
The Strongest Dark Lord

Follow Lucas Grindelwald, a reincarnated soul who walks a similar path to his adopted father, the infamous Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald. As a good Dark Lord in training, expect a MC with loose morals who has no problem with getting his hands dirty. This is a translation of the fanfic Hogwarts: I, The Strongest Dark Lord Of History. The story will have differences from the mtl version since I will be changing things I don't like or that don't make sense. Subscribe to my Patreon /mysterion901 to read advanced chapters.

Mysteryon · Movies
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275 Chs

Wild Dogs And Werewolves!

England, Yorkshire.

This is one of the poorest areas in England.

In the endless wilderness, a lonely wooden house stands on it.

The cabin is not exquisite, instead it looks like it was made improvised.

"This is really bad. How dare they say that about a kid."

Remus John Lupin.

He was Gryffindor's prefect when he was in school, and even managed to become head boy.

At this moment, he was hiding in a dilapidated wooden house in poverty. All this because of his identity as a werewolf.

As a result, he can only do some odd jobs and barely earn enough money to fill his stomach. He can't even keep muggle jobs because he can't justify his abscense the days close and during the full moon.

"James, Lily, I'm sorry I couldn't take care of him."

Lupin's eyes were full of sadness as he put down the newspaper with news about Harry.

He picked up another one with a huge photo on the front page.

Inside, there was a crazy looking middle-aged man screaming at the camera.

Sirius Black.

His once best friend, later turned traitor, servant of Voldemort.

"Why would you do something like that? Padfoot."

"Moony, long time no see."

The sudden sound startled Remus.

He drew his wand and looked towards the door. Standing by the door was a man with disheveled hair, along with a haggard and emaciated face.

Remus recognized Sirius Black from the mid-length hair and familiar facial features.


"It's me!"

Just as Sirius had finished speaking, a curse flew towards him.

Dodging the spell, Sirius also drew a wand from behind him.

The confrontation between the two used only silent spells as they fought from inside the house to the outside, then from the wilderness to the woods.

Neither of the two spoke, but the manner of attack was extremely vicious.



Two shouts came from the woods and both of their wands were knocked away.

Without wands, they resorted to fighting hand to hand.

One lived in Azkaban for 12 years and was extremely weak and haggard.

The other can't eat enough all the year round, and occasionally endures the torture of turning into a werewolf which is extremely painful and leaves his body feeling weak for days.

A few minutes later, the werewolf Lupin was the one with the upper hand after all.

Looking at Sirius who was being strangled by his hands, Lupin's eyes were full of sadness: "Why did you betray them?"

"I...I didn't..."

"The newspapers made it clear that you blew up a whole street and killed 12 Muggles, and Wormtail!"

"Peter...is still alive..."

"What did you say?" Lupin froze for a moment, and his hands relaxed.

"Speak clearly to me."

"Ahem" Sirius took a few deep breaths of air.

He tossed a photo to Remus, and started rubbing his throat again.

"Don't just look at Harry, look at the rat in the kid's hand next to him."


Remus observed carefully for a long time, and finally noticed the strangeness of the rat.

"This is?"

"Peter Pettigrew, Wormtail, our "good" friend!"

Speaking of Wormtail, Sirius' expression became very fierce.

Then he carefully described what happened more than ten years ago, including Wormtail cutting off his finger, then blowing up the whole street to frame him.

"So James swapped the Secret Keeper for Peter at the last minute? So you didn't betray them?

Seeing Sirius nod, Remus' eyes became very complicated, he didn't know these things at all.

"Man, I'm sorry, I admit that I doubted you more than ten years ago, so I didn't tell you this secret."

Remus shook his head: "Sirius, I can't tell for sure if what you said is true or not."

"I can't believe you just because of a rat with a missing finger."

Hearing this, Sirius became very excited.

He firmly believes that he didn't recognize the wrong person and that rat is definitively Peter Pettigrew.

"Remus, I can prove myself, believe me, as soon as we get to Hogwarts, I can prove everything."

"Stop kidding, Sirius, you're a wanted man, and I'm a werewolf, we can't get into Hogwarts."

Just when the two were going to start arguing again with each other, the sound of an owl came from afar.

Remus took the envelope tied to the owl's foot.

After reading the contents, he glanced at Sirius with complicated eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Sirius didn't know what happened, so he checked himself and seeing his dirty appearance, he frowned.

