
The Strongest Saiyan in the multiverse

WARNING FOR SEX,BLOOD,and Nudity. A saiyan named Kuto had his family killed by the god of destruction back when he was a child,and now as an adult he seeks revenge on the gods of destruction across the 30 universes,in this alternate Dragon Ball multiverse (universe 7 stays the same) Kuto ventures to fight all the gods,apprentices,guards,angels and anyone else that opposes him while he slowly assembles a harem of loyal women that fight for him and men that are like brothers to him.

Unlocked6464 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Humble living



Power Level:955



Kuto woke up to the sound of his alarm clock blaring in his ear. He groggily sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of his dream. It was always the same dream, the one where he relived the day his family was killed by the god of destruction.

He got out of bed and stretched his muscular arms, feeling the familiar ache in his muscles from yesterday's training. Kuto was a saiyan, a warrior race known for their incredible strength and fighting abilities. But Kuto was different from other saiyans, he didn't have the same level of power as them. He was an outcast, a weakling in the eyes of his fellow saiyans.

Kuto lived on planet alpha with his Nebulities family. The Nebulties are a race of blue aliens with green hair and green eyes they usually have thick outer skin and have 3 hearts.They were the only ones who accepted him and treated him like one of their own. His mom, dad, and younger brother had adopted him years ago when his pod crash landed on their planet. No one knew how his pod got there, not even Kuto himself. But he was grateful to have a family who loved and cared for him.

He got dressed in his usual attire, a black tank top, gray baggy pants, and a blue belt. He also made sure to tie his long black hair into a ponytail to keep it out of his face. He still had his tail, unlike most saiyans who cut it off as a sign of their loyalty to their king. Kuto never saw the point in cutting it off, especially since planet alpha didn't have a moon.

Kuto headed out to the farm where he worked.Kuto walked through the fields, the sun beating down on his skin. He could feel the warmth seeping into his muscles, relaxing them. He took a deep breath, the fresh scent of the crops filling his lungs. He loved the smell of the farm, it reminded him of home.

As he approached the first crop, he noticed that the tomatoes were ready to be picked. He carefully plucked them from the vines, making sure not to damage them. He could already imagine the delicious taste of his mom's homemade salsa.

'Hey Kuto, those tomatoes look great!' his mom, Saria,



Power Level:203



called out to him from across the field. She was busy picking some peppers from the other side of the farm.

'Thanks, Mom!' Kuto replied with a smile. He walked over to her and handed her the basket of tomatoes.

'Looks like we'll have a good harvest this year,' Saria said, inspecting the tomatoes. 'We should have enough to sell at the market and still have some left for ourselves.'

Kuto nodded in agreement. He was proud of their farm and the hard work they put into it. It was a small farm, but it was their home and their livelihood.

As they continued to work, Kuto's father, Rokar



Power Level:509



, joined them. He was carrying a basket filled with freshly picked apples.

'Morning, son,' Rokar greeted Kuto with a pat on the back.

'Morning, Dad,' Kuto replied, taking the basket from him.

'Looks like we'll have a good apple pie tonight,' Rokar said with a grin.

Kuto chuckled. His dad loved his mom's apple pie, and he was always excited when they had fresh apples to use.

As they finished picking the rest of the crops, Kuto's younger brother, Kaiden



Power Level:51



, came running towards them.

'Hey guys, look what I found!' he exclaimed, holding up a small lizard-like creature.

'Kaiden, put that back where you found it,' Saria scolded, but with a hint of amusement in her voice.

'But Mom, it's so cool!' Kaiden protested.

'Come on, let's go wash up for lunch,' Rokar said, leading the way towards the house.

After lunch,

The two brothers began their training, starting with some basic sparring. Kuto could feel his muscles straining as he fought against Kaiden, who was surprisingly strong for his age. But Kuto was determined to push himself even further.

As they continued to train, Kuto's mind kept going back to the legend of the super saiyan. He remembered the stories his father used to tell him about the legendary warrior who could transform into a powerful golden-haired warrior. He wondered if he could be the one to fulfill that legend.

'Hey, Kaiden,' Kuto said, taking a break from their training. 'Do you believe in the legend of the super saiyan?'

Kaiden looked at him with a curious expression. 'Of course I do, big brother. Why do you ask?'

Kuto hesitated for a moment before answering. 'I just...I can't help but wonder if I could be the one to become the super saiyan. To become the strongest warrior and protect our planet.'

Kaiden's eyes widened in excitement. 'That would be amazing, big brother! You could be the one to defeat the god of destruction and avenge our planet!'

Kuto nodded, a determined look on his face. 'I will do whatever it takes to become stronger and protect our planet. And maybe one day, I will become the legendary super saiyan.'

With renewed determination, Kuto and Kaiden continued their training. They pushed themselves to their limits, trying out new techniques and pushing their bodies to the brink of exhaustion. But they didn't stop, not until the sun began to set and their bodies could no longer take it.

As they headed inside for dinner, Kuto's mind was still filled with thoughts of becoming stronger. He knew that he needed to do more than just train in his backyard. He needed to find a way to push himself even further.

That night, Kuto couldn't sleep. His mind was racing with ideas and plans to become stronger.