
The Struggling Feets

Ever wondered how hard it is to make decisions at a small age and facing misjudgment and prejudice of others? Love is like fire of the candle which tends to burn you, melts you and ask for sacrifice but helps you find a different side of yours - sometimes the devil and sometimes the angel.. It's a story about a teenager - Ella who have been judged for what she is and because she doesn't like going with the herd of sheeps .. can she face everything or will loose at the end ? Let's be a part of her ups and downs.

ThE_trutH_UntOLd_ · Teen
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6 Chs

A nightsky walk

Noah's POV:

Ella ran to the table and Ted followed her. We enjoyed eating the delicious food and all the time I was wondering how will Ella gonna react later in school.. she didnt seem like a bully to me for as long i have been with her today..anyways.."Thank you for the food and sorry for bothering y'all", i said after completing my soup." HEYY! bruhh you dont have to say that we enjoyed your company and you can often come to hangout with us as you are in same class as Ella's so we call can be buddies" Daze shruggled with a pleasing smile on his face.

"Daze you better take the dishes to the kitchen and stop hunching on the guest" Ella exclaimed with a scary smile.( Seriously i think i actually should get outta here dammn ).."ok so ill be get going by now again thank you guys" i smiled and grabbed my bag.

"Ouh you said you lives nearby so lemme walk you home I have to grab some groceries."Ted stood up and we both left the scene.

Ted's POV:

i know no matter how many times i am gonna ask that bitch about what happened she wont spill the tea. So only Noah can tell me about it. "Um whats up in the class you are new right ? so everything going good?" i asked. " Ouh.. well yeah! i enjoyed sleeping all day lol" Noah replied while laughing to keep the awkwardness dead. "Well you were mentioning that someone called Ella a bully.." OUH OUH IT WAS NOT LIKE-"he panicked"DUDE don't worry you don't have to panic it just a rumour..she is more like an outcast but she prefers being like that..although its my fault too many girls fought with her because they were jealous that she was my bestie. Look I just want to clear everything as much as I can..and Ella is one of the most pure..innocent and sacrificing girl that could exist ..its just past experiences which made her all tough."

"Ouh offcourse she even looks pretty cute to be a bully-- ummmm well I- understood byeee i m getting late", Noah ran while I was staring him with jaw dropped face.


Noah's POV:

Whats with me- what did I just said to him he would kill me at this rate.. omg the stare geezzz well it feels good to know that it was rumours. What did he said...an outcast huh?? She still needs atleast someone fun as me to deal in the class. Ella be ready this won't be a boring suffering year ..I promise *proud smile*





*So hey guys it's author this side..first of all sorry it's actually been sooo dammn long since I posted new chapter but I was busy in my exams and stuff but see you often from now ;)) ^^ *