
The strongest student

Jay lost his parents early and grew up in the care of his grandmother. Jay is so excited to be a high school student that he thinks being a high school student is fun. but what he doesn't know is that his life as a high school student will not be easy.

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Chapter 4 - Jose and the second year student



Jose and the second year student

 "covered in blankets"

jay - why is that? why are they fighting? why are their hands full of blood? is high school life like that? I thought it was fun, it was good to be a high school student but what did I witness earlier.

(which makes jay shudder in fear)

"At this time, Jay is confused, many questions are going through his mind, because Jay has just seen this happen in his whole life."

"because the young jay is kind and doesn't know how to fight, that's why he's scared."

"RING!!! RING!!! RING!! (school alarm)"


- let's go! run! it's school time.

- run We might be late!.

- just wait! just wait!

- We are already late, our teacher might scold us.

"while walking inside the school campus"

Jose - hey! Hey! Hey! you're here jay! come here come to me.

Jay - it's you Jose

Jose - carry my bag

(at the time Jay was not feeling well, when he saw Jose he felt scared)


- Do you know what happened last Saturday?

- no, why what happened?

- they said that the representative of all grade 7 is in our section.


-yes, I also heard that all the representatives of the different sections of grade 7 fought to find out who will be the representative and who is the strongest freshmen.

- That's bad.

- they said Jose fought.

-they also said that's why Jose won, because Dennis was tired and fought against other representatives before fighting Jose.

-really? that means Jose only won because Dennis was tired.

- he cheated!

- yes it's cheating

- mur mur mur!!!

(the students are talking and whispering)

Juan - are you idiots!!! (shoutingly said) what are you saying that Jose cheated you fools!.

arnel - yes indeed. It is not Jose's fault that Dennis is tired of fighting. It's Dennis' fault that he was arrogant, because you weren't at the scene, so you're saying that

Jose - Juan! arnel! let them say what they believe, don't pay attention to the flies.

Jose - fatso! come here

jay - what is that, jose?

Jose - how much did you bring?

jay - what brought, jose

Jose - idiot! probably money

(slapped jay in the face)

jay - is that only 50 pesos in my pocket

(tearfully said)

jay - it's all yours

Jose - good, buy me something to eat I'm hungry

Jay - o~okay

"on the way to the canteen"

jay - Jose took my food, maybe he will take my food for lunch too (sadly said)

is there anyone here? I will buy bread and water

seller - here

Jay - thank you

"returning to the room"

jay - this is what you bought me, jose

(Jose punched Jay in the stomach at the same time)

Jay - AHHH!!! ARGHH!!! my stomach

Jose - why is it taking you so long? fat! why did you just come now huh? I lost my hunger because you are so slow. the next time I order you, you must hurry and if you don't, that's not all I'll do to you

(jose whispered to jay)

 "jay was writhing in pain so he couldn't speak"

Jose - Juan! arnel! Let's go out

(they go to the back of the comfort room to vape)

"An electronic cigarette  or vape"

Jose - Juan come here what flavor is your vape?

Juan - blue berry

Jose - I will taste it!

arnel - j~jose! look at the second years

Jose - where?

"The second years saw Jose, Juan, and Arnel and they immediately approached It."

(Dan, baron, JoJo - second year)

Dan - what are you doing here? are you first years? Wait, why does it smell like blue berry here? You vaped, right?

JoJo - Dan is really different haha ​​knowing very well that someone vaped here

baron - how strong is the sense of smell, almost tasted and knew the smell of vape juices hahaha

Dan - of course I am! (said arrogantly)

Jose - why if we are first year and we vaped here is there a problem?

Dan - this is our place, why are you here?

Jose - We were here first! So go away second years

(said angrily)

Dan - wow, this is how the first years are now, those who have no respect for those older than them. know your place fool!!!