
The Strongest Saiyan in the multiverse

WARNING FOR SEX,BLOOD,and Nudity. A saiyan named Kuto had his family killed by the god of destruction back when he was a child,and now as an adult he seeks revenge on the gods of destruction across the 30 universes,in this alternate Dragon Ball multiverse (universe 7 stays the same) Kuto ventures to fight all the gods,apprentices,guards,angels and anyone else that opposes him while he slowly assembles a harem of loyal women that fight for him and men that are like brothers to him.

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4 Chs

10 year time chamber

Kuto stood in the center of the time chamber, his muscles bulging and sweat dripping down his face. He had been training for what felt like an eternity, but in reality, it had only been a few days. The Nebulites had given him an experimental substance before he entered the chamber, and it had changed everything.

As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't believe the changes that had occurred in such a short amount of time. His once spiky black hair had grown even longer, reaching down to his waist. His muscles were now so defined and toned that he could see every ripple and vein. And the most noticeable change was his tail, which had grown thicker and longer, almost reaching the ground.

Kuto flexed his muscles, feeling the power coursing through his body. The Nebulites had told him that the substance would make him nearly invincible, and he could feel it. He had also been given the ability to transform into different levels of Super Saiyan, something that he had never been able to do before. He had trained with the drones, holograms, and robots that the Nebulites had provided, and he had passed every test with ease.

But the most significant change was the artificial cells that had been developed within his body. They gave him the ability to regenerate from most injuries and made his skin super tough. The Nebulites had estimated that he would live at least another 300 years, and Kuto couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and fear at the thought of living for so long.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on his energy. He could feel it pulsing through his body, ready to burst out. With a roar, he transformed into his Super Saiyan form, his hair turning golden and his aura flaring up around him. He could feel the power coursing through him, and he let out a laugh of exhilaration.

But as he de-transformed, he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. The Nebulites had warned him about this drawback. Whenever he transformed, no matter how long he stayed in that form, he would pass out for a few hours after de-transforming. It was a small price to pay for the immense power he now possessed.

Kuto walked over to the control panel and pressed a button, signaling that he was ready to leave the time chamber. The doors opened, and he stepped out, greeted by the sight of the Nebulites waiting for him.

'Well done, Kuto,' one of them said, a smile on their face. 'You have exceeded our expectations.'

Kuto grinned, feeling proud of himself. 'Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help.'

'We are happy to have been of assistance,' another Nebulite said. 'But there is one more test we need to conduct before you can leave.'

Kuto raised an eyebrow, curious about what they had in store for him. 'What kind of test?'

'We need to see if the serum is working as intended,' the first Nebulite explained. 'We will be putting you through a series of physical tests to see how your body reacts.'

Kuto nodded, understanding the importance of this test. He followed the Nebulites to a different room, where they began to run various tests on him. They checked his strength, speed, and endurance, and each time, Kuto surpassed their expectations.

After a few hours of testing, the Nebulites were satisfied. 'Everything seems to be in order,' one of them said. 'The serum is working perfectly, and your body is adapting well to the changes.'

Kuto let out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. He had been worried that there might be some side effects or complications, but it seemed that everything was going according to plan.

'You are free to leave the time chamber now,' the Nebulite said. 'But remember, you must continue to train and push your limits. The serum will only continue to work if you do.'

Kuto nodded, understanding the importance of maintaining his strength. He thanked the Nebulites again before leaving the room. As he walked through the halls of the Nebulite's base, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what the future held.

That Night...

Kuto stood in front of his childhood home, staring at the familiar structure with a mix of sadness and determination. He had spent many happy years here with his family, until the god of destruction had taken everything away from him. Now, with his new powers and 10 years of training in a day in the time chamber, he was ready to seek revenge.

As he walked through the door, memories flooded back to him. He could almost hear the laughter of his mother and the playful shouts of his little brother. But there was no time for nostalgia now. Kuto had a mission to complete.

He made his way to his old room, where he had kept all his training equipment. He opened the closet and pulled out his black tank top and gray baggy pants, his signature outfit. He also grabbed his blue belt and wrapped it tightly around his waist. He had always liked the color blue, it reminded him of his home planet.

But the most important thing he needed to do before leaving was to say goodbye to his Nebulites family. They had taken him in and raised him as their own after the destruction of his home planet. Kuto had a special bond with them and he wanted to make sure he had a chance to bid them farewell.

He made his way to the Nebulites' house, where he was greeted by his Nebulites mom, dad, and little brother. They were all sad to see him go, but they understood his need for revenge. Kuto thanked them for everything they had done for him and promised to come back and visit when his mission was complete.

Before leaving, Kuto used his newly acquired clothes beam ability to create a backpack full of food and supplies. He had learned this technique during his intense training in the time chamber, where he had pushed himself to the limit and beyond.

With everything he needed, Kuto made his way to the ship port. As he was about to board his Z7-stellar travel shuttle, he noticed a figure standing nearby. It was a female saiyan with long black spiky hair, dressed in a black sleeveless bodysuit, gray boots and gloves, and a green earring. She also had a watch on her wrist,and some big round boobs,which caught Kuto's attention.She seemd like she was there to buy some fuel from the nearby store,so once she exited Kuto approached her.

'Hey, you're a saiyan too?' Kuto asked, approaching her.

The woman turned to face him, her eyes filled with determination.

'Yes, I am. My name is Luxara, but you can call me Lux,' she replied.

Kuto grinned. 'Nice to meet you, Lux. I'm Kuto. What brings you to the ship port?'

Lux's expression turned serious as she spoke. 'I've been searching for the god of destruction who destroyed my home planet. I want revenge,on that fucker,he killed our race and our glorious planet when I was just a baby and when I found out it was him I was furious".

Kuto's eyes widened in surprise. He had thought he was the only one seeking revenge against the gods of destruction. But it seemed like he had found a kindred spirit in Lux.

'Well, I happen to be on a similar mission. Want to team up?' Kuto asked, extending his hand to her.

Lux hesitated for a moment before firmly grasping his hand. 'I would be honored to fight alongside you, Kuto.'

With that settled, Kuto and Lux boarded the Z7-stellar travel shuttle and set off into the vastness of space.