends with Daze from kindergarten..more like brothers by now and Ella is Daze's sister only a year elder , we always hangs out or in together Ella is soo cool and even rude _sometimes_ like a true sister to us ryt Daze?" Ken replies with a stuffed mouth. " YeAh?! indeed...well some students called her bully? another rumour- can't this girl survive without mess..ah yes you seems like a transfer student .. don't worry she isn't a bully she is a target of bullies- but no one can bully her lol food is getting cold eat more" Daze explained. "Yup I am new here and I totally understand none of you seemed like a bully ..and I don't really believe any rumours . I am glad joining y'all today." Noah added.(Thanks to you all to make it clear .. *phew* it's better she isn't a bully. These people are so cool and cute.)

"AiSH.. that was Stella's thing and you know that bitch never gonna change so leave it .. kay? You guys should enjoy and those three dorks wanna enjoy there senior year with a lot of friends lol", Ella explained as he knew the frustrated look of Ted. "So bro lemme make it clear that what's going on *straight face* you didn't joined us because of this new shit and you were thinking we all are busy making friends. Ella we were waiting for you..You are the one that matters because you're my Bestie ..you abandoned me ..who need new friends those dorks and you- lazy ass is enough !! I was worried*gasp* we will find a new spot for lunch tomorrow because I don't like crowd you know right?" Ted winked at Ella while grilling meat. "Woah- you don't stalk me right? ayy ayyy did you joined drama theater!!? you dramatic punk ' I don't like crowd' look at yourself the world wide friend and saying this-- lmao- " Ella burst into laughter and smacked Ted. "Yaa don't joke around alone and bring the food here or Soohyun will eat the whole" Ken shouted. " NOo noodle save some food we are coming "they rushed towards others while Noah goggles over the scene. ( I have to talk to Ella she might be annoyed over the fact that I told everyone .. GOSH. )