
The Strongest Saiyan in the multiverse

WARNING FOR SEX,BLOOD,and Nudity. A saiyan named Kuto had his family killed by the god of destruction back when he was a child,and now as an adult he seeks revenge on the gods of destruction across the 30 universes,in this alternate Dragon Ball multiverse (universe 7 stays the same) Kuto ventures to fight all the gods,apprentices,guards,angels and anyone else that opposes him while he slowly assembles a harem of loyal women that fight for him and men that are like brothers to him.

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4 Chs

Secret to power

Years Ago...

The planet Zadaka was once a thriving world, home to a powerful race known as the Saiyans. But now, it lay in ruins, destroyed by the wrath of Zuiko, the half Saiyan god of destruction. He stood on the surface of the planet, his red and black god of destruction outfit billowing in the wind as he surveyed the destruction he had caused.

Beside him stood his angel servant, Kiera. She was a beautiful blue-skinned woman with white and black hair, her red eyes glowing with power. She had been by Zuiko's side for centuries, serving him faithfully as his loyal companion and advisor.

Zuiko turned to Kiera, a wicked grin spreading across his face. 'Did you see the fear in their eyes, Kiera? The Saiyans were no match for us.'

Kiera nodded, her replacement purple energy arms shimmering in the light. 'Yes, my lord. They were weak and foolish to challenge us.'

Zuiko laughed, his red pupils flashing with excitement. 'But it was so much fun, wasn't it? Destroying their homes and families with ease. They never stood a chance against our power.'

Kiera smiled, her red earrings glinting in the light. 'Indeed, my lord. It was a glorious display of your strength.'

Zuiko turned his attention back to the city his eyes scanning the rubble for any signs of life. Suddenly, he spotted a group of Saiyan babies huddled together, crying and scared. Without hesitation, he flew down to them, scooping them up in his arms.

'These babies will make perfect servants for us,' Zuiko declared, a twisted look in his eyes. 'We will raise them to be powerful warriors, just like us.'And with that Zuiko erased the saiyan race out of existence or at least he thought he did.

Kiera nodded in agreement, her white and black robes fluttering in the wind. 'Yes, my lord. They will be our apprentices, learning from the best.'


Kuto stood at the edge of the cliff, overlooking the vast city of Nebulities. He could feel the anger and pain burning inside him as he remembered the day his family was killed by the god of destruction. He had been just a child then, but the memory of that fateful day was etched in his mind forever.

He clenched his fists, his jet black hair blowing in the wind as he made a silent vow to avenge his family. He had spent years training and honing his skills, and now he was ready to take on the gods of destruction across the 30 universes.

But first, he needed to find the god of destruction in his own universe. Kuto had no idea where the god's realm was located, but he was determined to find it. He turned to his adopted mother, Saria, who had raised him since the day his family was killed.

'Saria, do you know where the god of destruction's realm is?' Kuto asked, his voice filled with determination.

Saria looked at him with a sad expression. 'I'm sorry, my son. I do not know where the god's realm is located. It is said to be hidden and only accessible to those who are chosen by the god.'

Kuto's face fell, but he refused to give up. 'Then I will find a way to get there. But first, I need to train my strength. Do you know where I can find a time chamber?'

Saria's eyes lit up with hope. 'Yes, there is one in the experimentation labs in the city. But be careful, my son. The labs may try to expirement on you".

Kuto nodded, his mind already formulating a plan. 'I will be careful. Thank you, Saria.'

With a determined look on his face, Kuto made his way towards the city.

Kuto stood outside the experimentation labs, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. He could feel the anger and hatred boiling inside him, fueling his desire for revenge. His family, his entire race, had been wiped out by the god of destruction in his universe. And now, as an adult, Kuto was determined to seek justice for their deaths.

But first, he needed to train his strength. He had heard of a time chamber in the city, where one day in the real world was equivalent to 10 years inside the chamber. It was the perfect opportunity for Kuto to hone his skills and become even stronger.

However, there was a catch. In order to use the time chamber, Kuto would have to let the Nebulitess in the lab experiment on him. They were known for their advanced technology and their constant pursuit of power. Kuto knew that this was a risky move, but his desire for revenge outweighed any fear he may have had.

He flew towards the lab, his jet-black hair whipping behind him in the wind. As he entered the building, he was greeted by a group of Nebulitess scientists, all wearing white lab coats and sporting various cybernetic enhancements.

One of the scientists, a tall and slender woman with piercing green eyes, stepped forward. 'Welcome, Kuto. We have been expecting you,' she said in a cold, robotic voice.

Kuto narrowed his eyes at her. 'Cut the small talk. I want to use the time chamber,' he demanded.

The woman smirked. 'Of course, but first, we have a proposition for you. We have been working on a new secret to power, a combination of namekian, demon, artificial, saiyan, and other cells. We believe that it could greatly enhance your strength and abilities. We would like to inject it into you and see if our theory is correct.'

Kuto's eyes widened in surprise. He had never heard of such a thing before. But he was desperate for power, and he was willing to do whatever it takes to defeat the god of destruction.

'Fine. Do it,' he said, clenching his jaw.

The scientists led Kuto to a large, sterile room where they strapped him onto a table. They injected the mysterious concoction into his veins, and Kuto could feel the cells spreading throughout his body, merging with his own.

He gritted his teeth as the pain became almost unbearable. But he refused to show any weakness in front of his enemies. He closed his eyes and focused on his anger, using it to push through the excruciating pain.

After what felt like hours, the procedure was finally over. Kuto stood up, feeling a surge of power coursing through his body. He flexed his muscles, testing out his new strength.

The scientists were impressed. 'It worked! Our secret to power is a success!' the woman exclaimed.

Kuto smirked. 'Good. Now, where is the time chamber?'

The woman led him to a large, cylindrical chamber with a door at the front. 'This is it. One day in the real world is equivalent to 10 years inside the chamber. Are you sure you're ready for this?'

Kuto nodded, determination burning in his eyes. 'I was born ready.'

He stepped inside the chamber and closed the door behind him. As soon as he did, he could feel time slowing down. The walls of the chamber began to glow, and Kuto could feel himself being transported to another dimension.

He opened his eyes and found himself in a vast, empty space. The ground was made of pure white marble, and the sky was a deep shade of purple.