
The strongest student

Jay lost his parents early and grew up in the care of his grandmother. Jay is so excited to be a high school student that he thinks being a high school student is fun. but what he doesn't know is that his life as a high school student will not be easy.

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Chapter 5 - Second year representative



second year representative

"suddenly Jose punched Dan in the face and he fell down"

Dan - what is that? I didn't miss his punch (he said this while he was lying down)

baron - who are you and why did you punch Dan

Jose - me? I'm Jose

jojo - wait, you are the new representative of grade 7

Jose - yes! why? do we have a problem second year?

JoJo - ahh nothing nothing

Jose - is that how strong second years are? tsk garbage.

(suddenly Jose's group leaves)

"Jose's group left and the three second years talked"

Dan - pweh (spit blood)

He was just lucky and I just lost my defense

baron - seth needs to know this

Dan - what seth? are you crazy!!!

(Dan grabs baron's neck)

Dan - Seth will be mad at us when he finds out that the first years beat us, do you understand!?

baron - sorry...

jojo - it's better not to tell Seth

"The three second years don't know that there are other people who saw what happened"

"and rumors quickly spread across campus"

(tomorrow morning)

baron - Dan! arnel! seth calls us

jojo - why?

baron - I don't know why we are being summoned. Maybe it's not about yesterday, right?

Dan - why did anyone say anything to Seth?

baron - I don't know, you jojo Maybe you told him

jojo - Are you stupid? I said that we shouldn't say it, then you'll blame me, you fool!

Dan - you two be quiet, let's go so we can find out why we were called

"The three second years have already gone to Seth"

Dan - b~boss Seth why did you call us?

[Seth Martinez - second year representative - taekwondo rookie - rank 5]

Seth - what is it spreading all over campus that you were defeated by first year

Dan - b~because. ...

seth - I DON'T NEED YOUR EXPLANATION!!! (shouts loudly)

(seth kicks dan)

seth - what will the other upper years say to us that the first year is just beating us

(said angrily)

jojo! baron! Go to the boy who beat you, tell him to go to the empty lot after school

JoJo and baron - y~yes boss!!!

Seth - and you, Dan, get out of my face. I might just beat you up.

Let's look at your arrogance first year boy (angry serious face while saying)

"suddenly baron opened the classroom door with force"

baron - is Jose here in this room?

students inside the room - there in the back, he was sleeping

baron - hey j~jose our boss said later after school go to the other lot

(jose woke up from sleeping)

jose - who's talking to me? (said angrily)

ohh mr second year, what's the problem?

jojo - what's the problem? you're arrogant, you just got lucky yesterday

baron - JoJo stop it, Jose! boss said go to the empty lot after school

Jose - who is the boss you are talking about? sorry i'm not interested.

(Jose goes back to sleep)

baron - Are you going? What if I said that the second year representative is calling you?

(Jose suddenly smiles)

Jose - is that so haha I'll go! If you had told me earlier, I would have agreed immediately

baron - Let's meet later at the vacant lot

Jose - sure!

(the two second years have left)

"school is over so Jose's group immediately went to the empty lot."

"while they were going to where they were going, Jose was happy because he thought that if he wins against the second year representative, he will be the representative of the entire second year."

"but what Jose doesn't know is that what he will face is a good and rookie in taekwondo"