
The Strongest Saiyan in the multiverse

WARNING FOR SEX,BLOOD,and Nudity. A saiyan named Kuto had his family killed by the god of destruction back when he was a child,and now as an adult he seeks revenge on the gods of destruction across the 30 universes,in this alternate Dragon Ball multiverse (universe 7 stays the same) Kuto ventures to fight all the gods,apprentices,guards,angels and anyone else that opposes him while he slowly assembles a harem of loyal women that fight for him and men that are like brothers to him.

Unlocked6464 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Destructive attack

Kuto and Lux sat in the cockpit of their spaceship, the sound of the engines humming in the background. They were on a mission to find the god of destruction, a dangerous and powerful being that could potentially destroy the entire universe. Lux fiddled with her earring nervously, her long spiky black hair cascading down her back.

'Are you sure this is a good idea, Kuto?' Lux asked, her brown eyes filled with worry.

Kuto, a tall and muscular saiyan with big spiky black hair, turned to face her. 'We have to find the god of destruction before he destroys us. We can't let our fear hold us back.'

Lux nodded, understanding the gravity of their mission. They were on their way to Sylphara, the goddess of knowledge, to find out where the god of destruction was and how to stop him. But first, they needed to make a fuel stop on planet Banna.

As they landed on the mechanical world, they were met with a bustling fuel stop. Kuto and Lux stepped out of their ship, immediately attracting attention with their saiyan appearance. They made their way to the fuel station, but before they could even start filling up their ship, they were attacked.

A woman with light brown skin, black and white hair, and purple eyes appeared in front of them. She wore a revealing g-string leotard, a red god of destruction garment around her neck, red gauntlets, and black boots. Her name was Voltara, and she was the trainee or apprentice of the god of destruction.

'I heard you were plotting against the gods,' Voltara said, her voice laced with malice. 'We can't let you do that, you could disturb the fabric of time itself.'

Kuto and Lux exchanged a look of confusion. They had no idea what she was talking about. But before they could even question her, Voltara attacked. She moved with incredible speed, her movements fluid and precise.

Kuto and Lux quickly jumped back, trying to avoid her attacks. Kuto could sense that Voltara was strong, but he was confident in his own abilities. He had trained his whole life to become a strong saiyan warrior, and he wasn't about to back down now.

Kuto transformed into his Super Saiyan form, his hair turning golden and his muscles bulging. He charged at Voltara, ready to test his strength against hers. But Voltara was not to be underestimated. She too transformed into a Super Saiyan, her hair turning a striking shade of purple.

The two warriors clashed, their fists and feet moving at incredible speeds. The ground shook with each blow, and the air crackled with their energy. Lux watched from the sidelines, her heart racing with fear for her friend.

But Kuto seemed to be holding his own against Voltara. He used his super speed and strength to dodge her attacks and land some of his own. But Voltara was not just a skilled fighter, she also had a powerful weapon at her disposal.

She pulled out a sword made of hakai energy. This sword was capable of erasing anything it touched, and it was clear that Voltara intended to use it on Kuto. Lux knew that they were in serious trouble now. She had to do something to help Kuto.

Lux ran towards the battlefield, her long black hair trailing behind her. She had a plan. She would use her own powers to distract Voltara while Kuto took her down. Lux had been training in the art of illusion and she was confident in her abilities.

As she got closer to the fighting, she focused her energy and created a powerful illusion. Suddenly, Voltara was surrounded by multiple copies of herself, all attacking Kuto at once. The real Voltara was momentarily thrown off guard, giving Kuto the opportunity to strike.

He used all of his strength and power to launch a powerful blast at Voltara. The blast hit her with full force, sending her flying into an empty sand field away from the fuel stop. Kuto and Lux watched as she crashed into the ground, creating a large crater.

Kuto landed next to Lux, panting heavily. 'Thanks for the distraction, Lux. That was close.'

Lux smiled, relieved that they had managed to defeat Voltara. But their victory was short-lived. Voltara emerged from the crater, her body covered in bruises and cuts. But she was not giving up yet. She pulled out her hakai sword once again, determined to take Kuto down with her.

Kuto and Lux braced themselves for another round of fighting. They could see that Voltara was exhausted and injured, but she still had enough energy to use her powerful sword. Kuto knew that he had to end this quickly before she could use it on him.

He charged at Voltara, his aura blazing with power. He was determined to protect himself and Lux, no matter what. Voltara swung her sword at him, but Kuto was too fast for her. He dodged her attacks and landed a few powerful blows of his own.

But Voltara was not giving up. She was determined to fulfill her duty as the trainee of the god of destruction. She used all of her remaining energy to transform into her Super Saiyan 2 form. Her hair turned a bright shade of red, and her power levels skyrocketed.

Kuto was impressed, but he knew he couldn't let his guard down. He too transformed into his Super Saiyan 2 form, his hair standing on end and his muscles bulging even more. The two warriors clashed once again, their power levels evenly matched.

The fight was intense and brutal. They moved at incredible speeds, their punches and kicks creating shockwaves that shook the ground. Lux watched in awe and fear as her friend fought for their lives.

But then, something unexpected happened. Kuto's tail, which he had never cut off like most saiyan warriors, started to twitch. He could feel a surge of power and energy coursing through his body. It was a power that he had never felt before, a power that was beyond even his Super Saiyan 2 form.

He let out a roar as he transformed into a powerful demon saiyan. His hair turned a deep shade of black and his eyes turned red. His muscles bulged even more, and his aura was dark and menacing.

Voltara was taken aback by this sudden transformation. She had never seen anything like it before. But she was not going to back down. She used all of her remaining energy to transform into her Super Saiyan 3 form, her hair growing longer and her power levels increasing even more.

The two warriors clashed once again, their power levels now off the charts. The ground shook with each blow and the sky turned dark with their energy. Lux could only watch in awe and fear as her friend fought with this newfound power.

The battle raged on for what seemed like hours. Kuto and Voltara were evenly matched, each one refusing to back down. But then, Kuto saw an opening. He used all of his strength and launched a powerful blast towards Voltara.

The blast hit her with full force, sending her flying into the sky. Kuto watched as she disappeared into the distance, defeated. He let out a sigh of relief, knowing that they had narrowly escaped death.

Lux ran towards Kuto, her eyes wide with amazement. 'That was incredible, Kuto. I've never seen anything like it.'

Kuto smiled, the power of the demon saiyan slowly fading away. He had never felt so alive, so powerful. But he knew that this power came with a price. He could feel his body weakening, and he knew that he couldn't maintain this form for long.

He turned to Lux, his expression serious. 'We have to keep going. We can't let our guard down. The god of destruction is still out there, and we have to stop him before it's too late.'

Lux nodded, understanding the gravity of their mission. They climbed back into their spaceship, ready to continue their journey. As they flew away from planet Banna, Kuto couldn't help but wonder what other challenges they would face on their quest to save the universe. But one thing was for sure, he was ready for anything.