"Remus, I have been in Azkaban for 12 years."

He thought that Remus was disgusted by him for being too dirty, so he went on to remind the other party of his previous situation.

But just as he finished speaking, he saw Remus handing over the envelope.

"Look by youself."

"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

Sirius looked at his friend in surprise and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Lupin, this is a great opportunity. I think Merlin must be looking after us."

"But I'm a werewolf." Lupine said self deprecatingly.

"Oh man, since Dumbledore invited you, he must have a solution, he is Dumbledore after all."

Remus thought for a moment and looking at his former friend, he nodded.

"I can help you, but if I find out that you are threatening Harry in any way, I will definitely cast a Killing Curse on you."

"From today, you must stay by my side until school starts, and hand over your wand."

"Okay! I promise you."

Sirius was very happy, and handed over the wand readily.

Anyway, he just snatched this wand.

"Moony, do you have anything to eat here, I'm starving to death."

Maybe it's because he can finally take a break, or maybe it's the reunion with his old friend. But Sirius seemed to have returned to his usual unrestrained and happy go lucky appearance.

Although he was a bit embarrassed by his current home, Remus still led Sirius into his cabin, took out some loaves of bread and put them on the table.

Sirius took a mouthful of water and a mouthful of bread, and he ate it all within two minutes.

"Damn it, how could they say that about Harry? Those bastards! Don't let me know who wrote this story or I'll bite his leg off."

After reading the report on Harry in the Daily Prophet, the easily angered Sirius cursed.

As he looked down, the more he read, the angrier he became.

Harry was his godson, so of course Sirius would not be happy to read he was being slandered.

"Oh Moony, we have to help Harry, he must be having a hard time at school, the poor kid."

"Of course, when I enter Hogwarts, I will protect and teach him well."

"Well? And who is this?"

Asked Sirius, pointing to a corner of the newspaper.

Remus glanced at it and read the name: "Lucas Grindelwald."

"Grindelwald? How could Dumbledore recruit such a student, it's way too dangerous for Harry to stay at Hogwarts."

"Now there is not only Wormtail, but also a Grindelwald, Moony, we must protect him, Harry must always be bullied at school."

"Damn Grindelwald, disgusting Slytherin!"

As a member of the Black family, Sirius knew all too well what the last name Grindelwald stood for.

Remus didn't say anything, because he was busy writing an answer to Dumbledore.

After the letter was sent, the two looked at Harry's photo in the newspaper and commented.

"He's really just like James..."

"I think his eyes are like Lily's..."

(Malfoy Manor.)

Professor Snape still had that icy look.

Mr. Malfoy gave up his study to the two, and went to the garden to drink afternoon tea with his wife and children.

"This month's potions, and this is the Wolfsbane potion."

Lucas put away the five bottles of potion, looked at the potions master helplessly and said, "Professor, you have been brewing wolfsbane potion for a long time, why don't you give me some more?"

"When we made our deal, it was agreed that I would only provide one bottle a month, so there is only one bottle. As a businessman, you must be honest and stick to the deal, Mr. Grindelwald."

Lucas sighed for shooting himself in the foot.

"Well, thank you."

Seeing that Snape was still staring at him closely, he suddenly patted his forehead: "I forgot, this is your holy spirit grass."

A carved wooden box appeared in his hand and Professor Snape confirmed that the herbs inside were all right, got up and planned to leave immediately.

"Professor Snape, how about we talk?"

"I don't think there is anything to talk about. I still need to go back to take care of the potions. So I won't keep accompanying you."

"Wait Professor, are you sure you don't want to talk about it? What I want to talk about has something to do with Lily Potter."

Professor Snape, who had already reached the door, stopped abruptly.

He then turned and walked quickly towards Lucas.

With a serious and nervous expression, he asked, "Who told you this name?"

"I don't need anyone to tell me, I just need to ask a little bit to find out, after all, she has a famous son, doesn't she?"

Seeing that Professor Snape didn't speak, Lucas continued: "Now, can we talk?"

"What are you going to talk about?"

"This is not a good place to talk. Why don't you come with me to Grindelwald Manor? It's not far from here."

Snape didn't speak though, but gave his answer with practical actions.

Seeing him walk out of the room quickly, Lucas hastily followed.

Under the gaze of the Malfoy family, the two hurried to an even more luxurious manor not far away.

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