

Congratulations to the host for Obtaining...

-10,000 Supreme Points

-5 Normal Lottery Tickets

-3 Super Lottery Tickets

-1 Mega Lottery Ticket

-1 Random Multiversal Travel Ticket

-5 Elixir of Life - Rank X

-5 Elixir of Power - Rank X

-10 Potion of Health - Rank F

-10 Potion of Health - Rank F

-100 Free stat Points

-Creators Blessing

After hearing what I obtained from the Starter gift my smile almost reach my ears. So generous for a starter pack.

I was still dazed when the system reminded me of something.

"Host, You still have school to attend to." Said the System.

Face palming myself" Right, I almost forgot Thanks." I replied to the system with a smile.

"Your welcome." Replied the System.

I quickly prepared everything, take a bath, eat, brush my teeth, change clothes then go to school.

As I got outside the house and close the door I checked the time and I'm not gonna be late even if I don't hurry according to the time.

it's quarter 7 in the morning (7:15 Am ).

"Let's go," I said as I started walking to the school.

While walking I checked my inventory once again.


-10,000 Supreme Points

-5 Normal Lottery Tickets

-3 Super Lottery Tickets

-1 Mega Lottery Ticket

-1 Random Multiversal Travel Ticket

-5 Elixir of Life - Rank X

-5 Elixir of Power - Rank X

-10 Potion of Health - Rank F

-10 Potion of Health - Rank F

-100 Free stat Points

-Creators Blessing

"I want to try the lottery let's see if my Rank B luck takes effect." I thought to myself.

"System Open lottery," I said to the System while wondering what I'll get.

"Yes Host," Said the system as a lottery machine appeared before me in my head.

There is a button on the right side of the machine.

The lottery machine looks like a slot machine but instead of a lever, it has buttons.

Let's try the Normal Lottery Ticket.

After choosing the Normal Lottery Ticket the prizes ranks were shown. A mini arrow was pointing at a rank. The prizes were G+ rank to E+ rank For Normal Tickets.

"Let's try it," I said as I press the button then the arrow started to spin.

The arrow slowly slowed its spin as time passes till it stops in Rank F+.

Achievement unlocked

First, draw

+1000 Supreme Points

Congratulations to the host for obtaining Passive Skill Heightened Senses

Heightenedened Senses

- Heightened all senses in the body.( +15 Perception)

"Oh, Heightened Senses not bad I even won an achievement," I said as I look into the description.

"Next," I said as I push the button and the arrow spins again. It spins and slowly slows down and stops at Rank G.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining $1000 Convertable to any currency.

"It's quite low considering the best prize is E, Well it's better than nothing." I wasn't looking at the screen this time but when my eyes look at the prize I stop my tracks.

"Haha didn't know you could earn money in this," I said with a smile almost reaching my ears.

"This is the biggest amount of money I ever owned yet" I added

The people around me start whispering.

"Look that guy is smiling like he's planning something bad." Said random person 1.

"Yeah, should we call the police?" Said, random person 2

"Just let that fatty do what he wants what are we do if he hears us? He's gonna beat us to death" Said random person 3.

"Good point," They said in unison.

After hearing them I facepalm myself and continued walking.

I could hear them clearly since my senses have been sharpened because of that skill.

As I continued walking I press the button again the arrow spins till it stops at Rank G+.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining 5 Free Stats.

Damn the win rate is a really low good thing the items the system gives are all useful.

"Again," I said as I pressed the button again and the arrow starts spinning again till it stops at Rank F.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining $100,000 Convertable to any currency.

Seeing what I won I couldn't believe it and started Jumping around with a smirk.

The people around me couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Since I have a big build my actions seem weird for them to see.

"Hahaha I'm rich," I said into my mind.

I stopped jumping around and continued walking but my laughs and smirks are still there making the people around me feel uneasy"

"The last one," I said as I push the button and the arrow starts spinning again till it stops at E+.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining Active Skill Aura Pressure.

-Aura Pressure

-Pressure someone and make them feel fear just by your glare or presence. (Only works on people with a similar level to the host or lower) (Consumes 1 energy per second.)

"Nice skill but I doubt it will be useful."

"Hehe now for the big event," I said with a smirk on my face.

The Super Lottery prizes are D- to B+.

Hehe since school is still a bit far away let spin the lottery or roulette. (calling it roulette or lottery from now on)

I press the button then the arrow started spinning. Thinking about what I'm gonna get next gets me pumping.

The arrow stopped at Rank C.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining Passive Mix Martial Arts.

-Mix Martial Arts

- Collection of Mix Martial Arts. ( +10 all stats)

Suddenly Countless pieces of information entered my head causing a headache that made me stop my tracks. The people around me didn't notice as I didn't want them to. After a few moments, the headache was gone.

"Is this...Martial arts? So I could do that karate stuff now despite this body? I said as I continued walking to school.

I pressed the button once again and the arrow spins till it stopped at Rank B-.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining Basics To All Magic Elements.

-Basics To all Magic Elements

-Basic information and spells for all Magic Elements (+15 intelligence)

Just like earlier Countless pieces of information entered my head but I can endure it unlike before.

"Magic... so it's real I'm not even surprised anymore. " I said but curiosity filled me and I tried to make a small fireball in my hands, Of course, I did it when no one was looking.

"It Actually Works!" Haha, I said with a laugh.

"School is just up ahead so This is the final one. " I said as I push the button for the final time. The arrow spins till it stops at Rank B+.


+10,000 Supreme Points

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the millennia-old wisdom.

-Millennia-old wisdom

-Memories of life experience worth 1000 years. (+30 intelligence and perception)

Another painful series of headaches came. but above all the prizes I got today this is currently the most interesting. Memories of Experience from everything are here in my head and I feel calm.

"System show me my current status"

"Yes Host"

Name: Kim

Age: 15

Health: 30/30 - Rank G+ - 100 - Rank F

Energy: 20/20 - Rank G+ - 300 Rank E-

Strength: 8 - Rank G+ - 18 - Rank F-

Speed: 6 - Rank G+ -16 Rank F-

Endurance: 8 - Rank G+ - 18 Rank F-

Intelligence: 7 - Rank G+ - 57 Rank F+

Perception 7 -Rank G+ - 62 Rank F+

Charisma - Rank G+

Luck - Rank B

Overall Battle Power: 86 - 571 Rank E

Free stat points 105

Normal people is 5



Aura Pressure


Heightened Senses, Mix Martial Arts, Basic Magic, Millennium old wisdom.

In the system, things are graded from Respectively G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, X, XX, XXX

With 2 Subgrades - and +.

Supreme Points:21,000

Money In-system: $101,000


I wrote this because I'm bored and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there are some errors there.

Please tell me any suggestions if you can!

Don't forget to vote!!

Leave a comment to make me motivated. :3

UMMOSDCGSMcreators' thoughts