
I Hit the Jackpot

"My name is Kim just a normal 15-year-old high school student. I have a big build or you can call it fat. Having 180 cm height with 110 kg weight well I'm severely obese."

Despite being young I live alone. I go to school during the day and work at night. good thing it's a public school and I don't have to pay for tuition. My hobbies are reading it watching anime manga novels.

May 23 2021 10:30 pm

Just like any normal night, I was going home straight from work.

The road only has a few cars passing by it's really quiet.

Suddenly I saw a dreamy colored shooting star. Is that weird? The shooting star was beautiful. I made a wish. "I wish God would give me something which could change my life."

Then the shooting star suddenly changes its direction and the direction was directed at me.

I thought it was just a coincidence when suddenly the shooting star became faster than the speed of light.

It's going to hit me I thought. "The heck I don't want to die because of a falling rock."

I started to run away from it but it continued chasing me until It finally landed on the ground.

My vision was filled with dreamy colors as I saw the shooting star shine.

When the dreamy light ended I saw a stone about the size of a marble. Filled with curiosity I touch the stone with my fingers.

The stone suddenly shone dreamy bright again, then suddenly the stone entered my fingers it wasn't painful but instead, it feels comfortable. The stone traveled till it reaches my head then the light slowly faded.

"That was weird, What just happened?" Like nothing happened I just continued walking to get home while thinking about what happened.

It was already set eleven when I reach home. After reaching home I change my clothes to my pajamas. I lie down to my bed and pondered a bit about what happened then sleep.

"System Activating..."

"System Activated."

"System is about to scan host would host like to proceed Y/N?"

"What's this? I thought in my mind but I just proceed and chose Yes."

"Host hast chose to proceed..."

"Beginning to scan..."

"Scanning Host..."

"Scanning Successful."

"Host has some Health issues would host like to cure it Y/N?"

"Su-sure," I said

"Beginning to cure..."


"Host is now cured"

"Just like that?" I thought.

"What a weird dream"

"Is the host bothered with this? Then the host could activate auto mode would the host like to proceed Y/N"?

"I want to rest not to have a weird dream so Yes," I said as there is still school tomorrow and work at night.


After that, I continued sleeping.

May 24 2021 5:30 Am

My alarm clock is now ringing, doing its everyday work and I gotta get up.

"Yawn.." I yawned as I stretch my arms and legs.

Something wrong I feel light my body feels light. I looked into my body and what I saw shocked me. 'Did I become thinner?"

I stand up then quickly went to the bathroom and look at the mirror. I take my shirt out and looked at my body.

'I really did become thinner! Though still fat it's not as fast as before!" I said with my face smiling.

Then I suddenly remembered that event and dream last night. 'Was this because of that?"

Just as I was thinking about it suddenly I heard a metallic voice in my head.

"Hello, host," said the metallic voice.

"Ahh!"I was surprised which made me scream and thought am I going coco crazy? Fuck.

The metallic voice then talks again "You're not crazy host. I am a System made by the Creator and you are chosen as the first user."

What I heard made me think again then something came to my mind. "Does that mean I have a system? Like those in the novels I read?


That reply made me almost lost my mind.

After a few minutes, I calmed down and asked. "What can you do? Explain everything"

The System has 6 main functions.


-This is where the host could see his current status.


-This is where the host could take a mission to earn some points or lottery tickets.


-This is where the host is gonna use the lottery tickets. The lottery has 3 levels. The Normal Lottery, Super Lottery, and Mega Lottery.


-This is where the host could use the hard-earned points to buy things.


-This is where the host could store his items space is infinite.

-Multiversal Travel

-This is where the host could choose the world he wants to travel to. Just like the lottery host also needs a ticket for this to be activated or use. The Random Multiversal Ticket, The You Pick Multiversal Ticket, and The Custom Ticket.

I was happy with the system functions till I saw the Multiversal Travel function which made me dumbfounded "I could travel worlds?" I asked stupidly.

"Yes Host," Said the system.

"Haha, I hit a Jackpot." I just stood there smiling like an idiot.

After another while, I asked the system to show me my status.

Name: Kim

Age: 15

Health: 30/30 - Rank G+

Energy: 20/20 - Rank G+

Strength: 8 - Rank G+

Speed: 6 - Rank G+

Endurance: 8 - Rank G+

Intelligence: 7 - Rank G+

Perception 7 -Rank G+

Charisma - Rank G+

Luck - Rank B

Overall Battle Power: 86

Free stat points 0

Normal people is 5

In the system, things are graded from Respectively G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, X, XX, XXX

With 2 Subgrades - and +.

"At the least, I'm higher rank than ordinary people,e and my luck rules."

Then I remembered If I'm the first user there must be a starter pack like in the games and novels.

Thus I asked the system.

"Do I have some kind of starter pack or beginner's gift?" I asked the system.

"Yes, host, it's in the Inventory would the host like to open it?"

"Hell yeah," I said with a smile.


Congratulations to the host for Obtaining...


I wrote this because I'm bored and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there are some errors there.

Please tell me any suggestions if you can!

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