
The strongest student

Jay lost his parents early and grew up in the care of his grandmother. Jay is so excited to be a high school student that he thinks being a high school student is fun. but what he doesn't know is that his life as a high school student will not be easy.

JRL_novel · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 - Jose vs seth



Jose vs seth

"Jose's group has arrived at the vacant lot"

"Suddenly, Jose's group felt terrified because when they stepped into the empty lot, the second year representative, Seth, was already there, sitting at the top of the tree."

seth - are you the new representative of the first year?

jose - yes I am! (said with trembling in his chest)

seth - is that so (suddenly seth jumps from the tree)

 "Seth approached Jose"

seth - That's why my colleagues lost, I can say that you are strong

dan - that was just luck because I didn't defend immediately so I lost

seth - dan relax, it's your fault too because you were careless

dan - tskk!

seth - let's get back Jose hmmm (said while thinking). ahh yes I remember, I sent you here because I want to see how you fight, and I want to make a bet.

jose - bet? what to bet ?

Seth - It's simple, whoever wins will be the leader in the 1st and 2nd year, it's that easy, right? only if you win HAHAHAHA!!!

jose - is that so hehe (smiling with a mixed feeling of nervousness)

"Suddenly the atmosphere became quiet and the number of student spectators gradually increased and there were also other upper year spectators."

 "suddenly Jose rushed and ran towards Seth but Seth immediately dodged Jose's attack"

jose - I will attack first get ready Seth ahhhhhh!!!!!

seth - is that it? I'm so disappointed tsk! too slow

"Suddenly, Jose realized that the difference in their strength was far, even though the gap in their strength was far, Jose did not give up because he was the representative of the first year, so even though he knew he had nothing against Seth, he continued to fight"

"Seth attacked next, while Seth avoided Jose's attack, Seth used a crescent kick to knock Jose down"

"crescent kick (bandal chagi)"

(the crescent kick is one of the taekwondo basic kicks)

seth - tsk I have high expectations on you Jose, I thought I would be satisfied with our fight, but I wasn't. what's the taste of my crescent kick is it delicious? HAHHAA!!!

jose - I'm not done yet (Jose stood up)

"and immediately Jose unleashed many punches"

jose - get ready Seth taste my fist AHHHH!!!

"all the punches that Jose unleashed were easily handled by Seth, and after that Seth also unleashed kicks and punches. Unfortunately, Jose couldn't avoid Seth's punches and kicks and Jose suffered severe injuries"

seth - none of your punches hit jose, is that it? I can easily avoid your attacks because you're slow Jose (yawn) hyss I'm going to finish this fight, I thought I'd be satisfied with our fight but I'm not

"and immediately Seth released an crescent kick and Jose lost consciousness"

"before Jose lost consciousness These are what Seth said to Jose."

seth - what's up Jose, I'm the new representative of the first and second year, you're like a fly like those who fought and lost to you.

who came here with Jose?

arnel and Juan - We!!!

Seth - take it with you

arnel - o~okay s~senior

seth - to all the first years here, I'm Seth Martinez second year representative, I'm the new representative of the first year! remember my name.